Avgjort i landet blackberry giganten

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Blackberry Giant. This perennial shrub belongs to the Rosaceae family. If properly care for the plant, over time, it will thank you for the most delicious berries.

Description of the blackberry variety Giant

The variety Giant is rich in fruiting. The yield of blackberries from one bush is about 30 kg of berries. Another advantage of this variety is resistance to low temperatures( up to -30 ° C).This means that it is possible to grow blackberries in the south and in the north.

Blackberry Giant is often confused with Bedford Giant Blackberry. The only difference is the size of the berries.

A tall bush has powerful shoots 1.5-2.5 meters long. In early summer, the stems are covered with large white buds. So late flowering provides good yields, because by this time there are almost no severe frosts. The plant bears fruit in the second year, in the period from July to September. Combined drupes have an elongated conical shape. In the process of ripening, the color of the berries changes: from green to rich brown. Absolutely ripe fruits get a glossy black and purple peel.

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Description of the advantages of blackberry Giant:

  • juice - rich, dark red color;
  • sweet pleasant taste with light sourness;
  • juicy flesh;
  • pronounced blackberry flavor.

Mature fruits can be eaten fresh and used for processing. Blackberry is perfect for freezing for the winter, as well as for making jams and preserves. They are a good addition to compotes, baked goods and other desserts.

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Avid brassheads compete in the preparation of fragrant liqueurs. The berry of this culture is a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, improves the metabolic processes in the body. Since blackberry juice has antiseptic properties, it is often used for wound healing.

Among so many advantages, there is a place for the only drawback - the plant is very fond of moisture and, therefore, vulnerable to dry soil. An insufficient amount of liquid significantly reduces its yield and can lead to death.

Planting blackberries

Competent planting and proper care of the bushes, will provide you with useful berries right up until the next harvest. Planting seedlings carried out in spring and autumn. It is best to plant the seedlings after the winter, before the beginning of the vegetative period. During the season, the root system will have time to get well, which will help the bush to easily transfer the harsh winter. It is allowed to plant blackberries a couple of weeks before the frosts, but not later, in order to protect it from death. Late disembarkation is practiced in regions with a gentle warm autumn.

Saplings can be planted in cassettes for the whole season.

Blackberry Gigant - this is a variety that can not normally develop in the shade. Choosing a place for a plant, pay attention to well-lightening warm areas with light penumbra. The situation is simpler with the soil, in this respect the Giant is not whimsical and feels good in loams( weakly acid reaction). But in spite of this, it is not recommended to abuse heavy clay and wetlands, as this may harm the plant.

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At present, specialty stores offer a large selection of blackberry seedlings, but in order to get a bountiful harvest you need to know which plants are best to acquire. For example, experienced gardeners, advised to pay attention to the age of the stems and buy several summer bushes with a powerful root system. In one-year-olds, the stems are thinner and the roots are small, and in a two-year-old blackberry( 40 cm high) it has at least three roots of 15 cm each.

Growing and caring for blackberries Giant

Despite the fact that the Giant variety is not whimsical in care, it is necessary to comply with the technology.

The main sign of dried seedlings is shriveled bark and brown flesh.

Watering. The root system is quite deep, so watering should be done every seven days. It is imperative to adhere to this condition during flowering and ripening. Under one bush should be poured about one bucket of water.

Feeding. Black soil should be fertilized in the spring and only with nitrogen compounds( urea in the ratio of 10 grams per 5 liters of water).It is recommended to feed the poor soil with Kemira Plus( 20 grams per 10 l).During the period of active growth of the fruit, it is recommended to pay attention to fertilizing potassium sulfate in the amount of 30 grams per 10 liters of water. One square meter of plants should use no more than six liters of concentrate. A good alternative to minerals is ash( 200 grams / sq. Meter).In the fall, the soil is enriched with superphosphate( 35 g / 1 m2), nitrophosphate( 30g / 1 m2), potassium sulfate( 30 g / 1 m2).Do not forget about organic matter: in summer - mullein and chicken manure, in autumn - humus.

A third of a successful harvest is directly dependent on the feeding system.

Installation support. To make this type of blackberry look beautiful and give a good harvest, you should take care of support. The installation of such structures will solve the problem of the formation of fungal infection and will ensure a uniform arrangement of the shoots.

Read also: White currant - growing medicinal and tasty berries on your site

Shaping the bush and preparing for winter

Forming a berry bush it is important to remember that it bears fruit in the second year of its life. In the first season, an active growth and budding is observed. The second year is the immediate harvest and the dying off of the kidney. Therefore, on the eve of frosts, should be carefully pruned bushes - weak shoots are removed, and those that pleased with the berries - completely removed. The result is a bush of 8-10 strong twigs, with a fan formation. After wintering, old shoots open and vertically fixed on the trellis.

Despite the fact that this variety is frost-resistant, experienced gardeners still recommend warming the bush. This is done as follows: shoots are stacked on the ground, sprinkled with straw and agrofibre( you can have roofing paper, corn leaves, sawdust).

Now that you know all the subtleties of the care and cultivation of the Blackberry Giant, you can get a bountiful harvest of incredibly tasty and healthy berries. It is enough to follow the basic rules and your garden will be replenished with a unique plant.

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