The safest heater

Safety of heaters is a hot topic for the inhabitants of the planet. In particular, if we are talking about a device that burns fuel to produce heat. In such products, safety is paid a lot of attention. It is necessary to always fresh air, otherwise carbon monoxide is guaranteed, causing death or a long illness for people( the hemoglobin update lasts six months).A safe heater is one where life situations are specially thought out to eliminate an accident.

About safety heaters

Which heater is the safest. Solar, working on a boiler with water hot water circuits and heating. But the system does not look cheap. Put the question differently: what kind of safe heater to choose! Each manufacturer cares about the good and profit, directly dependent on the good name and product quality. Which heater is safer depends on the dominant factors in the operating conditions.

Burning fuel in heaters

Geysers do not require electrical power. The most intelligent are equipped with a compartment for batteries, ensuring the operation of the electronic filling. The microcircuits are tiny, the valves are controlled by keys. In the similar equipment protection is thought over to trifles. Estimated pressure in the pipeline, temperature and the presence of exhaust, even burning under control( carbon monoxide formation).A minimum of three degrees of protection will ensure relatively safe operation:

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  1. The main chamber includes a water valve stem that collapses in the absence of pressure.
  2. Traction is monitored by pipe temperature. Known thin method. Through a special outlet in the absence of thrust, the combustion products are fed to the pilot burner. The smoke extinguishes the flame, as a result, the protective solenoid valve is activated, cutting off the gas supply.
  3. The third stage in passing mentioned. On the pilot burner is a thermocouple, which produces an emf when heated. It is the abyss of the flame, the voltage disappears. This causes the solenoid valve to collapse.

Modern models are arranged according to a different principle. For example, the water flow is controlled by the impeller, the calculated amount of gas is supplied depending on the expenditure.

This helps to maintain the desired water temperature, with a shortage at the exit is an additional meter. As a result, the central control board, if necessary, will give away heat. Of course, there is a case when the power ends. The gas flow is blocked on command immediately.

The safest heater, most likely gas, heaters, manufacturers are serious, and there are no makeshift models. We do not take into account the various burners for hiking purposes, individual units are deprived of degrees of protection. In such cases, there is often a combustion chamber, equipped with a grill, where we attach any hose that is suitable for the diameter. Gas is set on fire with a match. About safety of speech does not go.

Electric current in heaters

In the area of ​​electrical devices, we sometimes observe complete disorder. Finally, when choosing a heater, it is necessary to note the ground lobe on the plug or the corresponding terminal on the case. Selected industrial models are connected separately; it happens that there is not even a cord. If there is no grounding, you will need to equip yourself:

  • When a short to the case happens, often at this moment no leakage current appears, there is no contact.
  • If a person inadvertently touches a metal part, there is a movement of charge carriers.
  • One hundred percent fatal outcome if a person does not have immunity to stress.
  • Fuses do not have time to burn to save human life. Not intended for such protection.

A differential protection device is used to protect people's health. Required by all means when using heaters. Device differential protection device:

  1. Inside there is a transformer, the core is balanced by the current of the two windings.
  2. The output current flows through the first, through the second input current.
  3. Equality is violated when a leak occurs, causing the relay to trip.

Such a device normally works only with grounding, equipped according to the norms and legal acts. The absence of such will save a lot of lives. If a person takes up the body of the heater and receives an electric shock, as equality is violated, as a result, the protection is triggered. With a high degree of probability, a person will remain alive, if the device is properly grounded, there is no chance of an electric shock. This is true in water heaters, where during the breakdown of the helix there is a chance that the charges will go through the flow of water and man into the bathroom drain. A plausible situation for models with enamelled tank. It should be noted that if the heater grounding is in order, during a breakdown on the case, the fuses will burn, because the current will increase to the maximum possible. In the latter case, it is important that the wiring does not catch fire. About such cases often hear from fire reports.

Heating Elements for

Heaters Power aspects are not the only thing to deal with. In a number of heaters we find an element with a high temperature: spirals, films, plates. Especially dangerous in the case of wind blowers: it is necessary to block the exit from the front side to the air, there is a danger of fire. The temperature of the noise increases dramatically, the fire can go in a matter of seconds. In smart devices protection against a sad outcome is built in, in the simplest heaters based on fans there is no such thing. As a result, the temperature is not controlled. This is not a very safe heater for a wooden house.

In our opinion, a film heater based on the resistive effect of coal will be the best solution. Graphite conducts electricity, simultaneously heats up. The effect is used to create infrared films. The advantages of heaters in a low temperature of the working surface, means that the chance of fire is zero. What is required in a wooden house. Infrared ceiling film heaters have a temperature of 50 ºС and a sufficiently low power density. The real danger here is different. If the infrared ceiling film heater gets wet and the insulation is damaged, electric shock is possible. Situation minus: there are no guides on the ceiling, the hole will wait in the hour to hit a person. In the case described, use a differential safety device.

There is an aspect of the ordinary: animals and children. During the games, it is required to provide for the possibility of rolloverThis is a protective shutdown, safety for others in terms of burns, the strength of the device, the inability to ignite the situation. Most heaters with a heating element of high temperature have protective grilles, advanced models are protected from falling with a simple button on the stand, designed to turn off the heater in case of danger. To take into account in practice in dangerous places, put infrared heaters not of quartz type, but made under fluorescent lamps and having metal radiators( Peony Ceramics).

consider a good example of technology Soviet fireplaces. The specified type of infrared heaters was supplied with spirals, a reflector. When burnout halves terrible did not happen. The model is safe in terms of electrics, the water trapped on the coil immediately evaporates. It is clear, if you fill the heater power supply, the layout is quite different. Plus available on top of the water bowl.

Let's touch on the topic of safety of health heaters. Decreased humidity is considered to be the main cause of the winter increase in incidence. Central heating radiators and numerous heaters quickly dry the air, reducing the immunity of people in the room. It is wise from the point of view of the Soviet designers to place on top of the reflector a bowl for water, where a portion of iodine solution was poured for prevention. Such a heater compensates for the negative impact on the microclimate.

Soviet wind blowers set a record for danger of use. Inside there are spirals and a fan, without protection devices. It is necessary to block the flow of air, there will be an incident. Horror adds a plastic case heaters, which quickly melted and began to smoke. But the device is ideal for a quick warm without alcohol.

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