The principle of operation mikatermicheskogo heater

Micatermic heaters are non-metallic heaters based on the development of MICATERMIC technology. In literal translation "hot mica".The technology has been tested for a long time in the space and medical field. As a result, it was found that radiation of this type has a beneficial effect on human health, stimulates metabolism, and blood circulation. The principle of operation of a mikatermichesky heater is focused on these aspects.

. Design of

heaters. The heater is based on a heating element made in the form of a mica plate. Created two generations of heaters, differing design features. The devices of the first generation consist of a nickel heating element placed between two mica layers. The units perform the function of isolation and at the same time perform the transfer of heat.

Thermal infrared heaters belonging to the second generation are distinguished by increased efficiency with standard instrument power. This was achieved thanks to the modernization of the structure. Engineers added two extra layers made from a unique alloy. The planes are placed between the nickel heating element and the mica plate. These two layers are characterized as external and internal.

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The inner layer performs the function of heat reflection, which ensures absolute radiation return in the infrared spectrum to the surrounding space. The outer layer performs the function of increasing thermal flux. Outside both layers are covered with mica. Regardless of the generation, heaters of this type are equipped with timers and thermostats, therefore it is possible to customize the operation of the device and maintain the required temperature for indefinite time.

The principle of operation of the heater

Micatermic heaters uniformly heat the mica plates, distribute heat into the surrounding space. This process is extremely transient, after 2 minutes, the radiated heat is felt. A feature of the device is called the heating of the working surface up to 60 ° C( as in an oil heater), while only 1500W is used to heat a room with an area of ​​40m2.Thermal energy for the most part, comprising 80% of the total, is transmitted through direct radiation.

Interesting! When talking about 40 square meters, it is understood that the room contains central heating radiators. Standards require in the middle lane to take 1 kW per 10 square meters to organize heating of an unheated room.

During operation, the device does not heat the surrounding air, but transfers the radiated heat to surfaces around, for example, walls, furniture and the floor. Another 20% of thermal energy is transmitted through the conjunctive method, through the heating of air. This is enough for the ambient air to warm up to the required temperature, but a sufficient level of humidity is preserved.

Effect on the health of people

It is popularly believed that infrared heaters are harmful to health. This is a fundamentally erroneous error, as evidenced by the principle of operation of devices of this type. Prolonged use in the medical field made it possible, as a result of laboratory research, to determine the positive effect of infrared radiation on a person’s internal metabolism. It is noted that by regularly staying in the room where the infrared devices work, microcirculation improves.

Well and most importantly, that lies in the principle of operation of the device! Heating the room mainly due to direct radiation eliminates excessive air drying. It has been established that dry air is the main cause of exacerbation of diseases of the respiratory branch, for example, asthma and bronchitis. Also irritated by the respiratory tract, especially in winter. Heating with infrared heaters excludes such manifestations, in addition, the device does not burn off the oxygen mass of air and is recommended for this reason for installation in children's institutions.

Scientifically proven health effect when using the device. From a medical point of view, the heater is considered as a physiotherapeutic device, since:

  • acts as a source of infrared radiation;
  • helps reduce the risk of colds;
  • has a general restorative effect.

advantages of the heater

But health benefits are not the only advantage of the device. The design provides a million positive aspects, among which we highlight the moments:

  1. Economical power consumption.
  2. Compatibility with types of ventilation - due to the fact that the operation of the device is not directly related to the ventilation of the room.
  3. Environmental Safety.
  4. Availability of use indoors and in an open area( cafe; verandas; terraces).
  5. Can be used as a system that prevents icing in the stairwell or on the staircase.
  6. Heater control is simple.
  7. Silent operation.

Thanks to these advantages, the use of devices is much more efficient in comparison with other types of heaters. Heaters on liquefied gas and oil contain coolant, due to which during the operation there is a wear of the heating element due to constant contact. In the case of mica, there is no coolant, which will ensure unprecedented long-term operation without preventive maintenance and repair.

This equipment is expensive compared to other, but the costs will pay off, first of all, by saving energy. And the impact of the device on the health and heat in the house is priceless! Often, the technologies of the future from the priority space industry adapt to the domestic sphere, this has an extremely positive effect on the living conditions of ordinary citizens, making it easier and more comfortable.

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