Proper transplantation of tomato seedlings in the greenhouse

Growing early tomatoes is always associated with certain difficulties, especially if beginners do it. Experienced gardeners know firsthand about the pickiness of tomatoes, and why share useful information with those who need it. With good care and constant attention tomatoes after transplanting in the greenhouse will give a rich harvest.

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  • to get ready for the

    to get ready for the greenhouse of polycarbonate

    Compliance with the timing and good seedlings - a guarantee that the transplant work done correctly. Otherwise, the seedlings will settle down for a long time, to hurt and bear fruit poorly.

    Planting dates depend on several factors to consider:

    • growing region;
    • weather conditions;
    • greenhouse type;
    • variety of tomatoes.

    starts transplanting seedlings to greenhouses at the end of April. .During this period, the landing is made in unheated greenhouses from the film. In the greenhouse polycarbonate planting work, you can start

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    a week earlier .As for greenhouses with heating, is transplanted to seedlings in the last days of March and early April by .In the middle lane and in the south of Russia, these terms are ideally suited.

    Transplantation of seedlings in greenhouses starts at the end of April.

    There will be no problems in these regions, since the seedlings have enough heat for the growing season. In Siberia, the Moscow and Leningrad regions, transplanting ahead of time is a risky undertaking. You can shift the time when you are sure that all the necessary conditions are inside and there is heating.

    To get seedlings on time for early transplantation, seeds are sown 60 days before planting.

    Proper transplantation of tomato seedlings

    The work on transplanting seedlings starts with soil preparation is a very important process. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve success in growing tomatoes.

    In order to avoid contamination of the soil by pests and diseases, it is not recommended to plant tomatoes in one place for several years in a row. The place you need to change , the best predecessors will become - cucumbers .

    Mandatory measures to prepare the soil inside the greenhouses:

    1. must be supplied with the nutrients , which are contained in universal fertilizers or humus.
    2. In order to fill the soil with nutrients over the winter, the preparatory work begins in the fall.
    3. In the autumn, organic fertilizer is added to a loosened garden bed. For every 1 m² will need 8-9 kg of fertilizer.
    4. In spring, the soil is loosened, superphosphate and potassium sulphate are added according to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer.
    5. If the soil has an increased acidity, add ash wood .
    Organic matter must be added to the wells or garden beds before planting.

    Tomato bushes are transplanted when the greenhouse soil warms up to an temperature of 15-16 degrees , approximately in early May. To speed up this process, in addition the soil can be covered with a film. The sun will warm the greenhouse, and covering material will allow the soil to warm up faster.

    If the greenhouse with heating - these measures are not necessary. Additional heating will create a comfortable environment for early vegetables.

    You can get an early harvest thanks to agrotechnical methods of speeding up the ovary and maturation.

    Tips for preparing the greenhouse for planting

    Preparatory work for the new season should begin in the fall. During the vegetative season, many pests and diseases accumulate inside the greenhouse. If they are not destroyed, they will begin to destroy the planted vegetables with new forces.

    Preparations for the new season consist of the following stages:

    • removal of plant residues from the greenhouse;
    • remove supports( twine), which were tied up with plants;
    • partially topcoat or completely replace the primer;
    • to produce treatment of greenhouse with a solution of hydrated bleach;
    • to conduct disinfection of inside with Climate or Fas;
    • metal greenhouses to avoid the formation of corrosion paint ;
    • wooden parts to process 5% solution of iron sulphate;
    • unglazed greenhouses cover with film, eliminate damage;
    • The final stage of the preparatory work - soil preparation.
    You can use a checker to disinfect the greenhouse. Climate
    Conduct a revision of the greenhouse design, check the fixings that are out of order to replace.

    Treatment of beds and soil

    The contents of the beds change or partially fill with new soil to a depth of 10 cm , disarm the land, loosen and fertilize. Check the integrity of fences, if any. The bed should be fully prepared for planting seedlings.

    If the greenhouse is made of glass or polycarbonate and is heated, it is possible to transplant tomatoes much before the specified dates( at the onset of stable weather).Therefore, it is so important to carry out preparatory work on the beds in advance, before transplanting the seedlings, so that everything will be ready in the spring.

    Preparing seedlings for planting

    1. Tomato seedlings for 7-10 days before moving is fed with fertilizers.
    2. It is necessary to provide the bushes with airing of the last for 3-4 days , so that the plants get accustomed to non-room conditions.
    3. For 1-2 days, should be watered well before planting so that the soil is well hydrated. Thus, it will be easier to go out of the soil roots.
    4. Bring boxes with bushes for a few hours inside the greenhouse so that it gets used to the new conditions.

    According to the advice, the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouse cultivation in the far northern regions - Verlioka, Arctic, Yamal, in the south of the country - Taman, pink Salad, Shiva.

    The Taman variety is recommended for growing in a greenhouse in the south of the country.

    According to which scheme you can replant

    Most often the beds inside greenhouses are organized along, their width is 0.5-1 m .The number of beds depends on the size of the greenhouse. Between the beds should be a passage. As for the planting scheme, it depends on the variety of tomatoes.

    1. Low-growing bushes transplanted according to the type of chess order. Distance between rows 0.5 m , bushes 30-35 cm .
    2. Shrubs that have one stem( determinant and stem varieties) can be planted thicker at not less than 20 cm .
    3. Tall bushes like chess order, the distance between plants should be 70-80 cm .

    Conventional varieties are traditionally planted at a distance from each other 35 cm .Be careful with the scheme, too densely planted bushes will not give a good harvest, they can rot or get sick.

    How to spud a tomato

    After a transplant, a plant experiences a state of stress, even if all the rules are followed, the bushes need rest.

    Spud tomatoes should be as soon as they take root well and start sprouting .Earlier this hilling can not be done, because you can damage the roots. In addition to watering, tomatoes need airing and feeding over time. After 3-4 days the plants will need some kind of support or twine to tie the bushes to it.

    Compliance with existing rules among gardeners at first glance may seem superfluous. However, as practice shows, the phased preparatory work for transplantation allows you to grow a decent crop of early tomatoes.

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