The body of the domestic rabbit does not tolerate diseases, especially if they are caused by exposure to the virus. As a result, just yesterday, a completely healthy animal dies for no apparent reason. Therefore, should constantly monitor the condition of rabbits with in order to notice the symptoms of the disease in time and isolate it from its relatives, and also do everything possible to cure it. In this article we will look at common diseases that cause rabbits to die, why they appear and what to do in such cases.
- Table of Conduct- for which livestock dies
Why rabbits die: causes of death
Distributehydrochloric cause of illness and subsequent death of rabbits is violation sanitary norms for Content. Untimely cleaning of cages, water by dirty or spoiled water, all this adversely affects the health of the population. Especially bad effect with unbalanced diet, which further weakens the animal's immunity.
Rabbits also die in the attentive host, who provides his charges with good feeding, timely cleaning and disinfection of cells. The reason for this is viral and infectious diseases , which are common in the summer, because they are transferred not only from a sick animal to a healthy one, but also through insect bites.
The most common diseases of adults and young animals are
- UHD;
- myxomatosis;
- pasteurellosis;
- coccidosis;
- flatulence.
UHD( fever) - viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits when vaccinated with
. The abbreviation is , viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits .This disease causes the death of rabbits. Disease prone animals from two months. VGBK or simple words fever, very contagious, it is transmitted not only through wool, meat and feces of infected individuals, but also by air. Mortality occurs in 90% of cases of .It is not always possible to notice that the animal is infected, since UGBC may be asymptomatic. In the acute form, rabbits completely refuse to eat, behave restlessly, very quickly lose their strength and become slow-moving, but at the same time they convulsively pull their paws and throw back their heads.
The animal is in pain, therefore it periodically gives a squeak, blood discharge through the nose is possible. Death occurs from 24 to 72 hours after infection with .The disease affects and destroys the liver of the animal, and also causes pulmonary edema, which is often the cause of death, because the body has enough oxygen.
In order to secure your livestock, you need to apply a special vaccine, which is administered to the little rabbits at the age of 45 days .Adults can be introduced at any time. The validity of the vaccine is one year, after which it is necessary to carry out revaccination. Treatment of the disease has not yet been developed, and the reasons for the recovery of individual individuals have not been established.
Myxomatosis( distemper), visible symptoms
disease is transmitted through insect bites and causes a profuse secretion of mucus from the nose and eyes. An infected animal can live for a long time with these symptoms while infecting its relatives. Myxomatosis, in common plague, is very dangerous for the young population of , in which mortality occurs much faster than in adults.
In addition to mucus secretion, infected individuals have edema or nodules on the nose, ears and eyes of .
After the onset of symptoms, the disease rapidly develops and leads to the death of adult animals in about 10-14, and the young in 7 days.
Myxomatosis spreads very quickly, and if one infected rabbit is found on the farm, then most likely the others are already infected too. The disease does not have an effective treatment for , so vaccination is necessary to prevent it. The possible use of an associated vaccine, which has in its structure a strain of myxomatosis and UHDB, which will eliminate the need to prick an animal with a syringe twice.
Infectious disease capable of causing a massive death of livestock in just 2 days of .The visible symptoms are runny nose, sneezing and lack of appetite. In contrast to the above-mentioned diseases, which appeared relatively recently, pasteurellosis has been known for a very long time.
The disease is fatal to , but on a much smaller scale than the former. Death occurs in 15-75% of cases. The better the feeding and sanitary conditions, the lower the percentage of death.
The disease can be acute or turn into chronic. In acute currents, the temperature of the animal rises to 41 degrees, after which shortness of breath, runny nose and sneezing begin. After several hours or days, such a rabbit most likely dies. In chronic form, the animal exhibits all the signs of rhinitis and conjunctivitis , which makes it difficult to timely diagnosis. The patient’s stool becomes liquid, there may be purulent abscesses under the skin, which open up after 1.5-2 months. Fortunately, this disease can be cured by resorting to drugs.
The disease is caused by parasitic protozoa of unicellular organisms. Parasites affect the liver and intestines of .Each rabbit is a carrier of coccidosis, but the clinical form is rare.
Coccidosis manifests itself clearly, which helps in its diagnosis. So sick animal has swollen belly and the emaciated body , with no appetite. The disease is transmitted by coccidian oocytes, which are present in the feed and water. Healthy animals with strong immunity can independently resist the development of coccidia to a painful clinical form.
When an infected rabbit is slaughtered, on the liver and in the intestine there are dotted bright growths in the form of nodules. In addition, the liver will increase 5 times. The disease is treated with antibiotics, but first of all it is necessary to improve the conditions of detention without allowing the accumulation of dirt and overcrowding of cells.
Meteorism or flatulence, a common cause of death. Since the rabbit's intestines are sensitive, it is difficult to restore and sometimes impossible if it fails. The cause of flatulence is a sharp change in the flora of the digestive system .This can happen if the food was very wet or juicy, which was unusual for an animal.
With flatulence, the rabbit suffers from , he suffers from colic and refuses to eat. This leads to fermentation in the intestines of food eaten, because it is not pushed new. As a result, bacteria develop in the digestive system, which begin to destroy the intestinal wall and lead to the death of the patient.
Other causes that cause the livestock to die
In addition to the common causes of death of rabbits, there are some more rare, but also dangerous diseases.
Rabbits are susceptible to scabies that parasitize their ears. Ticks eats into the skin of the animal and drinks its blood, causing severe itching. Scabs appear in the ears, hair falls on them. The exhausted animal gradually fades, it refuses food, loses strength and dies after long torment. These parasites can be killed using modern drugs, so the rabbit can be cured.
Females during lactation are susceptible to the appearance of infectious mastitis on the nipples of .The cause of the disease are the wounds obtained from the sharp teeth of the baby rabbits. These bites are natural, but if they are poorly kept in a dirty cell, they begin to develop an infection that spreads throughout the body and infects the blood, resulting in a fatal outcome. Therefore, the cells with the rabbit feeding the young must be especially clean.
Causes of the death of small rabbits
Rabbits at the age of up to a month are not susceptible to disease, because they have strong immunity obtained from mother's milk. But a strong immunity is not able to protect them from everything. The most frequent cause the death of small rabbits is the low temperature in the nest .They freeze to death even in hot summer, if they are not in a nest with bedding and down of mother.
The next reason is hunger. The lack of mother's milk in the early days of becomes an insurmountable obstacle for babies. Monitoring the milkiness of the female can be done by weighing baby rabbits. By measuring their total weight before and after feeding, you can determine how much milk they drank. In case of its lack, it is necessary to improve the feeding of the female, or to remove part of the offspring to another rabbit, who has children of the same age and who does not have a lack of milk.
Home Treatment and Prevention of Diseases at Home
Diseases such as UHD and myxomatosis are not treated with , and the mortality rate among infected individuals is very high. At the same time they experience severe torment, so the animal is better to kill. The only panacea is vaccination, which is held every year.
Pasteurellosis can be cured by using antibiotics and B vitamins, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Coccidiosis is eliminated under the influence of drugs:
- Trihopol;
- Sulfadimezin;
- Himkokkokd.
Thus, it is important to monitor the health of the rabbits, and periodically conduct a detailed inspection. One should not avoid vaccination at least against incurable diseases .Good nutrition and compliance with sanitary standards will exclude the possibility of the development of most non-viral diseases.