Many gardeners have crop problems. They add fertilizer to the soil in time, weed the garden from weeds, water it, loosen the soil, but plants still grow poorly. Of great importance for the proper development of garden crops is the degree of acidity of the soil. How to determine the acidity of the soil at home, we will discuss later.
Contents, after chemical reactions turn into ions, which are actively absorbed by plants. The more hydrogen ions left after the reactions, the greater the acidity of the soil. In an acidic environment, most horticultural crops are not free to grow and eat.
Low soluble salts perfectly dissolve in the acidic soil, the metal content increases. Because of this, the plants are poisoned, they accumulate harmful substances that prevent the entry of useful elements.
How to determine the acidity at home
To denote the measure of hydrogen activity and the degree of acidity, it is customary to use the pH value.
pH 7.0 is a neutral medium in the soil. This indicator corresponds to clean water. If the pH value is below 7.0, then the soil becomes acidic, above - alkaline.
Perhaps every gardener is concerned about the proper development of their crops. Therefore, the acidity of the soil can be determined independently.

Using the special device
Acquiring acidity with a special device is the easiest way. First you need to make a recess in the ground, after clearing it of foreign objects( stones, branches, grass).Then pour there pure distilled water, since only it has a neutral medium.
As soon as the water reacts with the ground and becomes dirty, the meter probe should be lowered into the water for 1 minute. After this, the instrument displays the acidity value.

On plants in the area
On acidic soil well grow cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkin, potatoes, sea buckthorn, currants, gooseberries, lemongrass, roses, geranium, peonies, daffodils, tulips.
Cabbage, beans, peas, carrots, beets, radishes, celery, parsley, apple, pear, plum, cherry, raspberries, garden strawberries, dahlias, irises feel great in the soil with neutral medium .
The plants that prefer the alkaline soil include: cornel, barberry, hawthorn, arnica, lilac, juniper, cedar, quince, purple, apricot, mulberry, edelweiss, lavanda.

In an acidic environment prefer to grow: sedge, willow-wheat, fern, plantain, horse sorrel, field horsetail, rosemary, mint field, heather, cornflower, bloodroot, tricolor violet,dandelion, clover, chamomile.
Neutral environment attracts adonis, sow thistle, field bindweed, nettle, quinoa, red clover, shepherd's bag.
Chicory, spotted milkweed, thyme, sage, Badan, thistle, mustard grow in alkaline soil.

Using chalk
Two full tablespoons of the ground from the plot should be put in a bottle. Then pour five tablespoons of warm water and a teaspoon of chalk, previously ground into powder, into it. Put the rubber fingertip on the bottle, removing air from it. After that, you should shake it.
If the fingertip straightens out, it means the soil is acidic. If it is inflated only by half, it is slightly acid. If changes do not occur - neutral.

Litmus paper
Determination of acidity using test strips is the most accurate method. You can buy them in stores for gardeners. They are sold in the form of a set of 50 - 100 strips together with a color scale of pH values.
For the experiment, place the ground and clean water in a 1: 4 ratio, after which everything must be mixed well.
After the appearance of the earthen sediment, put litmus paper in water for a few seconds. Within one minute, a color should appear on the strip by which the soil pH can be easily determined.