Radish olive as a sider and fertilizer

Planted green fertilizers in order to give the soil composition looseness, improve it and enrich with organic matter. Quite often, the role of siderata is oil radish, which meets all the specified requirements. The most important value of this plant is that it has the ability to grow greens, even in cold weather.

  • Contents Description and characteristics of oil radish
  • use as a green manure
    • protection and soil enrichment
    • phytosanitary quality
  • use as a fodder crop
  • Use as a honey
  • When and how to sow oilseed radish?

Description and Characteristics of Oilseed Radish

A one-year plant capable of reaching a two-meter mark in growth. Stem branched, abundantly covered with leaves of bright green hue. In just one and a half months, the root system and deciduous mass can increase to five to ten kilograms per square meter of cultivated area.

Culture responds well to late sowing, is able to take root deeply and grow quickly. For this reason, its crops over a short period of time close up, drowning out the emerging weed vegetation. Radish is not able to resist even the main weed - wheat grass.

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radish oil plant An unpretentious oil plant is able to adapt to any weather conditions and soil compositions without any problems. Well developed roots can extract moisture from deep soil layers. The culture is considered cold and drought resistant, perfectly tolerates shade, loves the abundance of water.

It should be added that the vegetable:

  • is growing rapidly enough;
  • perfectly binds nitrogen;
  • has a phytosanitary effect, suppressing nematodes and a number of causative agents of certain diseases;
  • is considered one of the best sideratov, improves the quality of the soil.
Radish is recommended for planting with a disease such as cabbage keel.

Due to the fact that the roots of the plants are powerful, it is advised to plant them on clay soils in order to improve their structure.

After this plant, gardeners are advised to plant various crops, except cruciferous ones.
Fruits oil radish

use as a green manure

This culture is best cultivated in loamy areas, peatlands , slightly acidic beds, the vineyards, which will contribute to the destruction of harmful pathogens in the ground, wireworms, fungus for a period of three to six years. The soil composition will become loose, enriched, drained. On such a land, other cultures will grow somewhat faster.

Protecting and Enriching the Soil

Using as a sideratny plant allows you to enrich the beds with the missing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium. Among the advantages should also include its ability to protect the soil from water and wind erosion, which are most pronounced in spring and autumn;

Phytosanitary qualities

The plant has essential oils that help protect the plant itself and the ground from the fungus and the attacks of harmful parasites. Often radish has a preventive effect on wireworm, potato scab. Dense greens perfectly shade the ground, not allowing the weeds to grow. Rotten foliage is considered an excellent place for the reproduction of microorganisms that are beneficial to the soil.

Radish oilseed on the garden plot

Use as feed crop

Together with rabs, oil radish is sown for use as feed for livestock. This application of vegetable culture has become possible due to its excellent yields and operational ripening. From each hectare, you can easily get from three hundred to four hundred centners of forage. And if the soil is systematically fertilized, then this figure will rise to seven hundred centners.

From sowing culture to its full formation takes no more than one and a half months. It turns out that during one season there is an opportunity to mow the tops three times.

Greens can be given fresh to animals, used as raw materials in the preparation of silage, haylage, grass meal, briquette.

When ensiling, the vegetable is mixed with other herbs, pea and oat crops are added. Having formed the fourth leaf, the plant is completely ready to become a successful accompaniment of corn.

For fodder this vegetable is recommended to be grown with sunflower, cereals and leguminous plants.

For the purpose of weeding this crop, pasture can be used to walk livestock even in the autumn.

Bed with oilseed radish

The energy performance of a nutrient plant resembles feed, clover and alfalfa. Only protein vegetable contains about twenty-six percent, and this protein is the optimal number of amino acids. Radish contains:

  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • iron.

During the flowering period in one kilogram of green is 30 ml of carotene and 600 - of vitamin C.

Use as a melliferous

Oilseed vegetable is an excellent honey plant. It blooms for a long time, it can produce nectar even in cold weather. Honey is harvested in spring and in the middle of the summer season, when other honey plants no longer bloom. Nectar contains about twenty percent of sucrose, glucose and fructose.

But it should be noted that the honey from this plant is very thick, it is not recommended to keep it for a long period.

When and how to sow oilseed radish?

Sowing culture can be performed at any time, based on your goals. As a rule, the sowing period begins in April and ends by mid-September. Radish as feed or siderat should be sown, maintaining an interval between rows of fifteen centimeters .As a rule, there are two to three grams of seed material per unit area, which should be buried by three to four centimeters.

Stems of oil radish with flowers

If you sow late, you will have to sow more densely. With the onset of mid-August, the sowing norms doubled as the radish grows somewhat slower in cool weather.

Late sowing is not recommended for sideration.

It is best to plant a vegetable at the seed or honey harvest at a forty-centimeter interval between rows.

As you can see, Pancake radish is considered an industrial and strategic plant. Its popularity is increasing every day. With minimal care for this plant, you can solve several problematic issues in your garden.

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