Carrots are the most sought-after vegetable among consumers. It can be purchased on store shelves all year round. But the root crop will bring the big advantage if to grow up it independently on the seasonal dacha. This can be done subject to certain rules for growing carrots.
Virtually any crop should be fertilized before planting in the spring, and this can be done in the spring after planting in the country, or later it can be fertilized directly into the hole. How to properly care for carrots, how much and what kind of fertilizer to apply, about the little tricks of making manure and humus, how to carry out frequent watering and how to love the plant will be discussed in the article.
Table of Contents
- Terms of planting carrots in the open field
- Choosing a place for garden beds in the garden
- How to plant seeds to get good shootscarrots in open ground
Before sowing seeds in open ground, a gardener must decide what he grows carrots for and when he wants to get a crop. Sowing dates:
- Early spring sowing from April 15 to May 15 .All June it is already possible to collect carrots on a bunch, and with the advent of August enjoy the sweet root crops.
- Summer sowing from May 15 to June 10 .Harvesting will be at the end of September, this carrot is laid in the cellar for winter storage.
- The sub-winter sowing of the from October 20 to November 15, allows you to use a young root vegetable before harvesting the main crop. The main thing is to choose the right place for the beds - it must be on a hill so that the spring thaw of the snow does not drown the seeds.
If you plant at any possible time, fresh vegetables will be on the table all year round.
During the wintering season, the formation of root crops occurs at a time when the carrot fly is just beginning to live. It is not yet able to harm the crop in the garden, vegetables will be of higher quality.When the podzimnaya planting carrots harvest will be better
Choosing a place for garden beds
It is no secret that carrots are an unpretentious root crop, but creating a comfortable environment is still required to get a rich harvest. When choosing a place for gardeners, the gardener should take into account:
- this vegetable crop develops perfectly in the illuminated area ;
- fertile loamy-sandy soil with 4% humus and neutral acidity of 6-7 pH;
- previously grown potatoes, tomatoes, corn and legumes at the site of sowing;
- should not be used for growing the beds where spicy herbs( dill, parsley, fennel, etc.) have grown before;
- can not to plant vegetables in the same area 2 years in a row .
Large, regular-shaped roots grow on peat soils, which were formed after the marshes dried. And on clay soil carrots will get an ugly shape due to strong resistance to growth.
Before frosts, the area for vegetables should be to dig, remove the roots and stones .But do not drive the shovel too deep into the ground and destroy the fertile layer. Dig to a depth of about 0.3 meters. With the onset of spring, level and deeply loosen the surface.
On peat soils, carrots will be of large and regular shape.
How to plant seeds to get good shoots.
Gardeners practice a variety of carrot planting techniques, all of which have their advantages and disadvantages:
- Seeding seeds is considered the fastest way. A gardener simply sprinkles dry seed into prepared beds. At the same time, seed consumption cannot be called economical, and the seedlings will be too thick and uneven.
- dragees are seeds placed in a nutrient shell, shoots are friendly and strong. Their seeding is a point distribution in small pits. The cost of pelleted seeds is higher, but it is not necessary to spend time on thinning.
- Pre- sprouted seeds give quick shoots. But in the absence of rain, water will have to be prematurely preserved, sprouts too weak and unable to cope with the pressure of the earth.
- The rolling method involves sticking small seeds onto long strips of paper. To plant it is necessary only to spread the strips in the garden, prikopat earth and pour water well and fertilize. Shoots appear evenly, but a little later.
- Cook liquid paste from potato starch, cool to room temperature and mix with mineral fertilizers. In the resulting liquid, pour the seeds and quickly mix. Paste uniformly in the grooves. With this method will not have to thin out landing.
Seeds of carrots in pills
Germinated seeds
Rolled method
Seed of carrots in
paste Regardless of the chosen method of planting, sow seeds better less often, so that no further thinning occurs.The bed can be covered with a film for 2-3 weeks before the appearance of the first shoots. Thus, the growth of plants will not prevent the weeds, and the soil will not form a crust, which prevents the penetration of moisture to the roots.
