.Chamomile garden - the favorite flower of Russian summer residents. Several dozen species of herbaceous perennials in nature can be found in all climatic zones, except for the tropics, ice and deserts. Flower culture attracts with its massive and long flowering, simple care and the ability to plant and propagate the variety that they like without much experience. Read about the landing of a primrose perennial and care for it with a photo.
Description of a garden perennial daisy
For the decoration of flower beds use the brightest large-flowered plants. For the first time, daisies were interested in flower growers more than two hundred years ago, therefore, over time, many cultivated varieties have appeared. And although perennial garden daisies can be of different heights, have different flowering periods and the shape of inflorescences, all daisies have much in common. First of all, it is the recognizable form of the inflorescence-basket, the core of which consists of small tubular flowers of yellow color, and the frame - of false-tongued petals.
Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, semi-and terry varieties of garden chamomile have become available to gardeners.
Compared with wild specimens in cultivated perennials:
- flowers are larger;
- bud formation is much more active;
- bloom longer;
- may reappear in the second half of summer.
Pictured in the photo garden chamomile, Leucanthemum vulgare or Leucanthemum maximum in the people most often referred to as nivyanik or cemetery. In early spring, a socket of oblong basal leaves appears above the soil. When inflorescences appear on faceted, upright stems, plant height can vary from 20 to 80 cm. Depending on the variety, the diameter of the inflorescences can reach from 3 to 10 cm.
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Reproduction of garden chamomile by dividing the bush
Planted on the site chamomile grows well, form curtains, which retain decorative elements outside the flowering and resemble green pillows. However, after several years perennial rejuvenation is required, otherwise the inflorescences become smaller every year, the foliage becomes shallow and weaker.
Perennial garden chamomile propagated by seed and vegetative means. If these beautiful flowers are already growing in the flowerbeds, it is enough to divide the adult curtain into several.
It is best to plant perennials in the first half of autumn, dividing the plant into parts so that each has a part of strong rhizome and several points of growth. The soil for planting chamomile should be dug up, cleared of weeds and moistened:
- The hole is dug a little more than the root system.
- The plant in the planting pit is at the same level, having previously spread the rhizomes.
- The hole is covered with soil, which is compacted and watered.
As the seeds from the faded baskets do not convey the features of the parent plants, vegetative reproduction is indispensable if you want to get young curtains of any varietal garden chamomile.
The more often curtains rejuvenate, the more effective their flowering and larger inflorescences. However, a spring transplant can delay or cancel the appearance of buds.
Sowing garden perennial chamomile and planting it in the ground
Chamomile seeds have excellent winter hardiness, so you can sow them both in spring and before winter. Autumn sowing not only saves precious spring time, but also ensures natural stratification. This means that the shoots will be more friendly and strong.
Spring reproduction of garden chamomile seeds is possible in two ways:
- sowing in thawed, dug and loosened open ground;
- sowing at home for seedlings, which in the warm season is transferred to a flower bed.
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In the second case, the plants turn out stronger, they bloom earlier and by the time they manage to form a lush strong outlet for winter. Planting chamomile garden seedlings is carried out in the second half of February or in March. For sowing, they take a light, friable substrate based on sand, garden soil, and peat. Seeds of several pieces laid out in seedling tanks or peat pots filled with moistened soil. Above sprinkled with a thin layer of the same substrate.
Sowing should be kept under the film or glass and at high humidity until the emergence of shoots, that is, 10–15 days. Then the trays are transferred to the light and the shelter is removed. If necessary, arrange additional lighting for 14 hours a day, otherwise the seedlings are strongly stretched and weakened.
A picking is performed when the garden chamomile seedlings reveal 2–4 true leaves and are about 5 cm high. For active tillering, the main stem can be pinched.
One and a half or two months after sowing, young plants are placed in open ground on previously prepared sunny areas without stagnation of water and with neutral acidity of the soil.
Garden chamomiles are planted in the prepared soil, which is not only dug up, but also loosened. Weed plants are carefully selected from the soil, and a complex fertilizer for decorative flower crops is introduced to feed the seedlings.
It is more convenient to transfer seedlings with a clod of earth without damaging the root system. In this case, the holes dig a little more than the size of the containers, and the intervals are carefully covered with soil, compacted and watered. Although the plants are still small, they have to grow strongly, so leave between the seedlings from 20 to 40 cm, depending on the variety of garden chamomile and the design of flower beds. The first flowering of plants planted with seeds and seedlings should be expected only in a year.
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Taking care of garden chamomile after planting
All types of chamomile, including garden, are light-requiring. They do not tolerate the proximity of groundwater and growing in dense, caking soil.
But at the same time, perennials favorite by florists are very undemanding to care and can grow even on poor soils of humus, endure drought and not be afraid of serious attacks by pests.
However, after planting chamomile garden, care for them should be attentive and systematic. Young plants need frequent until rooting, watering. The flowers firmly settled in the new place are no longer so tender, and they are watered only in hot dry weather.
The time for irrigation is chosen so that water droplets in the sun do not play the role of lenses and do not cause ugly burns on the leaves and inflorescences.
In order to preserve soil moisture for a longer time, the root zone is mulched with peat. In addition, the flowerbed is regularly weeded, and the surface layer of the earth is loosened.
Although garden chamomiles are very unpretentious, lush flowering can be achieved only if the plants get enough nutrition. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the roots in the spring. Faded inflorescences necessarily cut together on the stem. This will help keep the plant strong and permanently decorate the area with white chamomile lace.
When flowering ends, the care of flowers does not stop. Closer to the autumn, adult curtains are divided, all old, dead parts are removed, peduncles and dry leaves are cut out.
If the soil at the site is sour, in the fall it should be deoxidized with dolomite flour or lime.
Chamomiles are frost-resistant, but they can freeze out in winters with little snow, so clumps before the cold are cut to the ground and densely sprinkled with peat, lapnik or other suitable material.
Video about the perennial garden daisy