Proper care of tomatoes in the greenhouse from planting to harvest

The property of tomato is known to be a thermophilicity, therefore it is not always possible to bring the fruits of tomatoes to full maturity in the open air. Using greenhouses for growing vegetables is an ideal option for those who live in temperate regions. But there are peculiarities of tomato farming in greenhouse conditions. Knowing them will help to achieve high yields of delicious tomatoes.

location of stunted and tall varieties

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      There are two methods of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse. About each of them is useful to have an idea.

      Proper seed planting in the ground

      Although the temperature in the greenhouse rises during the day due to the bright March sun, it is cold at night. For planting seeds you need their

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      to harden in advance. To do this, after soaking the material is placed in the refrigerator, then in warm water. Now the sunflower seeds are ready to grow.

      It is important that at night the temperature does not drop to minus five degrees.

      Special heating of the enclosed space will help to avoid this. It happens:

      • biological with the help of fresh manure;
      • stove;
      • electric.
      You can sow seeds in February by stuffing the greenhouse with hot manure

      Having stuffed the greenhouse with a shovel with hot manure at the end of February, you can sow the seeds. Heat them enough until mid-May. Heat the manure, pouring it with hot water, sprinkling quicklime.

      Good heat keep the shelters of the walls of the mats in two layers. Three days later, the manure is leveled, ground is poured on it. It can be planted tomato seeds. The accelerated growth of hardened seedlings allows them to produce for a month - one and a half earlier , than in garden garden beds.

      How to plant tomato seedlings

      Rassadny way to grow tomatoes easier. There are some nuances of planting seeds and sprouts that have appeared. In spring, they sow tomatoes for seedlings in greenhouses not earlier than March 20th .As soon as she reaches the age of sixty days, you can sit or sit on a permanent place in the room, for example, on a windowsill.

      The temperature of the is important for seedlings - it should reach eighteen degrees during the day and sixteen at night. Watering seedlings is three times in the first month. The water used is warm, well settled. When the first shoots appear, watering is carried out up to once a week.

      Sow dive seedlings into place, preparing a layer of earth 17 centimeters, then pouring it twenty centimeters. The soil should consist of equal parts of humus, sod land with the addition of a small amount of river sand.

      Before planting seedlings in the hole add wood ash

      Before planting in each prepared hole or furrow put fifty grams of wood ash, carefully mixed with the ground. Planting tomato sprouts to produce deep, reaching the bottom of the racks.

      Stretched seedlings - features of planting

      When there is a lack of lighting, the excess watering of the seedlings becomes long.

      Because of a thin stalk, tomato seedlings often break, so a number of rules must be observed during transplantation:

      1. A cloudy day or in the morning with a low air will be suitable for planting seedlings.
      2. The long stem is laid in the planting fossa ring. Kusutik can be laid horizontally, leaving a stem on the surface, which has a length of no more than forty centimeters or, on the contrary, leaving most of it underground.
      3. Cut off the bottom leaflets and stepchildren on the stem.
      4. Carefully pour soil into the hole, trying not to damage the shoots.
      5. Drive a peg alongside to which is tied with seedlings.
      6. At the end of the procedure, the bushes are watered.

      If at the beginning of growth the sprouting sprouts lag behind in the development of their counterparts, then after the formation of new roots, the tomatoes will grow stronger.

      What is the square-breeding method of planting

      When planting seeds or seedlings of tomatoes in the ground using the square-cluster method, which will make caring for tomatoes easier. And for plants it will be better to pass assimilation of nutrients .With such a planting each bush enough light.

      The plan for planting a tomato in a square-nested manner is as follows:

      1. Two-three plants of standard and determinant species are placed in one nest of 70x70 centimeters .
      2. Ripening tomatoes are enough two for one nest.
      3. With average and late terms of ripening - on one plant. If you increase the nest by twenty centimeters, you can land two tomatoes, reducing the planting density slightly.

      After landing, it is necessary to to air more often, which will avoid the spread of fungal diseases indoors.

      To prevent the occurrence of fungus, the greenhouse needs to be thoroughly aired.

      The best time to plant a tomato

      Properly chosen planting time plays an important role in obtaining a good crop.

      Spring, which arrived in a timely manner with stable weather, is the main condition for planting vegetables other than proper courtship and watering. For the seedling growing method, planting it in an unheated greenhouse is made in the first decade of May. At the same time, it is necessary to additionally warm the walls of the enclosed room, covering them with mats.

      In regions with a warm climate, heated greenhouses prepare for tomatoes in March in , and in late April with moderate teas, including Western Siberia, Novosibirsk, and Krasnoyarsk. The spring sun will provide enough tomatoes for their growth of heat and light.

