We decorate our plots with decorative curling beans.

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Features of juniper flake and its popular varieties

Features of juniper flake and its popular varietiesLandscape Design

content of the article: Description juniper scaly description of popular varieties of juniper scaly Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet( Blue Carpet) Juniper scaly Meyeri...

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The main thing about the healing properties of the tree hornbeam

The main thing about the healing properties of the tree hornbeamLandscape Design

Article content: Description Pests and diseases Application Use in traditional medicine We grow hornbeam in our garden - video The hornb...

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Spectacular exhibit in landscape design - chestnut tree

Spectacular exhibit in landscape design - chestnut treeLandscape Design

Content of the article: Without the slightest flaw Three nuts for Cinderella Spring boom planting The secret technique Especially dangerous diseases and pest...

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