Why home amaryllis does not bloom?

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From distant countries, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese sailors carried unusual plants, jewels and spices. So, in 1714, amaryllis bulbs first appeared in Europe. First, tall flower stalks appeared over the planted plants, then pink tubular flowers of amaryllis opened on their tops, and the whole surrounding area was shrouded in a floral fragrance.

An exotic flower crop quickly became popular, and the bulbs from South Africa set off around the world. The ease of growing and simplicity attracted flower growers in many countries. But not always the plants pleased their owners with regular flowering. Enthusiasts who groomed and cherished the bulbs in the greenhouses, and gardeners who tried to achieve flowers in the open field, often complained that amaryllis does not bloom, but only produces dense green leaves.

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Since then, many years have passed, the plant has revealed all its secrets, but even now, for some lovers of indoor crops, amaryllis seems to be capricious and stubborn.

In fact, this is not entirely true. If you know some features of the plant and take into account its origin, the flowers of amaryllis will be pleased with its appearance and amazing aroma with enviable constancy.

Homemade amaryllis from South Africa

Question: “How to make amaryllis blossom?” A lot of minds were concerned. The whole secret is that the plant must imitate conditions close to its natural.

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Wild-growing amaryllis are plants with a pronounced growing season and a mandatory rest period. The first signs of bulb activity, dormant parts of spring and all summer, manifest in March - the first autumn month in the southern hemisphere. It is at this time that the rains begin, the temperature reaches a comfortable 20-25 ° C, and the rocky slopes are covered with lush inflorescences, consisting of 6-12 large pink flowers.

Amaryllis bloom lasts up to six weeks, then the inflorescences fade, and leathery elongated leaves that grow all winter and spring take their place. The dying off of the foliage speaks of preparing Amaryllis for a period of rest.

For a good state of health, homemade amaryllis is created with conditions similar to those of a plant in nature:

  1. From the moment of formation of the peduncle until the last flower is tied up, the crop is watered as soon as the surface layer of the soil dries out, and twice a month is fed with a complex remedy.
  2. The gap between flowering and leaf formation is used to transplant the bulb and separate the children from it.
  3. Watering is reduced when foliage begins to grow, and stop with its death.
  4. Amaryllis spends a rest period at a temperature of +9 ° C.The temperature is not increased until the plant shows signs of growth again.

If amaryllis does not bloom, you need to understand the possible reasons for this and try to correct the situation. The rudiments of inflorescences in the depths of the bulbs are laid at least for the season before the upcoming flowering.

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In nature, culture prefers illuminated ventilated places with drained soil. At home, it is suitable soil mixture consisting of 2 parts of peat, the same amount of loam, one part of perlite or sand. On 6 liters of such a substrate, a glass of bone meal is mixed in and an onion is planted so that most of it remains above the ground. At the same time, homemade amaryllis does not tolerate overwetting, but easily tolerates drought.


lack of flowers causes Amaryllis can refuse to form buds if the order established by nature is disrupted, for example:

  • place the plant in inappropriate humidity or temperature conditions;
  • deepen the bulb when planting;
  • land in a dense substrate preventing the growth of the root system.

Amaryellis, a shady home, can also make its owner jittery because of the deteriorating quality of flowering. As a result of a prolonged lack of light, the number of buds is reduced, the amaryllis flowers visibly shrink.

Transferring the plant from the shade to the sun will help you enjoy more lush inflorescences next year.

A situation where amaryllis flowers are much smaller than a year ago, or if the flower stem has not developed at all, can be observed by the florist if:

  • bulb has been exposed to freezing temperatures;
  • plant depleted due to the large number of developed, but not yet separated children;
  • green pet did not have a full recovery.

When the inflorescences wither and leaves appear, the bulbous plants actively replenish the expended forces. This is not only due to the production of nutrients from the soil, but also through the photosynthesis processes provided by the leaves. And this time, and the subsequent period of rest for Amaryllis is extremely important.

For a better flowering, Amaryllis plants should go through a full annual cycle, and experienced growers are advised not to cut off slightly withered foliage, but wait until it dries and dies naturally.

Sometimes the question: “Why do home blooming amaryllis not bloom?” Are asked by flower growers, who last year enjoyed a particularly large number of rosebuds. Usually an adult bulb gives a single flower stalk. When two powerful inflorescences are swinging over the ground, this can be a serious load for a plant. Obviously, the onion that worked well last year failed to fully recover and took a kind of “vacation”.Amaryllis behave in a similar way, which in the previous season not only bloomed, but also produced seeds or children.

Read also: We Grow Amaryllis Homes

It does not matter if amaryllis is not blooming, the bulbs of which have not reached the age of 3-6 years. Such plants have not yet accumulated the necessary forces and did not form bud buds. Quite young specimens do not hibernate at home, so they, unlike adult Amaryllis, are kept warm throughout the year, watered and fed, waiting for growing up.

If the bulb subsequently receives proper care, watering and feeding, there is nothing to worry about. In the future, amaryllis will once again please with an abundance of pink fragrant flowers.

Agrotechnical rules for the care of amaryllis - video

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