If dry planting material is selected for planting, additional preparation is required. You can disinfect by soaking the seeds in water heated to 40 degrees. But it is better to hold them in a solution of potassium permanganate - 1 g of substance per 100 ml of liquid. The procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, after the seeds must be well washed with clean water and dried.
Some gardeners use specialized plant growth stimulants at the seed preparation stage. But for an ecologically clean crop, it is not recommended.
Secrets of carrot care after planting
Carrots belong to tightly growing and slow-growing vegetable crops. Do not think that sowing it, you can forget about the beds before the harvest.
In order for the roots to turn out strong and large and to match the varietal quality, they should be looked after.
Fertilizers, fertilizing and folk remedies
To get a good harvest, you need proper fertilizing of carrots.
A gardener will produce an average yield in terms of quality and quantity, if limited to applying fertilizer during the autumn redony.
The plant needs additional feeding during the entire growing season.So, for the first time to feed a vegetable a month after the inputs. In 10 l.water dissolve 1 tbsp.lnitrophosphate is a classic mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The same solution is used and in the second top dressing after 2 weeks and in the third - in early August.
The best potash fertilizer is such a folk remedy as tincture of ash .For its preparation it is necessary to pour into the bucket of water parts of 150 g of dry ash. Stir the mixture until the ash is completely dissolved. In 10 l.water dilute 1 liter.tinctures and this liquid to feed and water the roots of carrots or beets during the second half of the growing season.
In addition, it is recommended to put foliar feeding in the period of the formation and ripening of vegetables. Spray the green aerial part of the plant with a solution of boric acid( 1 tsp. For 10 l. Of water).
The best potash fertilizer is ash tincture
How to water during the growing period
When growing root , the irrigation system plays a special role .After all, with insufficient soil moisture, the young roots of the plant will die, and overflowing the beds will lead to the fact that only livestock can be harvested.
Therefore, immediately after sowing, the period of proper watering of beds begins:
- . To stimulate the inputs, the method of sprinkling ( 300-400 m3 / ha) is applied, and after - several ( 20-30 m3 / ha) irrigation techniques.
- After the appearance of entrances, depending on weather conditions, watering is carried out by every 2-3 days with a small amount of water.
- During the period of formation of root crops, the regime of soil moisture changes - the frequency decreases, the volume of water increases.
- Active growth of vegetables is accompanied by rare watering( 1 time in 7-10 days), but moisture should penetrate into the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm.
- Not to do a month before harvest even without rain .Excess moisture during this period will reduce the taste and keeping quality of vegetables.
Before digging up root crops, it is advisable to slightly moisten the soil. Thus, the process is facilitated, and the harvest improves the ability to be stored fresh.Proper weeding.
. One of the things not most loved by gardeners is weeding the beds. But without this tedious occupation is not enough, otherwise you can lose the entire crop because of the "attack" of weeds.
At the initial stage, when the plants have not yet grown, it is recommended that cover the plot with crops in several layers with newspapers and cover with the film on top. With this method, the soil warms up well and moisture is preserved in it, but weeds cannot actively grow. After 2 weeks of innovative shelter should be removed and wait for the emergence of seedlings.
After 10-15 days the appears on the plant, the first true piece of is a signal to start weeding. It is necessary to do the procedure very carefully, so that together with the weeds do not grab cultural shoots.
When the 2nd leaf is formed, the weeding is combined with the thinning, if the sowing was carried out randomly and the planting was thickened. Between plants there should be a distance of 2-3 cm. It is important to pull the shoots upwards, not to the side, otherwise the neighboring vegetable will have a root damage.
Weeding and thinning are necessary during the entire growing season.
It is most convenient to thin out with the help of a female eyebrow tweezer - tweezers .It captures even the thinnest shoots without harming the rest of the plants.
During the entire period of growth between the beds and plants it is necessary to weed weeds and loosen the soil. A month after the first thinning, repeat the procedure so that there is a distance of 4-5 cm between the roots, but the vegetables that have already been pulled out can be eaten.
It takes a lot of time and effort to grow carrots, but a rich and high-quality crop of healthy vegetables will block all inconveniences. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of planting and caring for plants. And then a tasty and crunchy vegetable will be in the daily diet of the whole family, he will give all his nutrients and trace elements.