7 ways to store garlic in the winter at home

Garlic has long been an integral ingredient of many dishes and folk recipes. In order to have scented and fresh heads on hand all year round, you need to know how and where to store them at home in the winter.

Table of contents

  • How can you store garlic at home in the winter?
    • Storage in scythes
    • Storage in bundles
    • Using cans and boxes
    • Waxing
    • Storage in bags
    • Storage in a refrigerator in a city apartment
    • Freezing and canning
  • How to properly prepare the crop for storage
  • Problems with storage

How can you store garlic at home in the winter?

There are several common ways to store this vegetable, which allow it to remain fit for human consumption up to and including the harvest of a new crop.

As a rule, the following places are chosen for this:

  • ;
  • balcony;
  • refrigerator;
  • dry places in the apartment.

It is more convenient for owners of private houses to choose a cellar, as there may not always be enough space in the refrigerator.

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The presence of a dry place in the apartment or house is perfect for placing garlic streamers and bunches or hanging the net. Glazed balcony is a great place to “winter” this vegetable in cans and boxes.

Storage in braids

The time-tested method - is a braided braid made from dried heads with a stem. The finished braid is left in a dark and dry room. For this fit a closet or pantry. Garlic braids take up very little space, but they require skill and skill to weave the stems well together.

Storing garlic in scythes

Storage bundled

Heads dried with stems are tied into a bundle with a rope and hung in a dry room. The method is practically no different from the previous one, and the beams can also act as an interior decoration.

Storage of garlic in bunches

Using cans and boxes

Many people choose three-liter cans for wintering vegetables, without falling asleep at all. This allows it to not dry or sprout. Banks must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

It is recommended to use sterilized jars.

To keep the garlic in the box, you need to sprinkle the bottom of it with salt, then lay out part of the heads, sprinkle with salt again and lay out in this way layer by layer. This option allows the vegetable to remain fresh and juicy for a long time.

Garlic stored in

cans Waxing

This method allows you to avoid germination and the appearance of parasites. Waxing is the alternating lowering of young heads in paraffin. It forms a protective film around them, which prevents damage to the product. The term of preservation in a paraffin shell can reach six months.

Refining of garlic

Storage in bags

For this purpose, bags made from natural materials are used. P It is recommended to periodically iterate through the contents of the pouch in order to remove spoiled heads.

In order to reduce the risk of mold and bacteria, you must first soak the garlic in a concentrated saline solution, let it dry, and then place it in a bag.
Garlic heads in a canvas bag

Cold storage in a city apartment

To leave the vegetable in the refrigerator for the winter, its must be dried well, laid out in paper bags and put away from other products.

To prevent damage to the food in the refrigerator, it is recommended to pour the contents of the bags with salt or onion peel.

Freezing and canning

It is possible to freeze both whole peeled cloves wrapped in foil or plastic wrap, and finely chopped to shorten the cooking time when using them. This option is suitable for those who use vegetables in cooking less frequently, as freezing changes the taste and structure of this product.

For preservation, you can use wine or vinegar. To do this, peeled cloves are placed in a jar and filled with dry wine or white vinegar. A tightly closed jar is placed in the fridge. The method allows the garlic does not deteriorate to four months.

Canned garlic for the winter in cans

How to prepare the crop for storage?

Properly conducted preparation is a guarantee that the product will not deteriorate in the winter period in a city apartment.

Wintering preparations should begin at the harvest stage. It is important to know that there are two types of garlic, which determine the timing of its collection:

  • Winter :
    • collection time: end of July;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner, the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack;
    • storage temperature: + 1-3 °;
  • Spring :
    • collection time: first half of August;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn very yellow and begin to bend and lie down on the ground;
    • storage temperature: + 16-20 °.

Digging should be done carefully, since damaged heads deteriorate much faster than whole and are more susceptible to the development of bacteria. For this purpose, forks or shovels are used.

Preparation of garlic for storage - tying together

After digging, garlic must be dried well. Do it better under the open sun. The stems must be cut off, except in cases where weaving braids or bunches is expected.

After harvesting, it is necessary to get rid of all:

  • damaged heads;
  • rotted or infected with bacteria;
  • empty heads.
Garlic that has not come up can be dried and used as a seasoning.

After all the above manipulations, you can proceed with the departure of the vegetable for the winter.

Problems arising during storage

The most important and practically the only problem that may arise during wintering is damage to the heads. It can occur for several reasons.

Primarily, this is a fungus infection. This can be avoided by very careful sorting. Also, the product may deteriorate due to improper storage conditions.

Garlic, improperly prepared for storage, rotted

The following symptoms allow determining the deterioration:

  • an unpleasant odor resembling overcooked garlic;
  • the presence of rotted lobules or entire heads.

In order for garlic to remain usable during the winter season as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly observe the wintering preparation algorithm and the conditions of the method chosen for this purpose.

Saving garlic for the winter at home is quite simple. The main thing is to observe all preparation measures and choose the most suitable way for you. Having fulfilled all the established recommendations, you will be able to please yourself with a tasty and juicy vegetable right up to gathering a new crop.

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