Let's talk about how to build a compost pit on your plot without any special troubles and problems. After all, sooner or later every gardener is faced with the problem of what to do with plant residues from his garden. During the season, for example, I accumulate a huge amount of them. And in the fall, plus pruned branches and fallen leaves are added to everything. I think that I will not reveal anything new to you, if I say that the first thing to think about is the arrangement of the compost pit on the site. The fact that compost is simply necessary when growing any plant is known even to citizens, who see the earth only in packages in stores for gardeners.
When I returned to the Kuban after a long break, I took up the garden, I ran into such a problem. My father, in order to recycle garden vegetable debris, tore a 5-7 meter long ditch, 0.8-1 m deep every year in our new site, and filled it with branches, weeds, fallen leaves and other plant residues from the trees. Then I fell asleep with all this not a very large layer of earth. For several years nothing could be planted on this place - when digging all these unperhumbered branches, stalks, and fruits turned out to be on top - it was inconvenient to plant anything in this place - one confusion. That is, every year some part of the land at the dacha was unsuitable for growing the crop. And every year it was necessary to pour the earth into these settled ditches, as it subsided as the branches and fruit rotted. There were no problems with the land, as I have already said, every year a new ditch broke out - the land was taken from there. In short, it was, in my opinion, a rather time-consuming way to dispose of plant residues. I do not argue, the yields of my parents were excellent, but the soil fertility on the plot was constantly maintained at the proper level. I immediately swept away for myself this version of the compost pit - digging a ditch or pit - physically hard - I am not capable of such "feats".So immediately rejected the option of a pit. That is, I decided - I will not dig a hole - this is not for me.
The most interesting thing is that for some reason almost all of the facilities for producing compost in the garden or dacha are called a compost pit. Although outwardly it is not at all like a pit in the full sense of the word. I saw pictures of holes on sites, read tips, how, what depth to dig this hole. But in most cases it is boxes, barrels, heaps. All this on the surface of the earth.
Indeed, professional farmers recommend building various boxes or fences. Producers of agricultural products for summer residents offer ready-made special composters for composting. Directly competing with each other ideas, who will live more comfortable compost. They also advise to swap the middle of the compost pile, where the temperature is higher and there are more different bacteria with insects, with edges. And a bunch of all sorts of tips. But these tips have one goal - to accelerate the maturation of the compost, to shorten the period from the laying to the possibility of using it for garden purposes.
I will now introduce you to the experience of my country house neighbor, which I took note of and have been using his experience for more than one year. The neighbor, by the way, constantly uses compost when planting potatoes, fertilizes them with beds, holes, and grooves. And my neighbor manages without any facilities.
Of course, each of you will decide for yourself whether to use this experience or not. But it will be useful for everyone to meet him. You will see that everything is not so difficult. Or rather - quite simple!
What does botany science tell us about compost?
Under natural conditions, plant residues completely turn into humus in three years. Particularly "resistant" - twigs, large stalks - after 5 years.
Find a corner where you will not be disturbed by a heap for the next three years and fold all the waste during the spring-summer-autumn period - weeds, twigs left after pruning trees and grapes, dried bouquets. My neighbor arranges two such heaps in the two furthest corners of his summer cottage, and the third one beyond the cottage perimeter - on the border with the neighboring site. True, the site is abandoned and for many years nothing is growing on it except for weeds.
You can say that, in whatever corners, distant or near you do not place a heap, it is still a bunch of garbage that will spoil the appearance of the site. You're right.
Drive around a heap of a dozen pegs along the perimeter of the pile. Type from the cut twigs of lilac, grapes, fruit trees the longest branches and braid a bunch of garbage outside, as weaving the weave. It is not necessary to do this often - rare interlacings also hide from prying eyes the whole ugliness of the compost pile. Rumble the ground in front of hammered and braided pegs and throw a few ipomoea seeds into the ground in the spring - now there is such a wide variety of varieties sold at any seed store. After a month and a half, you will receive a beautifully blooming wattle fence. I assure you, you and your guests will admire the compost pile!
Below are a few photos of how you can arrange a compost pit.
In the fall, when digging a kitchen garden, tuck your heap with a small layer of earth - you will cover sticking dry branches and improve the decomposition process of the contents of the compost heap.
Next year you will have to find another place for a new heap, where you will begin to dump the waste of the current season. And last year’s heap again, you can ennoble a fast-growing ipomoea or plant a pumpkin, zucchini or cucumber on it. Plants from the pumpkin family are very fond of "fat", very fertile land, rich in large amounts of mineral substances. Thin roots of a large branched root system well loosen a bunch that you did not shovel. And if you periodically water the compost pile, pumpkins, zucchini or cucumbers will grow in your record sizes.
For the third year, you will have three beautiful baskets with flowers or pumpkins in your garden - you don’t turn a tongue to call it all a hole or a heap. So, the fourth season will come imperceptibly from the beginning of your experiment in the production of compost in a compost pit-heap, which was made effortlessly with your own hands. You can continue to weave baskets, but for the greater good of the cause, the very first compost pit, or rather, the wattle fence on it, disassemble - the pegs and sprigs that have rotted away easily break from a small effort.
The resulting humus is sorted out using a small spatula or a large scoop, taking aside non-fertile branches. Take humus to the beds, beds, under bushes or trees. By the way, note that the humus - compost - turned out much more than you would get ash, if you burned this garbage three years ago.
Take the sprigs, pegs, left over from the former wattle fence, as well as the non-rotted leftovers, to a new place where you will form a new compost pit.
Here is a waste-free production when disposing of garbage after pruning in the garden and cleaning in the garden. And note, no ugly heaps, no waste of time on shoveling. In addition, your garden or garden will always have an unusual decoration. And in order not to carry the compost far - make a lot closer to the place where it will be used.
Use the obtained compost in various ways - scatter on the excavated soil before winter, add to the pits when planting potatoes or seedlings, mulch the beds. And be sure to compare the yield results obtained with or without it. Very soon you will be convinced that the gardeners' saying “Compost black gold” is justified.
Here is another option for applying the nutrient, fertile land from the compost pit-heap. After removing the fence - just rake a bunch of rakes and form from it a new bed or flower bed. You can break a flower out of the finished compost right on the lawn.
It is possible to designate the boundaries of the compost heap with a net-net or any other metal net. Or to make a base for a wigwam or a hut made of long poles fastened on top. And let them use the same ipomoea, or beans, or cucumbers. But do not forget to leave on one side a place to enter, through which you will replenish the compost pit with new plant residues.
In short, experiment with design options for compost heaps to fit into your garden and share your findings with us.
I will try to periodically replenish the collection of photo compost pits-clearance collection. For example, such a composter saw recently. Of course, this is a rather complicated, in my opinion, construction, but, you see, a very interesting idea.
Do not forget to take a picture of your compost pits. Everyone will be very interested in your experience. On our site you can not just leave a comment, but also add a photo to it.