      Placement of tomatoes in the greenhouse

      In accordance with the choice of tomato varieties, greenhouse designs are produced and the planting of young bushes:

      1. For indeterminant tomatoes choose a chess arrangement of bushes. They need to be placed in rows with the distance between them not more than eighty centimeters .The distance between plants will be half a meter in the formation of one stem, and two - seventy centimeters.
      2. Determinate species need distance between rows in half a meter .The distance of the bushes from each other is thirty centimeters to those that grow two or three stalks. It is reduced to a rate of twenty-five units, if one stem is formed.
      When planting in one stem, the distance between the bushes can be reduced to 25 cm.

      Observe the rules for placing a tomato important, otherwise they will not have enough nutrients, moisture, light and air.

      The crowding of plantations leads to diseases in tomatoes. Growing strong and tall plants with their thickening is difficult.

      Optimum width of beds

      The structure of beds depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse. With a standard area of ​​3x6 beds, an place will fit along the wall. High-quality lighting beds will be in its direction to the west.

      The ground height in relation to the track is made in the 40 cm .The width of the bed can be in 60 or 90 cm .For full care, you will need a path a little less than half a meter wide.

      Care must be taken to locate the necessary equipment and to have sufficient track width. This will allow proper care of the tomato beds.

      It is necessary to think in advance about the sufficient width of the tracks in the greenhouse.

      Features of the location of short and tall varieties

      For proper placement of tomato bushes you can use these recommendations:And the distance between the rows reaches eighty centimeters.

    • Ideal for planting in the middle of the premises of tall varieties, on the sides of the - undersized. When ripening at different times, you can harvest the tomato constantly.
    • With a modest size of a tall greenhouse, they arrange a bed in one row on the sides, and undersized - in two rows in the middle of the room.
    • Consider the location of different plant varieties and choose the approach to planting is necessary in advance.

      Polycarbonate greenhouses: growing nuances of

      The advantages of polycarbonate greenhouses include:

      • low mass;
      • long service;
      • low thermal conductivity;
      • high light transmission.
      Growing garden tomatoes in such greenhouses is simple.
      Polycarbonate greenhouse

      Agrotechnika of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting dates, distances between bushes

      In the first days of May you can begin planting seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse. At this time, the seedlings already have a strong root system, a thick stem, one or two flower brushes.

      After hardening the seedlings in the open air for two weeks, it is sprayed with a solution of boric acid. This will prevent the fall of the buds. Before planting, the two lower leaves on the sprouts are removed. The plant layout is the same as in ordinary greenhouses.

      Planting step by step

      Before planting a tomato in the greenhouse, it is necessary to deposit in the prepared beds of humus, peat, phosphate and potash fertilizers. For soil disinfection it needs to be processed - sprayed with potassium permanganate solution or processed with the preparation Barrier.

      . For disinfection of the soil, treatment with the preparation is performed.

      barrier. The seedlings are placed into prepared wells using square-nest or tape-nested method. The depth of the holes is not more than twenty centimeters. For better assimilation of phosphorus, which is necessary for tomatoes for proper development, wood ash is added to the wells.

      Immersion of seedlings produced before the first true leaflet.

      Depending on the soil moisture and the air in the greenhouse, watering seedlings according to two to three liters per bush. Well planted tomatoes planted in the evening in cloudy weather.

      Requirements for the care of planting

      For active growth of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you must create the following conditions:

      • air temperature in 22 degrees , but not above 25, soil over fifteen.
      • airing for fresh air in the room;
      • maintains humidity levels at around 70 percent.
      • pour as the dries the top layer of soil;
      • dressing with the introduction of monopotassium phosphate and potassium nitrate weekly with irrigation;
      • pollination with shaking the bushes during flowering.

      Compliance with all the rules of care for tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse will lead to continuous fruiting bushes.

      Watering is done as the topsoil dries.

      Secrets of growing

      It's no secret that you can get high yields of tomatoes in the early stages only by growing them in a greenhouse. In addition to this plant, is less exposed to pests in the protected ground and does not suffer from diseases.

      Greenhouses ensure the proper functioning of the ventilation channel in the following way: they thoroughly and regularly wipe the walls of the structure. If the right place for the installation of the greenhouse is chosen - it is well lit, without shading from the side of trees or buildings, then the light will easily penetrate into it.

      Before starting the preparation of tomato seedlings for the greenhouse, it is necessary to select such plant varieties that can grow well in greenhouse conditions.

      Preparation and disinfection of soil for future beds is mandatory , plant health depends on it.

      Insects can help to pollinate a tomato. It is possible to attract bees, bumblebees, wasps to the greenhouse with sweet fermented compote, kvass.

