Detailed description of a cucumber variety Finger( Boy with a finger f1)

The cucumber variety called is a relatively innovative variety, which immediately after appearance confidently took the leading position in the market. We owe the appearance of this type of cucumber to Volgograd breeders and directly to the author V. Shefatov.

Table of contents

  • Description of a cucumber variety Finger( Boy with a finger f1) ASA12204D-A-1-year-olds Countertops.Mature crunchy fruits are ready within 40-45 days after the seeds have germinated.

    Ripe vegetables have excellent taste characteristics. The purpose of their diverse .Juicy and fragrant crispy fruits can be enjoyed fresh after a long winter, and you can successfully use them for winter harvesting.

    The fruits are neat and identical in size, look very nice in jars salted or pickled.

    The presentation of vegetables is excellent, transportable abilities are also good, which makes it possible to grow them not only in personal plots for personal use, but also on an industrial scale.

    Vegetables are stored for a long time and are resistant to yellowing of fruits.

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    According to the description, the plant is genetically resistant to many diseases, including such common as downy mildew.

    The culture is drought-resistant and cold-resistant , does not respond to temperature extremes, tolerates both cold fall and summer heat.

    The variety ripens early, the fruits are stored for a long time, their purpose is universal

    The fruits are in the shape of a cylinder, small in size, the length of vegetables does not exceed 12 cm, and the weight is not more than 120 grams .Roughness rare, but large. The flesh is dense and juicy with a pronounced aroma.

    The content of bushes is average. The leaves are heart-shaped bright green.

    Variety yield Boy with a finger impressive .Observing all the rules and recommendations for the care of one square meter, it is really possible to collect at least 7 kg of fragrant and juicy crispy cucumbers.

    The advantages and disadvantages of cucumbers

    The variety of cucumbers The finger has many advantages:

    1. Decent yields.
    2. Excellent fruit taste characteristics.
    3. Genetically conditioned lack of bitterness in vegetables and soft skin of vegetables.
    4. Long harvest time( up to 60 days).
    5. Early ripening.
    6. Long shelf life of ripe vegetables.
    7. Good transportable ability.
    8. Presentable appearance of vegetables.
    9. Can be used in raw and processed form.
    10. High resistance to various diseases and pests, including the most common - downy mildew.
    11. Easy to grow and care.
    12. Good resistance to cold and drought.
    13. Possibility of growing culture in different regions.
    14. Possibility of growing both in open soil and in hotbeds.

    There are no deficiencies in this varietal variety.

    The variety has many advantages, has no disadvantages at all.

    Features of planting

    Planting cucumbers The finger does not require special skills and intricacies, and even just beginner growers can do it.

    To do this, you only need to follow simple rules and guidelines :

    1. You can plant seeds in two ways: seed and seedling.
    2. Plants are planted in open ground in late May or early June.
    3. Seeds must first be prepared.
    4. The soil must have good breathability.
    5. Fertilization is mandatory.
    6. Seeds deepen into the soil by no more than 2-3 cm.
    7. The seedlings must be 25 cm high and have 4-5 true leaflets on it.
    To grow cucumbers can be both seed and seedling method

    Now let's dwell on the rules for planting in open ground. Soil needs to be prepared since the fall of .

    For this, the plot is removed from weeds and is applied with humus, or any organic fertilizer, and only then dug up. In spring, you can also feed the soil with organic fertilizer.

    Immediately before planting seeds, the soil should be properly loosened.

    Certain requirements for also exist for seed: seed must be prepared.

    You can buy ready-made glazed seeds, they are much more expensive, but these seeds are already decontaminated and soaked with growth activators.

    You can prepare the seed yourself .For this, seeds are first kept in a solution of potassium permanganate, then they are germinated in a warm humid environment( in gauze or cotton bags).

    After these procedures, the germinated seeds must be hardened, bringing them to the cold. After such procedures, you can safely proceed to the landing of the material in open soil.

    In the open soil, it is necessary to plant seeds only after full completion of night frosts. The temperature of the soil should also warm up at least 15-18 degrees.

    In order to warm up the soil faster, you can pre-cover the area with agrofibre.

    Sow the seeds according to the scheme 50 × 30 cm to a depth of no more than 3 cm and gently pull down the flooded soil.

    Seeds decontaminate, germinate, harden and plant

    . Features of care

    Any variety of cucumbers loves order. Beds with cucumbers should be regularly weed , remove weeds, loosen.

    Cucumbers consist of 90% water, so they need regular watering. It is necessary to carry out watering in the evening hours with warm distilled water.

    Do not allow excessive stagnation of water, it is fraught with rotting root system.

    The plant grows up to 2.5 meters and needs the obligatory garter. For these purposes, trellis, mesh or any other support.

    In order to increase yields, should be regularly fertilized with an crop. Especially careful care of cucumbers will be required in the first two weeks after germination. During this period, the plant needs top dressing with nitrogen-containing agents.

    It is strictly forbidden for to ferment culture with chlorine-containing preparations.

    During the flowering period, it is necessary to fertilize the culture with phosphoric dressings. And when the active growing season begins, the plants need nitrogen and potash fertilizers.

    In the first two weeks after emergence, cucumbers require nitrogen supplements.

    Diseases and pests

    This type of cucumber is very resistant to various diseases and not very susceptible to damage by insects.

    But calciferous fungal infections of the plant are quite possible .To avoid such trouble, you should not too wet the soil.

    For the prevention of various diseases, it is also recommended that plants be regularly sprayed with an infusion of potato hawthorn, or an infusion of beet-leaf foliage.

    Such infusions are avoided by ticks and caterpillars , and your plant will be safe and sound.

    Harvesting and Storage

    The high yield of the variety contributes to frequent harvesting. You need to collect ripe fruit no less than every other day, or two .

    Overgrown fruits lose their excellent taste. Store vegetables in a cool place .

    Finger cucumbers will provide you and your family with an excellent harvest of excellent quality vegetables that are suitable for fresh consumption and for winter harvesting.

    In order to grow excellent cucumbers, it is only important to follow the above recommendations.

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