What kind of nephrolepis will grow at home?

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home If you want to put in their unusual plant, such as ferns, then Nephrolepis to grow at home is the best fit for the occasion. It not only looks spectacular and beautiful, but also has useful properties.

Description of the plant

The natural habitat of nephrolepis is the tropical forests of southeast Asia, Africa and America. And now, for many years, it belongs to the indoor plants.

This genus of fern has such a useful property as the purification of ambient air. It absorbs toxic substances( toluene and formaldehyde) and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, very often nephrolepis can be found in medical institutions.

Nephrolepis species include about 40 different ferns, but only some of them are suitable for growing at home.

Nephrolepis sublime. grows in the tropics of Southeast Asia, both on land and on a woody substrate. Once feathery leaves can reach a length of 70 cm, have a bright light green color and serrate-gorodny edge. This species is the most popular for home growing.

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Nephrolepis Boston. The species was bred in the USA.The leaves of this fern can be double-, tridi- and four-leafy.

Nephrolepis is cardiovascular. Is another popular species among fans of indoor plants. It has a characteristic feature on the surface shoots in the form of bloated formations resembling tubers in appearance. The leaves grow vertically, the segments of the leaf blade are more dense.

Nephrolepis xiphoid. Central America is the homeland of this type of nephrolepis for home cultivation. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of very long leaves that can reach two meters. Because of this, nephrolepis xiphoid is most often suitable for growing in equipped greenhouses.


Nephrolepis are fairly unpretentious plants, however, it is important to observe certain conditions.

Illumination. Ferns prefer diffused light, so the windows to the west or east are the ideal habitat for it. Avoid direct sunlight, otherwise burns on the leaves may occur.

Temperature. This is quite a thermophilic genus of tropical ferns, so the optimum temperature for its cultivation ranges from + 20-23 ° C.

In winter, the temperature should not drop below + 13 ° C, and the plant should not be left in a draft.

Watering. Watering the fern must be quite abundant, especially in the hot season. Water should be at room temperature. You can also pour water into the pan of a flower pot.

Humidity. Like many ferns, nephrolepis prefers relatively high humidity - about 50-60%.

The plant should not be located near heating devices.

Transplantation and reproduction of

Nephrolepis can be propagated for growing at home in two ways:

  1. Using shoots. When transplanting a large adult plants can be divided. To this end, the top of a young shoot is sprinkled with earth in a nearby pot, as soon as new leaves and roots form in it, an adult plant and shoot can be planted.
  2. Using division of rhizome. To do this, find individual shoots that have their points of growth, separate them from the adult plant and plant in pots. Be sure to create a high humidity and maintain a temperature of about + 15-18 ° C.
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Like other fern species, nephrolepis is transplanted in the spring every two or three years. It is best to choose pots made of plastic, rather wide and shallow containers. Be sure to need expanded clay for drainage. The soil for ferns should be light: coniferous soil or peat will do. You can add quite a bit of bone meal( about 5-7 g per 1 kg of the substrate).

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Pest control and diseases controlTo combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with insecticidal agents such as Actellic or Aktara.

Among the diseases in the fern of the genus Nephrolepis, the most common:

  • dry leaf - more watering of the plant or a higher level of humidity in the room is required;
  • leaves fall off, coagulate or change color - you need to increase the air temperature, remove the plant from drafts and water only with standing, warm water;
  • dry, brown spots( burns) appear on the leaves - the plant should be removed to a more shaded place.

As you can see, the fern Nephrolepis is a fairly undemanding plant, the care of which does not cause much trouble. But under certain conditions, this plant will please with its unusual appearance for more than one year.

Video - Nephrolepis home

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