Useful properties of young garlic and its feathers

Initially, young garlic was found in the wild state, today it is grown in vegetable gardens. It is believed that the onion culture is endowed with miraculous magical powers. There are three main ways of planting - winter, spring, on the greens.

Table of Contents

  • The Benefits of Green Garlic Feathers
  • Harm and Contraindications for Using
  • How to grow young green garlic at home?
  • Winter blanks
    • Marinated
    • In marinade with
    • beets Frozen
    • Dried

greens The benefits of green garlic feathers

The benefits are often remembered when dealing with a cold as an immune-supportive antiviral agent. Useful properties hide undeniable facts. Among the negative consequences often produce an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Bioactive substances, microelements and minerals make vegetable culture special.

Due to the fact that it contains toxic substances, it should be used with caution. Otherwise, the plant can bring both benefit to the body and harm. Active substances of green culture contribute to the natural production of hydrogen sulfide. The plant stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the vessels. According to the recipes of traditional medicine, garlic herbs are used to treat:

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  • Viral respiratory diseases;
  • to support the immune system;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • reduces harmful cholesterol levels;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • for the prevention of heart attack, stroke;
  • is used in the treatment of cancer;
  • increases the potency in men.

Greens contains vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, C, trace elements, sodium, sulfur, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, germanium, phytoncides. Due to its value, it is highly valued among traditional medicine advocates.

The plant is used to combat intestinal parasites, helminthic invasions.
Fresh garlic teeth close up

Harm and contraindications for use

Against the background of useful properties, this plant can be dangerous. Vegetable is recognized as a harmful crop for pets, so you should not feed pets with dishes from the table with its addition. May be dangerous to the walls of the stomach, causing ulcers. After use, there is a burning sensation in the mouth, contributes to bloating. Bad breath, diarrhea occur when consumed without heat treatment.

After heat treatment, the harmful properties disappear, and wet causes burns to the gastrointestinal tract. People with stomach problems should not use it too often. Not recommended for those prescribed blood-thinning medications. Therefore, garlic is contraindicated for people before surgery. In addition, allergic reactions may occur rash, itching. Pregnant and nursing mothers, aromatic plant is contraindicated.

Harvested fresh young garlic

How to grow young green garlic at home?

Cultivation of bulbous culture is simple care. To get early greens, seedlings are better to sow in the fall. As soon as the snow melts, the weather will come steadily warm, garlic shoots will appear. Principles of growing garlic greens on the plot:

  1. First of all, you need to dig up the soil. To rob a garden bed. Mark the place in a row with a rope.
  2. By markings, make the grooves, pour in ashes, organic fertilizers.
  3. When choosing the size of teeth for growing garlic on greens. It is best to take seedlings, which are formed from the fall at the site of the arrow.
  4. At an equal distance disperse the garlic cloves. The distance between the teeth is 10 cm, between the rows 20-25 cm.
  5. If the teeth are large, they need to be stuck in rows by hand, so that the spine is located down.
  6. Rows flatten slightly, rammed, after which you can wait for seedlings.
  7. In order to get early greens, how the cloves will emerge, you must ensure that they are regularly watered.
  8. Harvest until the arrows appear, in the southern territories this period falls on the June-July month. In the northern regions may mature later.
  9. Heads are dug out of the soil, cleaned, washed out of the ground.
  10. The crop is not stored for a long time, so you need to take care of its processing for culinary needs.
Harvesting young garlic

Harvesting for the winter

Recipes for harvesting from a young plant are numerous. Delicious blanks are obtained in pickled form. Thanks to different additives, you can make greens in marinades in a variety of ways.

You can add beets or carrots to make the garlic in the marinade a beautiful color.

Economical hostesses dry it and freeze, make garlic seasonings for dishes.

Starting harvesting garlic for the winter


  1. To pickle garlic, you need to prepare the heads, wash them and cut the greens. You can pickle greens and heads separately. Put in sterile jars.
  2. Prepare marinade at the rate of: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp.l salt, 2 tbsp.l sugar, 3 tbsp.lvinegar 9%.All you need to boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. Marinade is ready.
  3. To add flavor to the jars, add bay leaf, cloves and pepper to the pot.
  4. Add the marinade to the top of the jar and close the caps. Roll up the jars turn upside down and wrap.
Garlic marinated in the winter in a jar

In marinade with

  1. beets, rinse the young garlic, trim the roots and greens.
  2. Put in jars, you can add chopped greens, then the garlic will turn a beautiful lime color. In this case, you do not need to add beets.
  3. Put the marinade water on the pan, add the beet slices.
  4. Marinade brewed at the rate of: 1 liter of water, 1.5 tbsp.lsalt, 2.5 tbsp.l sugar. Boil until boiling, pour 50 ml of vinegar 9% there.
  5. Pour marinade jars, add 2 cloves, pepper and 1 aspirin per 1 liter jar.
Marinated Garlic with Beetroot


  1. Wash and dry the peeled heads or cut greens.
  2. Fold in sachets or sealed trays.
  3. Place in freezer, deliver if necessary.
  4. Thawing freeze garlic can be added to any dish.
Frozen garlic teeth in a package

Dried greens

  1. Dry the washed greens, tie them in bunches.
  2. Hang beams in a shaded drying area.
  3. Ready to check for greens, it should be well dried.
  4. You can add dried feathers to food or chop them into powder. In shredded form, you get fragrant seasoning.

Growing a useful vegetable crop on your plot, you can make a stock of green garlic for a whole year. Preparations will allow you to have savory snacks with a special aroma on the table. You can add them to different dishes. A good owner will not lose anything, everything will be beneficial!

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