How to plant carrots and beets seeds

Carrots are often used by housewives to prepare different dishes, baby food is made from it, and vegetables are included in the diet and medical diet. This is due to the rich vitamin composition and a large amount of carotene, which is necessary for healthy skin, mucous membranes and overall immunity. Therefore, to take a good harvest from the beds, it means regularly to replenish the body with vitamins A, B, C, E and others with useful substances, it is only important to properly plant the vegetable on the site with seeds.


  • Terms for planting carrots and beets in open ground in Siberia and in the Urals
  • Proper preparation of seeds for sowing, so that
  • ascended faster to prepare the bed for planting seeds
  • planting
    • Watering
    • Feed
    • Weeding and loosening
  • Pest prevention

Timing for planting carrots and beets in open ground in Siberia and the Urals

The main guideline in determining the timing ofki carrots and beets in the open ground are the climatic characteristics of the region. In the south, landing begins as soon as the night temperature ceases to fall below the mark of

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6-8 degrees , and the daily temperature will be higher than 10-12 degrees .

This period falls on the end of March - beginning of April .In Siberia and the Urals, planting is planned from April 25 to May 15, but it is not necessary to hurry, the probability of night frosts is still high. In any case, it is worth adhering to an important sign of the readiness of the land for seeding - the temperature of the soil should not be below 4 degrees .

When sowing seeds, the temperature of the soil should be above 4 degrees of heat.
Carrots can be planted before winter, although all recommendations regarding agricultural practices should be taken into account so that the seeds do not freeze.

The harvest will be harvested earlier than usual, but the vegetables will not have a long shelf life. They are intended for use in summer and autumn.

If you sow carrots or beets later than the specified dates, the young shoots will not develop as actively. In addition, ripening middle-late and late varieties may simply not be in time.

Proper preparation of seeds for sowing, so that

rises faster. The surface of the seeds of carrots and beets has a protective layer , which includes essential oils. This fact slows down germination, therefore, almost all gardeners carry out the seedbed preparation. To stimulate growth, several methods are used.

  • The first method provides for the to instill a bag of seed in the wet ground to a depth of at least 30 cm. This should be done 10 days before disembarking. On the day of sowing, the bag is removed, and the seeds are dried on a lined napkin for 30-50 minutes. Processing with wet soil accelerates the germination process, shoots appear already for 5-7 days.
  • The second method is called sparging of , which consists in immersing seeds in warm water( 25-27 degrees) for a day. All the time spent in the liquid is accompanied by the supply of oxygen with special devices. After processing, the grains are wrapped in a napkin and placed in a refrigerator for 3-5 days. Before planting, the seeds are dried to flowability.
  • The third method is to soaking .As a solution to soak used warm water( up to 30 degrees) in an amount of 1 liter and a teaspoon of liquid fertilizer, sodium humate or potassium humate. After a daily stay in the nutrient mixture, the grains are washed and placed for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Dry them before sowing.

When preparing seeds for planting, you need to check their germination .

Preparation of beds for planting seeds

Carrots and beets are sown in time among the first vegetable crops, therefore it is better to start cooking a bed in the fall. To do this, remove any plant debris from the site and to dig closer to frost, so that all the harmful microorganisms and larvae are killed.

Along with digging into the soil , fertilizer is introduced. The most suitable in this case is rotted manure. You can also use compost.

If in the fall it was not possible to prepare a place for carrots and beets, in the spring, immediately after the snow melts, you will need to dig up the soil and enrich it with humus( 4-6 kg per 1 m2), lime fluff( 100 gr.), Azofoskaya( 30 gr.).It is also worth considering the soil environment, it should be neutral or slightly acidic.

You cannot use fresh manure to prepare beds for carrots and beets.
As a fertilizer, you can only use rotten

manure. When choosing a site before planting, preference is given to such predecessors :

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • onion;
  • salad;
  • potatoes.

It is not necessary to plant vegetables annually on the same plot of the garden, and also after the following predecessors:

  • parsley( creates a favorable environment for pests);
  • garlic( draws nutrients from the soil, depleting it);
  • spinach and others.

