Methods of treating stomatitis in rabbits

"Wet face" or infectious stomatitis - this disease usually affects rabbits up to 3 months and then switches to healthy animals. The case is possible. The spread of the disease in rabbits is due to the poor sanitary conditions of , pollution in the mother liquor, streams and feeders. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to know the causes, identify symptoms, be able to provide timely assistance and carry out preventive treatment.

Table of Contents

  • Causes of stomatitis in rabbits
  • Why do they have a crawler?up to half a year. The cause of the disease is the filtering virus .It is contained in a dormant state in urine, saliva and blood. The disease is most pronounced in autumn and spring. Why?
    • The number of young increases during this period; ;
    • weakened immunity ;
    • crowded hosted ;
    • air temperature drops ;
    • increase in air humidity due to prolonged precipitation;
    • mating of infected animals , as a result of which rabbits are born sick.
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    Infectious stomatitis in rabbits

    The source of infection is infected animals that spread the disease to healthy ones. Symptoms of stomatitis appear in 2-3 days.

    Ventilated places should be selected for the rabbit. In the summer - it saves animals from overheating. In the winter time does not accumulate gases. Ammonia is harmful to animals.

    Why a rabbit has a wet muzzle, lice symptoms

    A wet muzzle is not the first sign of the disease, but rather the final one. The disease begins with the fact that in the language of a sick animal appears a raid of white color .Its shade varies from whitish to gray-reddish. Sores appear and drooling increases. After a few days, the nasolabial part turns red. The fur around the mouth and on the neck becomes wet and sticky. The animal stops moving and for the most part sits in the corner of the cage.

    A rabbit in the tongue has white bloom

    They scratch their little faces with the paw, because the sores in the tongue itch. Because of the painful sensations, it is painful for them to chew on feed, and as a result the sick animal loses weight. Due to improper diet, diarrhea can occur.

    After a disease is detected, you need to take action. First, put the rabbit in an empty cage. Secondly, to appoint treatment to all animals that were with the patient together.

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. Stomatitis is divided into two forms:

    1. Light infectious.

    With this shape, the rabbit will recover on its own. The disease occurs in the mild form of .Most often, even almost not noticeable. Sores are also present, but not so deep. Less itching and sore. Less salivation. After about two days, the rabbit children recover. They are mobile, good appetite. Weight is not lost. Only the nose becomes warm and soft. Treat your mouth so that recovery is faster.

    1. Heavy form.

    In this case, is fatal in a week .But, if the treatment is carried out in time, then there is a chance to save the rabbit. After salivation has increased, the general condition of the sick rabbit also changes. They move a little. They sit in a corner of the cage and constantly move their lips, as if chewing food. Eating feed becomes painful due to sores, so the animals lose weight. Foamy saliva smeared edges of the lips .Wet hair under the lower lip and on the neck. The sores itch and the rabbit regularly rubs its muzzle with its paws. At the same time becomes unattractive wet look. Therefore, the disease is called - sapling or wet muzzle. It is accompanied by uncontrolled diarrhea.

    The rabbit has a wet face

    With timely treatment, the animal recovers in 1.5 weeks .Wool stays glued for a long time or falls out. After the sores there are traces that heal for a long time.

    Remove dust in cages. Dust occurs when handing out hay, dry feed. Also during the hunt, the female kicks off the fluff, which spreads throughout the cage. In rabbits, the eyes, nose and respiratory tract are clogged. As a result, rhinitis and pneumonia can develop.

    How to treat this infectious disease

    1. Irrigate the oral cavity with an aqueous solution of manganese( we make a 0.15 percent solution).
    2. Digging into the mouth penicillin solution( 0.05-0.1 grams once a day).Or give an injection intramuscularly.
    3. Cover the crushed pill( 0.2 grams) streptocide into your mouth. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 days.
    4. Copper sulfate dissolve in water( 2%) and swab the nasolabial portion. This procedure is done twice a day for three days.
    1. Make ointment with the following composition:
    • lanolin 30 grams;
    • penicillin 200 thousand units;
    • sulfamide 2 grams;
    • white neutral vaseline 170 grams.

    Mix everything in a water bath until smooth. Lubricate the oral cavity with ointment.

    Do not allow strangers into the territory of the rabbit house, as the animals are worried. In this way, infectious diseases can spread.

    Unconventional methods of treatment of the disease

    Some of the rabbit breeders use the sider for the treatment of stomatitis apidermin .It is designed to treat burns, abscesses, and ulcers, but is excellent in treating stomatitis in rabbits. This medicine includes:

    • pollen;
    • propolis;
    • honey.

    Used as:

    1. Anti-inflammatory and accelerating cell regeneration.
    2. Pain Reliever.
    3. Enhance immunity.
    It is desirable to carry out feeding in the morning and in the evening, so as not to disturb the rabbits once again. Especially because they mostly eat at night.

    Preventive work against stomatitis

    In order to avoid a massive death from infectious diseases and prevent the occurrence of diseases, the conditions of keeping rabbits must be observed. What preventive measures are required?

    1. Clean in cells and queen cells:
    • should not allow the accumulation of feces and urine.
    1. Mandatory cleaning feeders and drinkers:
    • they must be clean and disinfected.
    Drinking bowl for rabbits
    1. Disinfection of inventory and tools in a rabbit.
    2. Before entering the rabbit house make a disinfecting barrier :
    • make a small square recess and pour lime into it, which will serve as a good disinfector for shoes.
    1. Do not keep animals crowded with .In the cages should be animals at the rate of content.
    2. Feed the rabbits only quality, nutritious .
    3. For prophylaxis, add a few drops of iodine to drinking water.
    4. Isolation of sick animals from healthy livestock.
    5. Disinfection of cells in which sick animals sat.
    6. Do not place a rabbit near noise sources. When noisy, animals behave restlessly. Rabbits can abort. In rabbit immunity is reduced.

    To save money, it is more beneficial to prevent diseases than to cure and spend a lot of time and money on it. Infectious diseases most often occur in the autumn, spring .Therefore, at this time, the rabbit breeder needs to be especially attentive in order to take timely measures to identify sick animals.

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