How to deal with septoria and fusarium of the ear and leaves of wheat

This disease is found in any region, but is most common in the foothills of the North Caucasus, in the territories of western Ukraine, in Belarus, and in the Baltics. This problem is also encountered in the regions of the Russian non-Black Earth region, the western regions of Siberia. And if there are heavy rains in the days of pouring the kernels, get ready to fight this problem. This review will discuss wheat disease, called septoria, the causes of occurrence and methods of dealing with this disease.

Table of contents

  • How to recognize septoriosis
  • Causes of the disease
  • How to deal with steptoria?
  • Detection of Fusarium in Wheat
  • Causes and Control Methods
  • Preventing Diseases in the Future

How to recognize septoriosis

The fungus is considered to be a septoria fungus. They are most often affected tomatoes, cereals, millet, vineyards, gooseberries, currants, soybean and hemp plants. Mainly, disease spreads through vegetation residues through pycnidia swelling on rainy days.

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Wheat leaves affected by septoria

Signs of the disease are considered to be rusty or brown spots that are irregular in shape. They are surrounded by a border of yellow color. In the central parts of the spots one can observe black dots called pycnidia. It is with them that the fungus multiplies.

After a certain time, the stain covers the entire sheet. With the full development of the disease shoots are affected, the foliage begins to dry, the stems wrinkle and turn brown. Often foliage falls prematurely.

Causes of the disease

Favorable conditions for the development of the fungus are high humidity and temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

How to deal with steptoriosis?

The fight against wheat disease should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the phytosanitary conditions of crops. Not only agrotechnical measures, but also chemical treatments are used:

  • stubble is harvested at harvest, then is processed by peeling - these tillage techniques will help to completely destroy the painful pathogen located on the vegetation residues. During plowing, pycnidia are destroyed, their spores die in two to three weeks;
It is not recommended to replant neighboring fields with crops, , which can be affected by the septoria fungus ;
  • is necessary for to withstand the optimum sowing of .The greatest development of the disease is observed in winter wheat. In the spring, the disease is transferred from these fields to the adjacent crops. For spring wheat it is best to adhere to the early terms of sowing, so as not to create favorable conditions for the fungus;
  • seed should be pickled, , and they can also be the source of the disease. If the disease affects five percent or more of the foliage, then fungicidal agents come into play.
  • Detection of Fusarium in Wheat

    The main source of the disease is affected seeds and soil composition. Painful pathogens for a long period can persist in the ground and on the remains of vegetation. If the plant has sufficient immunity, the disease will not manifest.

    The disease can develop under adverse climatic conditions, on weakened plants damaged by insects.

    Fusarium ear of wheat

    Fusarium pathogen has a high level of resistance to weather conditions, which helps it to remain viable for a long time. He shows the greatest activity if the temperature regime is twenty-five degrees Celsius, and the humidity level reaches ninety percent.

    This disease can reduce crop yields and degrade grain quality.

    The main signs of this disease are:

    • puncture of affected kernels; ; presence of wrinkles; ; deep grooves; tapers on the sides;
    • grain surface loses color or turns pink and does not shine;
    Signs of wheat Fusarium
    • endosperm loose, decrease or complete loss of vitreousness;
    • in the grain grooves and in the embryonic areas of the appears patina in the form of a cobweb, whitish or pink. It is possible to distinguish between the pads in which conidia accumulate;
    • grain germ loses the ability to live, on the cut looks dark.
    A seemingly healthy seed may contain microtoxins and fungal spores.

    Plants affected by fusarium bloom poorly, turn yellow, lose leaves. The root system develops poorly, darkish vessels are distinguishable at the stem section.

    Causes of occurrence and control methods

    These include the following:

    • crop rotation saturation with grain varieties;
    • direct sowing, performed with minimal tillage;
    • plant susceptibility of to disease;
    • hot weather, high percentage of air humidity during flowering, aging and harvesting;
    • disregard of the protective measures .
    High density of standing wheat creates a microclimate suitable for the development of Fusarium
    . The yield decreases by fifteen to twenty percent. Grain quality may be lost in full.

    Today, advanced methods have been developed to combat a similar problem, using fungicidal agents. With their help, the disease is destroyed, and the quality of grain crops remains at the same level.

    Preventing disease in the future

    To minimize problems with septoria, should not carry the plant outdoors in rainy weather. It is necessary to control the level of moisture in the room. It is recommended to ventilate the room, to introduce nitrogen-containing preparations into the soil, to create sufficient illumination. Sowing cultures are treated with special preparations.

    For prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use solutions based on Glyocladin, Trichodermine or Rovral.

    If plants become ill with fusarium, then it is necessary to remove and burn the affected parts, to disinfect the soil. When mass lesions are recommended to change land for planting, use chemicals. Their effectiveness fully depends on timely application. The speed and timeliness of the treatment of the ears will have a due effect on the final indicators.

    Diseases of cereals are very serious, can lead to a loss in the quantity and quality of crops. Their timely identification and adoption of appropriate measures can save the situation.

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