Successful cultivation of garden buttercups

Ssc, who came from Turkey( considered to be a symbol of the Ottoman Empire), has now become the master in ordinary gardens. Growing garden buttercups according to the developed technologies, using the advice of experts( recommended in the article), has become a passion of many gardeners.

The exotic flower Rununkulyus( together with numerous legends, myths) appeared in the gardens of Europe in the XVI century. There are many hybrid forms, striking shape, color range. In order to successfully admire the beauty of the flower in the garden, in cutting you must strictly adhere to the tips on growing, caring for buttercups in the garden.

Description of Buttercup Garden

The plant belongs to perennial herbaceous species. Branched bushes covered with leaves like dahlia grow small in size( up to 50 cm).The root has a tuber-like shape. The size of the flowers reaches 12 cm in diameter for specific species. Now there are many hybrid varieties of garden buttercup, for growing and caring in a regular garden, derived from wild types of buttercup. Under natural conditions, botanists have discovered about 600 types of plants. Among them:

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  • buttercup caustic;
  • creeping;
  • poisonous;
  • field;
  • water;
  • Kashubian;
  • grayish yellow.

A beautiful, tenacious plant can be found near water bodies, in meadows, in mountains of various regions of the planet. Aconitolous( borecellular) giant( height reaches one meter), covered with snow-white or yellow flowers, can be seen on garden beds.

The most decorative and popular in the gardens is Asian Ranunculus, with flowers of varying degrees of terry and a variety of petal colors. Buttercup flowers resemble small roses, peonies, poppies. According to their form, the following species are distinguished:

  1. Talmiform( African).Dense flowers have the form of a ball with petals bent inside( very similar to peonies).
  2. French. Semi-double view with double-row arrangement of petals.
  3. Persian. The plant is short with simple, semi-double flowers.
  4. Peony. Flowers terry, large sizes. In the climate of central Russia( less demanding on weather conditions), the cultivation of garden buttercups of this type is most popular.
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The best garden buttercups include representatives of the Blooming Valley series:

  • Double Pink Buttercup;
  • Rebecca;
  • Purple Picotee.

Cultivation of garden buttercups

Beautiful bushes suitable for cutting, blooming for 5 years, can be obtained by following the rules of growing technology, following the advice of experts. Among them are the following tips on how to plant buttercups, the stages of plant care.

Preparation of a place in the garden.

. Planting of buttercups in spring is carried out in a porous, fertile soil with good drainage conditions.

Buttercup landing place should not be in drafts, bright sun. The presence of wind, an excess of scorching rays restrain the flowering processes, the setting of seeds.

The soil is chosen loose with a slightly acidic, neutral acidity value. Before planting buttercups in the spring, it is recommended to make compost, humus. A good landing site is considered to be a plot with close surface waters, creating a( optimal) humid climate. Young shoots appear in 10 - 14 days. If threatened by frost, it is recommended to cover them. The time when planting buttercups in open ground is determined by the steady repetition of positive temperatures at night. Choosing a landing site, we must remember that buttercup flowers contain poisonous compounds.


Despite the fact that in nature buttercups grow well in wet conditions, before planting garden buttercups, you need to know that the flower responds equally badly to drought, waterlogging.

Buttercup tubers quickly rot, dying with frequent, abundant watering. They save them by digging them out of the ground in time, treating them with potassium permanganate and drying.

Watering the plants is carried out regularly, in small portions. For effective cultivation, it is advised to close them during heavy rains, to make high-quality drainage at the bottom of the planting pits. During flowering, watering is reduced. Care for buttercups after flowering completely eliminates watering. The signal is the disappearance of all buds, the appearance of yellow leaves. Watering is accompanied by weeding, loosening the soil.

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Fertilizing, fertilizer

Growing and caring for buttercups in the garden will not be effective without properly organized fertilizing, giving strength to the young plant. Especially responsible time are the periods of growth of seedlings, the formation of leaves, the appearance of the first buds.

Feed once every 10 days using organic, mineral fertilizers.

The maximum nitrogen input should be done during the period of active growth of bushes. Use mullein solution when the appearance of buds, and then use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Before dressing, it is desirable to carefully remove dry leaves, inflorescences.

Pest and disease control

The plant is resistant to many pests that attack flower beds. Excessive watering causes moisture and attracts cabbage moths. You can defeat them using chemicals, folk remedies, similar to the care of a vegetable garden bed.

The problem that leads to the death of tubers are viruses that lead to the loss of the decorativeness of the flower. Experts advise more often( not less than at 3.4 years old) to rejuvenate the plant with new tubers purchased in the store.

Preparing for winter

Active flowering of bushes occurs until the end of August. Next, the plant needs to organize the conditions of preparation for winter storage, the next growth season. In mid-September, plants are dug up, dried, placed in cardboard boxes, covered with sawdust, peat or moss. Knowing how to store buttercups in the winter is of great importance for obtaining quality material for the next season.

Store the tubers at a temperature of + 4 + 6 ° С.Leave to spend the winter in the garden can be subject to warm winters. Landings cover with a film, close with spruce branches, other branches.

Pruning Flowers

A useful agrotechnical technique( in growing garden buttercups) that keeps the bush decorative for a long time is correct pruning. Do it in the following cases:

  1. Remove shoots with dried buds. Bush blooms unevenly, it is always possible to see the branches, which are in different stages of development. Trimming maintains a beautiful view of the bush.
  2. Garden buttercups stand well in bouquets. Modern varieties of the Persian group of plants have long stems and remain decorative for about two weeks.

Cut the stems in water( the cut should be oblique), remove all the leaves to the water level, constantly add water, tear off faded inflorescences, bud, do not keep the bouquet in a draft.

Reproduction of buttercups

Now it is easy to buy a ready tuber, a seedling and admire a new hybrid variety of a plant of any shade, shape. But if you want to go through all the stages of development( plant, perform care) buttercup garden seeds, then you can use the following information:

  1. Seed propagation of buttercups is considered a difficult task. Especially if it begins with the collection of seeds of a garden buttercup on its own plot. It is recommended to remove them from the first strong flowers, most fully preserving the properties of the parent plant. A flower on a bush is tied with gauze and waiting for the seeds to ripen. In February( or in the first days of March) they are sown in a container filled with soil consisting of peat, leaf soil, sand( the recommended proportions are 1: 1: 0.5).Planting depth of seeds is no more than 1 cm. Crops are carefully moistened with a spray bottle. The box is covered with glass, placed in a room with a temperature of about + 12º C. Shoots will appear after three, four weeks. The container is transferred to a lighter, warmer place( temperature is not below + 20º C).Seedlings are transplanted in separate containers after the appearance of four true leaves. Then comes the time of landing, leaving buttercup in the open field.
  2. Growing buttercups from tubers. Buttercup roots are similar to small cones, planted in open ground in late April, early May. Before planting, they are soaked in a solution of any growth promoter. Put them "claws" to the bottom of the fossa at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. On heavy soils, the embedment depth is maintained at about 5 cm. On the lungs, it increases to 8 cm.
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The process of growing garden buttercups is an exciting experience. The labor expended is rewarded with the beauty of an unusual carpet, when a buttercup blooms, pleasing the hosts even on the most overcast day.

Garden buttercups are blooming in the garden - video

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