Cucumbers are a megapopular garden crop. There are small cucumbers, there are large ones. There are such fruits early or late, with soft skin or with a hard, light green color or dark. But there is another exotic variety of this vegetable, which is not known to everyone. These are red cucumbers, or tladiant dubious .This variety is listed in the Red Book and belongs to the pumpkin family. To an inexperienced consumer at first glance it is even difficult to determine the species of such a miracle - the fetus. It's hard to say if it's a fruit or a vegetable.
The content of theReceived thanks to a saturated red color.
This vegetable came to the territory of our country from South - East Asia. The homeland of such a plant is Japan.
Culture is an herbaceous perennial .Stems thin, heart-shaped leaves of rich green color, high foliage.
The plant is a type of vine and requires the mandatory support of .Flowers small bright sunny color. Fruits of the correct cylindrical form in sizes reach no more than 6 cm.
The rind is soft red in color with barely noticeable stripes of a dark purple color. The rind is covered with a fluff, which disappears as matures.
The unripe fruits of green color are tough. Ripe soft vegetables have an incredibly delicate taste , which remotely resembles kiwi and pineapple. Ripe tubers contain large amounts of sugars and starch.
Culture needs pollination. In Japan, local insects do this. In our latitudes, experienced growers advise themselves to pollinate the bushes by attaching male and female flowers to each other.
Red cucumber tladiant:
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Red cucumbers have a number of advantages:
- Excellent taste.
- Drought tolerance and cold resistance.
- Unpretentious care.
- Excellent decorative properties.
- Saturation with vitamins and microelements.
- Versatile to use.
The drawbacks can be attributed to the fact that is too rapid growth of culture over large areas of .
Useful properties and use of fruits
Japanese consider culture as a real panacea for many diseases .The fruit contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals and trace elements.
Apply such a decoction as a medicine in such cases:
- For prophylactic purposes against many diseases.
- To strengthen the immune system.
- In various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- For headaches of different etiologies.
- As an excellent diuretic, choleretic and expectorant.
Due to the high content of sugars in the fruits of , it is prohibited to eat them to people who suffer from diabetes .There are also cases of individual intolerance to such a vegetable.
Features of growing
You can cultivate such exot with the usual seed method, or you can with seedlings.
Seed planting involves the preparation of holes in which seeds are planted to a depth of 6 - 8 cm. This is done in March.
The culture is growing very fast, the root system extends over 2 meters over the entire growing season.
This vegetable is very sun-sweet .Plot for cultivation should be chosen in a sunny place.
The soil needs constant loosening, it should be with good breathable capabilities.
Can be propagated by seedlings. To do this, the seeds are soaked in hot water for 2 hours and planted in the prepared soil.
The yield of such cucumbers completely depends on the person, because they have to pollinate independently.
Features of care
Red cucumbers are very unpretentious in the care of .They need timely watering, but do not do it every day to avoid rotting of the root system.
Moisturize the vine is enough 2-3 times a week .Do it in the evening hours separated by water at room temperature. The soil must be regularly loosened and cleaned of weeds.
Culture is cold-resistant and drought-resistant .In moderately frosty winters does not need additional shelter. If frosts in winter are fierce and long lasting, it is best to keep the culture in greenhouses.
In the autumn, you need to take care of the plant, preparing it for wintering .For this you need to remove the lower shoots. Otherwise, the plant will spread throughout the site.
Diseases and pests
Tladiad suspicious is subject to the same diseases as ordinary cucumbers .To combat diseases and pests need the same tools that are used for cucumbers.
You can purchase them at each specialty store and use them according to the instructions.
Use of fruits in cooking
Ripe vegetables contain a large amount of sugars, which allows to use them not only fresh, but also processed as jams and preserves .
Pickled red cucumbers also have excellent taste.
processed as jams and preserves. Tladiada dubious will provide you and your loved ones with excellent delicacy and valuable medicinal product without any special efforts in care, it is only important to adhere to the above recommendations.
As well as it, the will be an excellent decoration for your home or the backyard .