Contentson one plant cuttings of another. The procedure will allow you to update the old tree while reducing fertility, as well as to harvest several varieties on one trunk. One of the goals of the event is to increase frost resistance. In this case, the variety( adapted to local conditions) is taken as the basis( stock), and the more southern one serves as a scion, which is planned to be grown in this area. The grafted cutting will begin to bear fruit in 2-4 years, while the quality of the fruit will noticeably improve. Grafting of fruit trees to increase yields is used both in large nurseries and in private summer cottages. The operation is performed under the power of any amateur gardener. Grafting Methods
Grafting the graft on the rootstock is done in various ways. Their choice depends on the type and size of the tree, climatic conditions, time of year.
There are several techniques for performing an operation:
- budding;
- vaccination for the cortex;
- copulation;
- over shot vaccination;
- graft splitting;
- ablaze.
In due course vaccinations are spring, summer and winter. With spring grafts, cuttings grow together and develop during the summer. If the operation is performed in the summer, the development will take place next year.
Works are best performed in cloudy, but dry weather. If the heat lasts for several days, then the plants are watered abundantly before grafting.
To carry out the procedure in winter, seedlings are dug and planted in spring. Their development will occur in the current season. Winter vaccinations provide accretion, close to 100%.
Let us consider in more detail the best ways of grafting fruit trees.
Budding of fruit trees
According to this technology, a dormant bud( eye) is grafted. Budding is the main method of cultivating wilderness used in nurseries. It is faster to perform and more economical: from one cutting you can take 4-5 buds for vaccination of the appropriate number of rootstocks.
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The operation is performed during the active movement of the sap. Roughly this is the end of July - the beginning of August, but the exact dates depend on regional climatic conditions. The criterion for their determination is a slight peeling of the bark.
For seed budding, seedlings with a thickness of up to 1 cm are suitable. Before planting fruit trees, prepare the foundation. All branches are cut from the lower part of the trunk, 5-7 skeletal multidirectional branches are left in the crown.
Annual shoots are used as grafts in the growth stage with strong wood and formed buds. Cuttings 10–15 cm long are harvested from their middle part.
Next, cut the guards - eyes with wood Dina about 3 cm and transfer them to the rootstocks. To do this, in the place of inoculation make a T-shaped cut of the bark. The scute is fastened behind the bark and tied.
Before performing the operation, the stem of the stock should be washed with a damp cloth.
After 1.5-2 weeks, you should make sure that the budding of the fruit trees was successful and the graft caught. Otherwise, the operation can be repeated if deadlines permit and the bark is still exfoliated.
Grafting of fruit trees behind the bark of
The grafting of the bark by grafting is carried out with a significant difference in the thickness of the stock and scion. Often it is used in relation to seedlings overgrown after failed budding or for re-grafting.
Timing of grafting fruit trees - from the beginning of the movement of the juice to its active stage.
The base is a stock stump trimmed under. For grafts take shoots in the stage of rest or awakening. They are cut off by 2-3 buds.
A 2.5-3 cm bark incision is made on the stump at the inoculation site. The lower part of the scion is cut off under the bevel and inserted behind the bark. After this, the place of accretion is tied up and covered with garden putty.
To improve contact, sometimes in the graft, in addition to the longitudinal incision, a horizontal one is performed - the so-called saddle with which the stalk sits on the stump.
2-3 shoots can be grafted onto one base.
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Copulating fruit trees
The copulation method is applied to stocks of small diameter when grafting to the bark is impossible. The advantage of technology is that it allows you to cultivate dicky in the very early stages, without waiting for shtamb.
Copulation differs from the previous methods in the timing of the operation. Plants should be at rest. It is necessary not to miss the time of grafting fruit trees in the spring and carry out the work before the start of sap flow, and if there is an opportunity, then perform them in the winter.
The grafting technique is as follows: the stock and the graft are cut diagonally, aligned to each other, wrapped and plastered. If their diameters are almost the same, then it is advisable to attach the graft from above, if the stock has a much thicker thickness, the butt is performed from the side. In this case, 2-3 cuttings can be placed on one base.
For better accretion, not straight, but figured cuts with tongues and saddles are performed.
The notch must be made in one pass of the knife.
Leaves are trimmed for 2-3 buds.
Winter grafting of fruit trees is done indoors. For this, the stocks are dug out in the fall, stored in the cellar in the winter, and planted in the spring with grafted grafts.
Grafting of fruit trees in lateral cutting
A technology that has little use in nurseries, but is of interest to amateur gardeners. Grafting is done in the stock of any thickness and provides a good accretion. The operation is most often performed to improve the yield of an already fruitful garden, replacing the top of the old tree.
Work time - winter, spring and summer.
A slot is made on the side of the tree trunk, tapering downwards. The graft with 2 kidneys is cut from two sides under a bevel with the formation of a sharp edge and wedged in the notch. Next is strapping and putty garden pitch.
Graft of fruit trees in the split.
A widespread technology in the past, known as a clothespin. It is used in cases where the stock has a rough bark or is damaged by unsuccessful attempts at grafting in other ways. As a rule, already mature trees with a developed root system are used, which provides good protection against frost. For scions harvested larger compared to other methods, cuttings with up to 5 buds.
The operation must be performed before the start of sap flow. Grafting fruit trees in spring ensures good plant development in the summer. Stone rocks are grafted from mid-March, pome - from the beginning of April.
The stock is cut at a height of 10-12 cm from the ground and trimmed with a garden knife. Further, a hole is cut in it with a hatchet and temporarily wedged. Grains are cut from two sides under a bevel about 4 cm and inserted into the slot, after which the wedge is removed. It turns out a reliable clamp, almost not requiring strapping. But putty garden pitch all cropped and steering parts with this method of grafting fruit trees is required.
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If the diameter of the stock allows, then it is recommended to plant 2 cuttings from different sides on it.
Ablation of fruit trees.
. Approximation or grafting by approaching is done by splicing the branches of plants through bark or wood cuts. This technology has found applications in the form of gardening. It provides an opportunity to update the crown, replace the damaged areas and fill the voids, as well as form the stlange( creeping) forms.
Abstraction makes it possible to plant trees in confined spaces, for example, near the walls of a house, where they, using the vertical area as much as possible, not only give a good harvest, but also perform a decorative function. The technique is also used to rescue trees that are sick or eaten by animals, providing nourishment for the crown from another root.
The operation can be performed throughout the growing season, but spring is considered the best time.
When the diameters of the stock and the scion coincide, they produce a common butt, cut along 5 cm in length, of the branches. The splicing site is wrapped and covered. Reed hooks can be made for better splicing.
If the stock is thicker, then the bark is cut on it and a graft is inserted into the slot.
In conclusion, we offer you to watch a video on how to graft fruit trees in spring.
Video about spring grafting of apple trees