Cabbage Kolobok is a late ripe white variety. It is widely used for its excellent taste, long-term keeping quality and high content of beneficial micro and macro elements.
Contentsand morphological homogeneity. Plants are demanding to the soil. Prefer neutral or alkaline acidity and increased fertility. Poor tolerate the lack of moisture.
Divorced cabbage seedlings method. Planting of young plants is made in 1.5-2 months after sowing the seeds. The harvest ripens amicably. Aging period - 165 days .The collection of produce in late September - early October .
Young plants have a semi-raised compact rosette. Height up to 40 centimeters. Diameter - no more than 55 centimeters. Sheets according to the description of a dark green color, the shape is obovate, the surface is smooth, has a wax coating.
Ripe heads are characterized by high density and even rounded shape. Height is up to 20 centimeters. The weight of one head to 4.5 kg. Outdoor color saturated green hue. Tastes are great.

10-12 kg of crop per square meter. Cabbage has a good presentation. Differs in a long keeping. Suitable for fresh consumption, fermentation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Kolobok has become widespread among gardeners due to the large number of advantages.
The advantages of the variety and its hybrids include:
- high taste;
- yield;
- resistance to diseases and pests( especially Fusarium);
- keeping quality and transportability;
- product appearance.
Of the drawbacks, it should be noted demanding to the composition of the soil and irrigation .Plants do not tolerate the increased acidity of the soil and require fertilization. The lack of watering leads to a decrease in the growth rate of plants.

. Useful properties of the
It contains large amounts of biotin, rutin, choline, vitamin K .From micro and macro elements are present iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, iodine, honey, selenium, chromium .
Regular consumption of cabbage contributes to:
- normalization of digestion;
- prevention of scurvy;
- bowel improvement;
- cleanse the body of toxins;
- Thyroid Disease Prevention;
- withdrawal of hangover;
- splitting carbohydrates.
Cabbage juice and leaf are widely used in traditional medicine for the prevention of constipation, hemorrhoids, wound healing and treatment of ulcers.

Soil preparation and site selection
Cabbage belongs to light-requiring frost-resistant plant varieties. The optimum daytime temperature is 18 degrees. Higher temperature plants endure badly. In connection with this, lighted fertile areas are selected for planting.
Site preparation is carried out in the autumn. It is to adjust the acid-base environment.
Liming is produced at the rate of 3.5 kg per square meter. The substances used are chalk, lime ash, slaked lime. In the spring, organic fertilizer is produced.
Preparation of seedlings
Kolobok is bred by by seedlings .Sowing of seeds is carried out in the first decade of March. In the case of sowing directly in the soil in a greenhouse or under the film - in the early to mid-April.
For breeding Kolobok by the seedling method, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. On 7 parts of peat, 2 parts of humus and 1 part of sod and mullein are used.

Seedlings are prepared in several stages.
- Hardening of seeds .To do this, they are sequentially soaked in warm water( +50 degrees) for 20 minutes, then placed in the cold for 2 minutes.
- Sowing seeds .Seeds are buried in prepared containers of 1 cm. After sowing, water or spray the top layer of soil with a spray gun. The first week the seedlings are kept at a temperature of +6 to +12 degrees, then transferred to a room heated to +20 degrees.
- Plant picking .At the stage of 2 leaves seedlings dive with a distance of 6 centimeters between the roots.
- Landing .Plants are planted in the ground no less than 1.5 months.
The seedless method involves sowing seeds directly into the soil under a film. He allows to achieve more dense and large heads.
Features of
agrotechnics Care for cabbage should be divided into two periods:
- in the first two weeks after planting;
- at a later time.

are planted in the open ground in the first half - mid-May of .The optimum daily temperature 12-18 degrees .Cabbage belongs to frost-resistant plants, so the seedlings can withstand short frosts.
Plants are buried to the bottom of the leaves. If the plot is chosen sunny, then the seedlings need to be shaded. Watering is done 2-3 times a day for the first 2-3 weeks. After each watering is loosening the soil and hilling bushes. Soil moistening is stopped 2 weeks before cutting heads.
Subsequently, water the plants abundantly as needed. Grade Kolobok badly tolerates the lack of moisture .For this reason, the soil must be constantly moistened. The best is 10 l / 1 m.
Cabbage requires dressing 3-4 times per season:
- The first stage is carried out 20 days after transplanting;
- second - 10 days after the first feeding;
- third - 10 days after 2 feeding;
- fourth - 20 days before harvest.
For the first two stages of fertilizing, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers. For the third, suitable compounding compositions recommended for cabbage. The fourth dressing is recommended potash-nitrogen fertilizers.

Diseases and pests
Cabbage Kolobok is genetically resistant to most common diseases:
- gray rot;
- white rot;
- mucous and vascular bacteriosis;
- fusarium wilt;
- Alternaria;
- necrosis.
Experts note that the variety is susceptible to , as well as , and may also be damaged by by the red fly .To combat using complex drugs against pests or traditional methods in the form of solutions of ash or ash-tobacco mixture with pepper.
Also reduce the impact of pests allows watering over the head during the period of its formation. Water washes away the larvae from the sheet and cleans its surface.

Harvesting and storing the crop
Kolobok is a late-seasoned cabbage variety. Harvesting occurs together. The main signs of aging include:
- hardness and elasticity of heads;
- termination of weight gain;
- yellowing of the lower leaves.
The harvest of in September or October of in dry, sunny weather is considered optimal. Cabbage tolerates transportation and is subject to long-term storage in a cool, dark room.
Kobolok is a grateful variety of cabbage. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology allows you to achieve a bountiful harvest, which will persist for a long time.