How to plant carrots and beets with

seeds Experienced gardeners recommend to fertilize and sprinkle carrots and beets on the site. The material acts as a fertilizer and protection against fungal infections.

The seeds of beets and carrots are planted in the grooves made by the tool at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other .In order to better control the seeding density, it is recommended to pour some sand on the bottom of a kind of trench. Good visibility eliminates the thickening of the seedlings, which will then have to work hard and thin out the rows.

The furrows for planting should be at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.

If the soil is dry, it should be moistened with before sowing the seeds of .Seeds need to be laid carefully, leaving 2-3 seeds every 2 cm. The top layer after embedding should not exceed 2.5-3 cm .For quick shoots, you can stretch the film over the garden at a height of 15 cm.

It is recommended to plant onions between the rows of carrots. The plant deters the main pest of the vegetable - the carrot fly.

The enterprising gardeners have come up with a quick method of disembarking, which involves laying strips of paper with glued seeds in the grooves. It is important with this approach to use thin paper( newspaper) and glue based on starch.

When the first shoots of

appear The shoots of carrots and beets appear for 5-7 days after the landing of , if the weather conditions do not present unpleasant surprises. Spring care for seedlings includes frequent loosening, thinning and, if necessary, watering. Then sprouts develop more actively.

As early as 2 weeks after the shoots managed to ascend, they need to thin out by leaving between them 4 cm of .After 15-20 days, a second thinning is performed, at which the distance increases to 8 cm( for large varieties up to 15 cm).

The seedlings of carrots from seeds

Why seeds can grow badly? Do not worry if after a week shoots did not have time to germinate. Most likely, the reason lies in cool weather or a thick layer of soil on top of the seeds. The germination process occurs when the temperature of the soil 4-6 degrees .The higher the index, the more intensive the development of the germ.

Planting Care Rules


Watering root vegetables is important regular and systematic watering .If the soil was dry for a long time and then became wet, then the vegetables may crack.

Irrigation is intensive during the formation of the root.1-2 weeks before harvesting, watering stops, so that the moisture does not affect the shelf life of vegetables.

The rate of water consumed for irrigation is approximately 20 liters per 1 m2.In drought, it is worthwhile to increase the regularity of irrigation.
Regular watering of
is important for carrots and beets.

Top dressing

During the growing season, shoots of carrots and beets need several feedings. The first make 20 days after the emergence of shoots , using 20 grams.potassium nitrate, 15 gr.double superphosphate, 15 gr.urea. All components are diluted with 10 liters of water.

The second dressing is administered 15-20 days after the first , using 20-30 grams.diammofoski, diluted in a bucket of water. The technique of making the nutrient mixture involves making a groove between the rows( 4-6 cm depth), into which the working solution is applied. After processing, the groove is filled with soil and slightly compacted. After feeding, pour the surface with settled water.

Weeding and Loosening

Both procedures are carried out simultaneously. Weeds are a source of disease, attract pests and simply create a shadow for vegetable crops. In addition, a developed root system clogs the roots of carrots and beets, preventing the root crops from growing. Therefore, weed control should be carried out regularly.

Loosening provides unobstructed access to the soil and the roots of oxygen, which is important for good vegetation. Regularity of aeration - 1 time in 1-2 weeks .

Loosening and weeding is performed 1 time per 1-2 weeks.

Pest Prevention

For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to use only attorneys , otherwise they should be disinfected by soaking 20 min.

The soil also needs disinfection, it is plentifully watered with in spring with boiling water or is sprayed with copper vitriol solution.

To prevent the invasion of carrot flies and other pests, the bed 1 time in 10 days should be sprayed with infusion of onion peel or garlic.

Timely thinning and weeding are also preventive measures against pests and fungal diseases.

Carrots and beets do not belong to capricious plants, with proper care you can get a wonderful harvest, which is important to properly maintain for the enrichment of the body with vitamins during the winter period.

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