Those summer residents and gardeners whose work is aimed at obtaining a consistently high yield, , should be given preference to the Red Fantasy .The variety was bred in Holland relatively recently, in 2011, and has excellent characteristics. It is quite unusual, as it refers to the brightly colored potato varieties. It has a red skin and a yellow flesh on the cut. This also plays an important role in the selection of seed.
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Considered mid-seasoned .Red Fantasy is well kept throughout the winter and is not picky about transportation.
Has a pink peel .Its originality contributes to great demand among buyers. It is suitable for personal consumption and the manufacture of industrial semi-finished products.
It is recommended to grow this type of potato for industrial and farm production. The summer resident will also receive a good result.
Best grown in regions such as Central, Volgo-Vyatskiy( RF) .
Mid-season potato, suitable for cultivation in the Central and Volga-Vyatka regions.
Description of the Red Fantasy potato.
Red Fantasy is a medium late potato variety. Ripening period 100-110 days .
The bush is high, the leaves are large, light green, inflorescences are pink-violet color .
Tubers are large, 100-120 grams, oval-shaped with a minimum number and a small bed of "eyes".In one bush 10-12 tubers, about the same size.
Suitable for planting in farms and dachas. Potatoes of this variety tolerate long-term transportation and , if properly stored, does not lose its taste until spring .
Advantages and disadvantages of
Grade advantages:
- Under favorable weather conditions, high yields, an average of 400 quintals per hectare.
- When cooking, the flesh remains yellow.
- The taste of potatoes is bright, rich.
- Excellent for sale on the market, as it has an excellent presentation.
- It has a low starch content( 15-16%), which makes it ideal for use in cooking, including food for children.
- Is not susceptible to potato diseases, such as: cancer, common scab, leaf curl viruses, blackleg, late blight, ring rot and wet rot.
There are practically no deficiencies in this variety, if care and cultivation is carried out properly, they will not arise.
Pros variety: high yield, has a low starch content, resistant to diseases
Features of growing and care
Red Fantasy, like any other variety, has its own characteristics of cultivation. Consider them in more detail.
For planting material it is better to choose healthy, even, medium-sized tubers. From small tubers a big harvest is not obtained. If desired, they can be germinated two weeks before planting.
Since Red Fantasy belongs to the middle-late variety, it is not necessary to germinate it.The next step is to prepare the soil. With all the unpretentiousness of this variety, land should not be overwetted .
Before planting, the ground must be loosened on the spade bayonet by removing weeds. When planting tubers, it is advisable to add rotted manure or humus to the well.
Since this potato is different in bulk green mass of the bush, the distance between the holes must be at least 35 cm .Depth of landing is 10-12 cm.
Two weeks before planting, sprouting tubers, the distance between the holes should be at least 35 cm.
Routing and watering
Routing is a very important agronomic method of .It is necessary to protect seedlings from frost, and wintered Colorado beetles. And most importantly, loosening the soil allows the green mass to grow faster.
Hilling should be done before the buds appear on the shoots, as at this time the tubers begin to form actively.It is also desirable to loosen the ground after each rain or watering .So we destroy the malicious weeds( sow thistles, wheatgrass) and the plants get the oxygen they need.
Since Red Fantasy potatoes like moderately moist soil, drip irrigation will be the best solution .
Watering is recommended drip, you need hilling and loosening
Top dressing
After planting, to get a big crop, you need to carry out at least 3 top dressings .
The first top dressing for the growth of green mass of the bush, is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers two weeks after planting.
Directly for Red Fantasy, a reduction of 10% nitrogen fertilizer application is recommended.The second top dressing to increase the mass of tubers should contain a complex of mineral fertilizers, in which potassium and phosphorus predominate.
And the final, , the third top dressing, is needed to enrich the potato with nutrients. It is carried out three weeks before harvesting by applying organic fertilizers, namely, manure.
Diseases and pests
These potatoes are sufficiently resistant to various diseases and pests .Rarely ill with diseases such as: potato cancer, golden-cysto-forming nematodes, common scab.
Also not damaged by many legitimate viruses. Due to its early maturation, has no damage to late blight .
Potatoes are resistant to late blight, cancer, scab, golden-cyst forming nematode
Harvesting and storing the crop
It is better to harvest the crop in dry weather .Till the evening dew, it is better to leave the tubers in the sun, and clean them in a dry, shady, ventilated place in the evening.
It is better to burn the potato tops immediately, and not to lay them on the compost mass, since it can contain pest larvae and disease spores.The harvest was stored for storage no earlier than in two weeks .During this time, all spoiled, rotten tubers are rejected. Because of one sick potato, there is a high probability that the entire crop will die.
It is best to store potatoes in the cellars and cellars of the , in ventilated containers. It may be containers or piles. To prevent mold, the tubers need to pour ash.
Red Fantasy variety potato with its great advantages, is unpretentious, ideal for sale, and its cultivation does not take much time .Therefore, it is suitable even for those who have no experience in the cultivation of potatoes.