The beauty and benefit of the Russian land - meadow and wild flowers

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In the floodplains of rivers and lakes in spring and summer you can meet a wide variety of vegetation: these meadow flowers and grasses create a mottled or gentle color of earthy clothing. There are perennial, biennial, annual flowers in fields and meadows, reproduce by seeds (samosev), roots (vegetatively), pollination (with the help of birds and insects).

Different geographical zones differ in their features and names of the growing herbs, which choose a more comfortable climate for maturation and reproduction. Plants and flowers of fields and meadows can be creeping, undersized (up to 15 cm), medium and high photophilic (up to 2 m). Meadow and field plants are bright, delicate, bicolored, mottled, dark. Among them, the colors predominate: yellow, blue, purple, white, pink, red.

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Yellow herbs of natural landscapes

A huge number of fragrant, astringent or tender-smelling herbs have yellow inflorescences: goose onions, elecampane, delphinium, clover, griffon, lumbago, tansy, buttercup, dandelion and many other useful and beautiful plants. Some yellow meadow flowers, their photos and names are presented in this section.

Goose onion

A low-growing plant not exceeding 15 cm has long leaves growing at the roots, small bright yellow flowers, expressively smelling of honey. Used as a cosmetic and medicinal product.


It grows in shrubs up to 1 m high. Leaves are narrow, light green, inflorescences orange or yellow. Flowers are single or in bundles. It is used to care for the face and body, as well as in folk medicine.


To the yellow field flowers is also the clover. This is one of the highest colors, growing above human growth (up to 2 m). Stems are evenly covered with three-toed leaves. Small flowers (yellow or white) are arranged in the form of brushes.

Donnik heals wounds, relieves inflammation and cramps, heals a wet cough.


This bush plant is even higher - up to, m. The area at the roots is provided with narrow pointed leaves. Flowers are small, there are different colors, including yellow, pyramidal located on a long stem. Delphinium is added as a useful ingredient in the production of soap.

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Field plants with yellow inflorescences can continue the above list. These include: a zopnik (or a feverish root), St. John's wort, tansy, adonis spring, buttercup, sow, goldenrod, rape, mullein, zlatotsvet sowing, celandine, bathing and many others.

Blue wildflowers

The main among the blue flowers of meadows and fields can be identified: chicory, ordinary aquilegia, gentian, delphinium, field, lupine, cornflower, bell-colored, multicolored pansies with predominance of blue-violet color, bruise ordinary. Here are photos of blue wildflowers with names.


Has a powerful, fleshy root, filled with milky juice. The stem with multiple branches grows to 120 cm in height. The leaves grow from the middle part of the stems, collected in rosettes. The flowers of this meadow plant are blue-blue (there are white and pink species), with jagged petals, fringed with leaves, arranged along the length of the stems and at their apexes. He loves the sun, after noon the flowers are closed.

Chicory is useful for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is a curative food for animals.

Aquilegia vulgaris

Cluster meadow flowers of medium height (up to 80 cm). Do not be afraid of frost. Large inflorescences on tall thin legs can be of very different colors: blue, white, red, pink, purple, black, purple. Aquilegia treats pneumonia, tonsillitis, skin diseases, wounds and burns, scurvy, head and stomach pain.


It is a semi-shrub with a constant lower part in the form of bush branches and a replaceable grassy top. Reaches heights, m. Has memorable flowers in the form of large bells blue, violet and tender blue color. The root of gentian is used for stomach upset, gout, eye diseases, anemia, diathesis, heart failure.

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Cornflower blue

It reaches 1 m in height, the leaves are elongated, an extinct green hue. Flowers grow in a basket of beautiful blue. Used to treat kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, eye and female diseases, joints, stomach.

Violet meadow plants

Dzhungar akonite, comfrey, bell, glitch, mouse peas, chamber, pansies - purple wild flowers, names and photos of some of them are shown in this section.

Aconite of the Dzungarian

It grows in the form of a bush, loves a lot of sun, therefore it reaches a height of up to 2 m. The leaves are soft rounded, divided into 5 parts. Inflorescences large, five-petalled, dark-violet. Used for anemia, infertility, diabetes, stenocardia, ulcers, bronchitis, arthritis, psoriasis, pediculosis, cancer, poisoning with poisonous mushrooms.

Comfrey Comfy

These meadow flowers are a tough rough plant, the maximum height is up to 90 cm. The stem is branchy, leaves are oblong, at the base are larger. The flowers are purple with a purple hue, look like a tubular bell. Useful properties of comfrey root are used to relieve inflammatory processes, stop bleeding of various origin, treatment of tumors and ulcers, alleviation of the condition in fractures and dislocations, assured elimination of purulent process.

White, red, pink, white-pink, lilac flowers of fields and meadows

Many colors of various scales and shades can be seen at the time of flowering in meadows and fields. This is pleasing to the eye when meeting with nature the wildflowers of Russia (see. below photo and name): althae officinalis, amaranth, cornflower, ledum, valerian officinalis, forest cherry, carnation meadow, snake mountaineer, kukushkin hotspot, wintergreen, wild onion, angustifolia (Ivan the tea), clover, hazel grouse Russian, cumin.

Althaea officinalis

A low flower growing to 50 cm with oblong greenish leaves, located along the entire height of the stem: lower - larger, higher - gradually smaller. Pale pink flowers grow one by one, in diameter can reach 10 cm. Алтей is not adjusted to strong frosts, comfortably feels in an average strip of Russia. The root of the flower is used in the treatment of cough and stomach ulcers, increased immunity.

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Valerian officinalis

It stretches to, m in height. The leaves are attached to the stem with a long petiole. Light pink fragrant inflorescences look like umbrellas. In medicine, a valerian-based drug is used as a sedative, with headache, pressure, angina pectoris, thyroid gland diseases, cholelithiasis, urinary tract problems, during menopause women.

Small-leaved Cyprite


Wild onion

Explanation of some names

In meadow flowers, in addition to the official Latin name, there is a name that was given by people. For example, mother-and-stepmother got its name because of the contrast of the upper (warm, fleecy) and lower (cold, smooth) parts of the leaf.

Devyasil relieves fatigue, gives "nine forces". Cornflower - a symbol of purity and holiness, named in honor of St. Basil, who was very fond of flowers. Ivan-da-Marya was named according to the legend of unhappy love, which was not destined to come true.


Multicolored pansies of the Russian legend - this is the color of hope, surprise and sadness of the girl, whose heart could not stand the vain waiting of the beloved. The carnation was given a name by resemblance to a nail of ancient forging. The roots and leaves of the gentian are so bitter that this taste served as the name of the flower.

Photos with the names of wildflowers are given below.



Carnation meadow


At the height of summer, when the honey-colored flowers in the field give off nectar for cross-pollination, bee workers collect this healing sweet liquid for further honey production.

The most melliferous plants are:

  • mint;
  • norchik pineal (field sage);
  • ammonia tooth;
  • motherwort;
  • coriander.

The following flowers also belong to the honey-colored flowers: anise, peppermint, lavender spicery, caraway, cornflower meadow, kulibaba fall, medinitsa, dandelion, mother-and-stepmother. Depending on the name of the flower, honey production from 1 hectare is from 30 to 1300 kg. Next are the photos and names of some wildflower flowers.

Nature has generously endowed man with the myriad wealth of flora that heals from illnesses, admires its special beauty, cleanses the soul and improves mood.

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