Description and cultivation of cucumber variety Libela F1

Any summer resident cannot imagine his garden without cucumbers. Even if the plot is small, there must be at least a couple of cucumber bushes on it. Today we are offered a variety of cucumber varieties, among which the Libela F1 variety is popular. Description, benefits, rules of care in the article.

Table of ContentsDescription and characterization of cucumber variety Libelle F1

Friedrich Kampe, the founder of Libellet F1 cucumber, is a German. The variety has an average degree of maturity, the growing season is 50-55 days .

Suitable for growing in the open field and in greenhouses .Libella can be grown even on the balcony at home. True, he needs pollination.

Characteristic of a cucumber of this variety:

  • is a plant with long varieties, elongated fruit;
  • peel dark green with yellowish longitudinal stripes;
  • average fruit weight 120-150 g;
  • average length 15 cm;
  • yield per square meter of 8-10 kg.
The average fruit weight is 120-150 grams.

Cucumbers have a crunchy, sweet, tender pulp. Seeds are small and practically not felt. Libelle F1 loves heat and moisture, has an underdeveloped root system. However, resistant to various kinds of pests and diseases.

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A variety used for salads, canning.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has many advantages:

  • excellent taste;
  • high disease resistance ;
  • high yield ;
  • well transportable;
  • have a neat presentation.
The Libelle F1 variety is ideal for canning


  • can have a bitter aftertaste if used improperly;
  • late harvest is too big for seaming.

Soil Requirements for Planting

The Libellet F1 variety loves moist soil, sun and heat.

As the root system is rather weak, it is necessary to fertilize the land before planting with humus or manure.

For good growth of cucumbers, air t should be maintained in the area of ​​ + 20 + 22 degrees , and at night not less than +10 degrees , otherwise there will be a delay in the development of the plant. The variety loves high soil moisture, so it needs regular watering. Fruits well in open ground. After planting, the soil needs fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, loosening.

You need to choose a calm and calm place for landing. If the soil is acidic, then add dolmite flour or lime in the proportion of 1 liter per 1 sq. M.

Libelle loves wet soil, sun and heat

Planting rules

If the seeds are covered with a colored shell, they can be planted in the soil without germination. Pre-they can be soaked in hot water for half an hour for disinfection. Seeds are best used at least two years of age.

Seeds can be soaked for 48 hours in Appin solution. Thanks to the solution, it is possible to significantly increase the germination and resistance of cucumbers to diseases.

Before planting, it is recommended to sort the seeds. To do this, immerse them in water with salt. Those seeds that pop up can be thrown away - they are empty.

In warm climates, can be planted in open ground. In cold - in greenhouses and greenhouses. In the daytime greenhouses open for pollination of flowers by bees.

Preparing the soil for planting

  • autumn after harvesting dig up the soil;
  • in the spring to level the area rake, remove weeds;
  • in the beginning or in the middle of May, apply fertilizers - mineral and organic( 10kg per 1 sq. M.).
After harvesting, the soil needs to be digged and leveled with a rake.

. Seed planting rules.

  1. . is planted in the holes with 3 seeds. Per square meter for 4 holes.
  2. Before planting, it is advisable to add a little rotted compost to each hole.
  3. Landing watered and covered with foil. When t rises above 12 degrees at night, the film can be removed.

The best time to plant cucumbers in open ground is the end of May - the beginning of June. Early sowing is possible until May 15.If the method is not seed, but seedling, then the harvest can be obtained 2 weeks earlier.

Crop maintenance after sowing

After planting cucumbers the following care is required:

  • watering;
  • fertilizer;
  • pest protection;
  • weeding;
  • loosening, mulching the soil;
  • hilling.
Drying of the soil should not be allowed in any case.
. It is impossible to prevent the drying of cucumbers of this variety, as the plant can become brittle, darken. Watering too often is not recommended.

Watering must be done:

  • before flowering according to 3-6 liters per 1 sq.m.once a week;
  • during the fruiting period on 6-10 liters of every three days.

Water for irrigation should be warm, the procedure is performed either early in the morning or in the evening. Water under the bush so that water does not fall into the leaves.

Fertilizers to make during the entire period of growth of the root.

Application schedule:

  • first dressing 2 weeks after planting;
  • then add nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium every 2 weeks. It is better to alternate between organics and minerals.

Soil every 10 days should be loosened to a depth of 5-7 cm. The procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots. If the roots are bare, then you need to pile up the soil. It will also help protect the crop from diseases and pests.

If planting was carried out by the vertical method, then you need to tie up the plant with a length of more than 30 cm. Tying is done with soft strips of fabric.

In vertical cultivation of Libelle cucumbers, it is necessary to tie up

Diseases and their prevention

Libell F1 resistant to diseases and pests .It may be subject to such diseases as:

  • fusarium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray or white rot.

Causes of the occurrence of these diseases:

  • if the soil was already contaminated during planting;
  • non-compliance with the temperature regime, temperature jumps;
  • lack of dressings, poor lighting, drafts;
  • watering with cold water.

For disease prevention, you need to regularly remove diseased plants. In the autumn the soil is loosened, last year's tops are harvested and burned. On the beds should be clean and tidy.

To prevent the development of diseases, remove the diseased cucumbers.

Harvesting and storage rules

When the plant starts to produce ripe fruits, needs to harvest .The more often pick cucumbers, the greater the yield you can get.

Each uncleaned fruit inhibits the ovary of the next.

Collect root vegetables in the morning, cut them with special garden scissors.

Storage Nuances:

  • hard cucumbers are stored longer. If the vegetable is soft, then you need to eat it;
  • to store fruits preferably in cold water , without exposure to sunlight;
  • it is impossible to store fruits in a package and the closed containers, banks;
  • this grade can be stored in a wooden box , the bottom of which is served by a newspaper;
  • indoor humidity should be 80% ;
  • can be stored for a long time dense cucumbers, without damage and stains.

The ideal t mode for storing cucumbers is considered the temperature + 1 + 5 degrees .In such conditions, they can keep a fresh look for 2 weeks.

The Libelle F1 variety is an excellent choice for those who love cucumbers and planted a plant in their garden every year. To increase the quality and quantity of the crop, it is important to observe the rules of planting and care. You have a rich harvest!

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