Non-Oxygen Heater

It is not possible to burn oxygen. Combustion - the oxidation of substances with increased speed under the action of air. Air - oxygen by 20%.Nitrogen( the remaining 80%) does not oxidize under normal conditions. Oxygen does not burn, but dust on the spiral of the heating element may burn. This smell is heard when the device was not working. Particles constantly hovering in the air, will burn at high temperatures. Heater, not burning oxygen, works in a special way. Let's see what is meant!

Why does the

spiral “burn”? It was not measured at what temperature exactly the dust started to burn. From experience it is clear that the sole of the iron is unable to ignite the dust, and the spiral does. Therefore at inclusion of old models of irons the unpleasant smell is heard. Inside the dust accumulates when turned on. It is believed that the lower the temperature of the heating element, the less the air burns the device.

Dust and helix are oxidized. Sometimes the device burns out. It was noticed, there were technologies that limit the access of air to the surface. For example, the acclaimed ceramic coating performs two functions simultaneously:

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  1. Reduces the external temperature of the spiral.
  2. Protects nichrome from contact with oxygen.

The temperature decreases as the surface area of ​​the element becomes larger. Ceramics as a coating was chosen due to two features:

  1. Inertness.
  2. Heat Resistance.
  3. Cheap.
  4. Availability.
  5. Ease of manufacture.

The material obtained at a temperature of 1200 ºС( sometimes higher) is not afraid of 300 ºС, found in a typical heater. At the same time, the ceramic coating is smooth, little subject to dust settling in comparison with metal. The heater, which does not burn oxygen, is supplied with a protective coating of ceramic material.

Found an alternative method of protection - air filters. Devices are already used in ceramic heaters( wind blowers) and convectors. As a result, the inlet air is cleaned from mechanical impurities, odors and microbes. This is how Electrolux Air Gate convector heaters function. Clean air passes through the created Gates, leaving no trace on the heating element.

The effect of burning oxygen

Users have noticed that the oil heater after switching on causes the effect of stuffiness. It becomes difficult to breathe. The situation was also ranked as the oxygen burning phenomenon, although the process is not closely related to chemical reactions. In fact, the humidity of the air begins to rapidly decrease. It is physiologically felt to suffocate. Normal humidity in the room is in the range of 40 - 60%.Otherwise, the person is uncomfortable. In the case of heating the humidity drops below 40%.

In addition, these effects cause a gradual decrease in immunity, which leads to a sharp increase in incidence. Doctors advise to maintain a natural mode in the room:

  • temperature 20 ºС;
  • humidity in the range of 40 - 60%.

This returns a person to normal health, boosts immunity, blocks the reproduction of most fungi and viruses. Unacceptable conditions are created for parasites - it is too cold. And the humidity is not suitable. The heater for a children's room does not worsen the microclimate.

The effect of air drying is due to an increase in temperature. Molecules of steam acquire energy in order to leave a room through concrete slabs. The walls breathe, the vapor barrier does not block the penetration of water at all. Just the process of exchanging steam with the environment slows down a lot. By giving the molecules extra energy, we force the liquid to rapidly leave the room. The habit of placing things on the battery for drying is based on this. In the latter case, the process is obvious.

As the temperature rises, the vapor concentration decreases. Oil heaters blamed for unwanted effects. The higher the temperature and the larger the area, the stronger the device dries the air. In an oil heater, both criteria together give a maximum, hence the opinion that oxygen is burning. Plausibility adds a burning smell that hovers around. Infrared radiation heats the walls, ceiling and floor. The lack of air movement creates favorable conditions for the deposition of vapors on the surface of concrete, contributing to the penetration of moisture into the pores of slabs, bricks.

Elimination measures for the incineration of oxygen by the heater

Already indirectly called two conditions when the heater burns oxygen:

  1. Small area of ​​the working element.
  2. High Temperature.

These two parameters are aimed at countering the combustion of oxygen.

  1. For example, in tube infrared heaters, glass is transparent to the working range, does not heat up too much, and in addition the area is small.90% of the energy goes in the form of radiation and does not touch the dust. However, the lamp must be periodically fanned with a brush, otherwise the fumes will not recede.
  2. Film infrared heaters of systems underfloor heating and warm ceiling go much further. They heat up to 60 ºС.At this temperature, the oxygen does not burn, the air dries much less. PLEN film heaters do not allow steam, are used in conjunction with PENOFOL, which is a heat insulator. It turns out that water molecules will not pass through the ceiling.
  3. In ceramic heaters heaters covered with a protective layer.
  4. In convectors, the heating element area increases as the temperature decreases, but with a trick: a special coating that repels dust is applied. It increases efficiency, eliminates the smell of burning.
  5. Wall-mounted infrared heaters in the form of slabs of stone and woven panels are not hot, do not cause significant effects in the dehumidification and combustion of air.

To avoid dehumidifying the air, humidification functions are often added to the heaters. This will keep the microclimate parameters at a normal level. Microbes are killed by an ionizer or ultraviolet radiation. Such devices are produced by the Swedish company Timberk.

Which heaters do not burn oxygen

Let's talk about which heaters do not burn oxygen.


Convectors are considered the best. Add that useful heaters company Electrolux, equipped with special filters. Timberk launches convectors with humidifiers as an additional option. This normalizes the microclimate, more suitable for the south of Russia than for the middle belt overgrown with forests.

Infrared Heaters

Praise electric infrared heaters ceiling type. Two varieties are created:

  1. Tube.
  2. Ceramic.

The first do not differ from fluorescent lamps. Inside the lattice there is a long glass flask with a spiral. According to science, before the work of the specified heater, it is necessary to brush away the dust from the lamp and the reflector, in practice this is done less often, the process is hampered by the grille.

On this background, ceramic infrared heaters look more profitable. They resemble fluorescent lamps, instead of gratings, protective panels, but not glass. The smooth surface is steel coated with ceramics. The design behaves according to its properties as an absolutely black body. The maximum radiation occurs in the infrared range. This class includes products Peony, Bilux and Icoline.

Gas infrared heaters for rooms are a good solution. For example, fireplaces working on the infrared principle. Inside, behind a heat-resistant glass, a flame burns, red-hot warming up the ceramic grate. Radiation begins heat. Gas is supplied from outside, it is necessary to drill a wall under the yellow pipe, in addition it is required to take air from the street and throw away the products of combustion. This requires an additional coaxial hole. This is a double pipe - singing inside the second. Such a technique will make it possible to manage with a single hole in the wall( together with a yellow pipe, two are obtained).

Consider whether you should try so hard, just to get a good fireplace. This is an expensive device, beautiful. Gas fireplace is called a device that has a decorative effect and is operable as a heater.

For reference. Electrofireplaces are devices that simulate hearth burning and do not produce heat. At best, a spiral with a fan is hidden inside. In the presence of low-power wind blower. Huge money paid for the equipment is given for exterior design and special effects.

There are gas convectors that do not dry the air too much, but they are inferior in beauty( and price) to fireplaces, and you still have to make holes in the wall. If we are thinking about climate issues, do not take a model. Please note that selected gas fireplaces with a balloon draw air from the room and throw it back. Such heaters harness and air dry. But! When gas is burned, water vapor is formed, the losses are replenished. In addition, tetravalent sulfur oxide is formed, forming sulfuric acid in humid air. Such devices are good in the country, in nature, where a crowd of people travel to have fun and relax.

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It is not possible to burn oxygen. Combustion - the oxidation of substances with increased speed under the action of air. Air - oxygen by 20%.Nitrogen( the remaining 80%) does not oxidize under n...

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