How and what to water tomato seedlings to grow better
When choosing a seedling, preference is given to strong specimens that could safely take root in a new place. Therefore, when self-cultivating saplings, gardeners apply various techniques that favorably influence the development of young shoots. And the main means in achieving this goal are water and fertilizers. How and what to water the seedlings of tomatoes to grow strong will tell later in the article.
How to water tomato seedlings?
First watering tomato seedlings
Watering seedlings after transplanting
Watering and spraying to improve growth
Good feeding of tomato seedlings with hydrogen peroxide
How and what to process tomatoes after rain or cold
How to water tomato seedlings?
The development of young shoots depends on compliance with the irrigation regime and the application of additional fertilizing. And the irrigation process itself has features that will be discussed in this article.
After transferring seedlings to open ground, watering is not very frequent.
At first, every 2 days during the first week, then approximately once a week. For each seedling takes about 1.5-2.5 liters of water. Worse, if moistening is superficial. The root system may form underdeveloped, which has a negative impact on the growth of the bush.
Garden transplanted seedlings can be damaged by abundant and frequent watering and drying out of the soil. The risk of rotting of roots is high from overwetting, and dryness inhibits the development of culture.
For rooting seedlings irrigation is carried out according to the following scheme:
when forming inflorescences and ovaries, the soil should be well moistened;
a period of intensive flowering before the formation of fruits requires moderate watering;
with well-established dry and hot weather, you need to water the garden every other day or every day( in the early morning, in the evening before the sun sets for 2 hours);
in cloudy weather irrigation is carried out at any time.
Room water is used to water the tomatoes. The source of fluid are natural reservoirs, wells. It is undesirable to use tap water, but in the absence of another it needs to be defended for at least a day. The ideal option is to collect precipitation( melting snow, rain).
First watering of tomato seedlings
Watering the emerged seedlings should be 3-4 days after the mass germination. The main assistant in this business is the sprayer. It will help evenly distribute the water over the container with seedlings. The important point is the accuracy of the procedure, you should try not to fall on the greens. In the first month of seedling development, it is recommended to make one irrigation with a solution of water and organic fertilizer.
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