Indications for use of aloe extract in ampoulesan ambiguous effect, preparations for plant-based products intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are very rare. The exception, unequivocally recognized, and folk and traditional medicine, is aloe in ampoules, instructions for use of which fully confirms the effectiveness of natural remedies. The healing power of aloe has been known for several thousand years. First, folk, and then official medicine began to apply the juice and pulp of the leaves of this plant as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial and emollient.
Modern research scientists have fully confirmed the benefits of aloe-based products. But if the juice obtained from home-grown aloe and containing a mass of impurities can only be used externally, then commercially available aloe extract in ampoules is a safe product that has undergone multiple purification and is used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.
Features and Benefits of Aloe for Injections
Aloe is a natural storehouse of vitamins, essential oils, mineral salts and organic acids. Means in ampoules based on the juice from the leaves of the plant:
- retains all the properties of "live" juice;
- , with proper storage, does not lose healing power for a long time
- is easy to use because it is suitable for both injections with aloe and for external use.
The high activity of the herbal preparation causes to it the justified interest of specialists in various fields of medicine.
Pulmonologists and ophthalmologists, physicians engaged in the treatment of neurological diseases, and urologists have experience of extract use today. Dermatologists who help to get rid of skin ailments and cosmetologists work most successfully with aloe extract in ampoules. Natural remedy is used as part of therapy for dysfunctions of the digestive system and the gastric bladder, during rehabilitation after surgical interventions, and diseases. Aloe helps skin regeneration after serious skin wounds and after burns.
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How does the instructions for use of aloe in ampoules determine the scope of its use?
Indications for use of aloe extract in ampoules
Aloe juice in ampoules with official medicine is recommended for a number of ophthalmological, neurological, gastroenterological and pulmonological problems.
In ophthalmology, aloe in ampoules is included in complex therapy not only in inflammatory processes of various nature, but also:
- with rapidly developing myopia;
- with lens clouding;
- with optic nerve atrophy and other serious problems that threaten loss of vision.
Instructions for the use of aloe in ampoules indicates the feasibility of using this tool for the treatment of the initial stages of tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia.
Purified aloe vera extract is a proven means for simulating appetite, but this is not limited to the use of the drug. Gastroenterologists include juice in the complex therapy in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis and cholecystitis.
As physicians see many contraindications, aloe injections are used very carefully in gynecology, but they have proven to be effective in treating infertility not only in women, but also in men.
The aloe stimulating, strengthening and immunity properties are a good reason for interest in the remedy by neurologists. The preparation of aloe in ampoules is applicable in the rehabilitation after strokes, during the treatment of neuritis, neuralgia and sciatica.
Externally, according to the instructions for use, aloe in ampoules is used to stimulate the healing of wounds, abrasions, burns and ulcers. The beneficial properties of the drug are actively exploited in cosmetology and dermatology, for example, in the treatment of acne, inflammatory processes, and also for intensive care.
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Aloe masks, creams, lotions and facial wipes in ampoules find application as a means:
- for the delivery of moisture into the thickness of tissue;
- to relieve irritation and soften the skin;
- to enhance regeneration and maintain youth.
Purified aloe juice can be used for massage, included in ointments, used for lotions.
Method of application and dosage of aloe extract in ampoules
According to the instructions for use, aloe injections are carried out subcutaneously. The duration of the course of treatment is 30-50 days. Injections are made once a day, and the dosage is prescribed depending on the disease and the age of the patient. The maximum amount of aloe extract entering the body should not exceed 3–4 ml.
Before starting aloe injections, they test. To do this, a small amount of funds is injected under the skin of the forearm. If a negative reaction of the body is not detected, proceed to the main treatment. And after completing the course, they necessarily take a break of 60–90 days. To eliminate possible risks, injections of aloe are carried out in a medical institution and under the supervision of a specialist.
Intramuscular liquid aloe extract for injection is not used. And since the shots are quite painful, pain medications are prescribed with aloe.
For rhinitis, accompanied by nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, aloe is used for instillation. The drug relieves puffiness of the mucous membrane, fights against bacterial other pathogenic flora.
The price of aloe in ampoules is comparable with the known remedies for the common cold. The effect of the natural herbal remedies is much broader. It not only facilitates breathing, but also activates the immune defense, disinfects and dries the inflamed tissue.
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Contraindications to the use of aloe for injection
This is a long-proven and popular herbal medicine. But a high concentration of bioactive substances in the composition of the juice or extract is not only a positive side, but also an occasion to reflect on the existing side effects.
Although in the course of scientific research of aloe extract in ampoules there was no negative effect of the remedy in overdose, there is a whole category of diseases in which injections with aloe inevitably cause health damage.
First of all, it is absolutely forbidden to give injections to children up to the age of one, pregnant and lactating women. With colds in children without the recommendation of a doctor, you should not use aloe, even for the treatment of rhinitis, because self-medication is fraught with draining mucous membranes and exacerbation of the disease.
Renal and heart failure of the chronic form, arterial hypertension, hemorrhoids, cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, exacerbations and acute forms of ailments of the digestive system are considered contraindicated for use according to the instructions of aloe in ampoules.
Aloe extract based remedy is contraindicated for internal bleeding, as well as for tuberculosis complicated by hemoptysis.
Instructions for the use of aloe for injections warns about a number of possible side effects. Among them:
- allergic reaction to the components of the drug:
- fever;
- digestive disorders in the form of diarrhea;
- pressure boost.
Prolonged course application of aloe in ampoules can lead to the removal of potassium from the body. This effect is enhanced if the patient takes diuretic drugs. Against the background of aloe injections, laxatives, drugs for the treatment of arrhythmias and aimed at stimulating blood formation act more intensively.
The whole truth about aloe - video