      Increases the resistance of tomatoes to disease spraying of copper sulphate, boiling water.

      care rules Caring for tomatoes that are grown in greenhouses, differs from from those that grow in open ground.

      Peculiarities of courtship after planting

      seedlings. To keep the drops from falling on the leaves, drip irrigation

      is perfect. For young seedlings, it is important to conduct timely irrigation, applying optimal doses of fertilizers. A week after planting, they begin to water their plants. Before flowering, watering is carried out with a break of five days. One square meter - one bucket of warm water. Water under the root, trying to keep drops of moisture from falling on the leaves. Suitable and drip irrigation method.

      Two weeks after planting, is used to feed bushes with mullein, diluted five hundred milligrams in water - ten liters, add ten grams of ammonium nitrate, fifty - superphosphate, fifteen - potassium chloride. The next time after the appearance of flowers, the ripening of fruits must be treated with fertilizers, increasing the amount of minerals by two times when dissolved in a bucket of water.

      What is the difference of care in greenhouses and greenhouses

      Greenhouses use for the smooth transition of seedlings from home to outdoor conditions. Therefore, the timing and rules of planting a tomato are the same for both greenhouses and greenhouses.

      The choice of location for a greenhouse and a greenhouse should be based on the level of groundwater.

      It can not exceed two and a half meters from the soil surface. So that the soil is not sprinkled from the walls of the greenhouse, they are sheathed with boards. Install greenhouses on the southern slopes of the site, this will avoid flooding the area.

      A greenhouse must be installed on the south side of the section


      feeding methods To feed tomato bushes you need during the budding and formation of fruits. Every month fertilizer or compost is added between the rows. Acquire fertilizers in specialized stores, given the importance of the presence of a large amount of nitrogen in them.

      Suitable for fertilizing mullein, bird droppings, mineral supplements. All types of fertilizer are diluted in a bucket of water and applied after watering the bushes. Per square meter is enough bucket solution.

      When airing

      In order for plants to get more air, light, it is necessary to open the doors of the greenhouse for airing. The procedure will help to reduce the high temperature and humidity of the air .High parameters of humidity, the heat will not let the fruit tied, pollination slows down.

      In hot weather, a draft must be made by opening a greenhouse on both sides.

      Airing is included in phytophthora prevention measures. In good dry weather, you can leave the greenhouse open at night.

      How to plant for a good crop

      A big crop is the dream of every gardener

      Getting a big crop of juicy fruits is the dream of every gardener. For this, it is important for the to observe the planting dates of the vegetables, when the temperature in the greenhouse will be maintained even at night at a level of twenty-five degrees Celsius.

      It will be better to grow tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses. But during the hot summer it is enough to hold the bushes for the first time under the film. Although it is in the greenhouse that the crops are harvested earlier and more often.

      The choice of variety tomato is important. There are tomatoes, which in the greenhouse give rich fees, and in the open field they do not sow badly. It is best to choose hybrids that do not need pollination and they are excellent fruit. Note also the resistance of hybrid species to diseases that prevent an increase in yield.

      How soda

      helps for the prevention of powdery mildew on tomatoes use baking soda. To prepare the solution, take four liters of water, add a tablespoon of soda and half a teaspoon of liquid soap. Well stirred, spend spraying the bushes of tomatoes in the greenhouse once a week.

      Features of the

      Garter Most types of tomato require a garter of the stalks to the pegs. Garter plants spend taking into account varieties .To early and undersized grades it is optional.

      Low-growing varieties of tomatoes do not need a garter

      How to tie up a greenhouse

      The difference in the garter of plants in a greenhouse and polycarbonate is not simple.

      As a material, never use wire, durable fishing line, hard thread, thin twine. Such materials will easily cut the stem. Strips of fabric two to three centimeters wide are the best choice. Before the procedure, they must be disinfected by scalding with boiling water or stretching with laundry soap.

      Near pegs about 30 cm above the stems are driven into a tomato and loosely tied the stem to them.
      Another way to garter - device trellis. Stakes are driven in along the beds, pulling hard wire between them in several rows. During the growth of tomatoes, they fill them up with wire or hang brushes on hooks.

      Garter undersized and tall varieties

      Bind undersized varieties better than individually to pegs. But the hand of the ripe fruits of tall species such a garter will not stand. Therefore, for tall tomatoes, it would be better to build trellis .With this method, successful growth of stepsons is possible.

      Is the node

      needed? The central stem of the plant is wrapped with a strip of material, crossing the ends with a figure eight, or twisting it, tied to a support. It is not necessary to do a strong knot, otherwise it will be difficult to remove it. Enough to tie in the form of a bow. After the stalk grows, the first dressing is removed, tied up higher.

      Hang on a trellis or tie up - which way is better

      Both options are convenient for the growth of a tomato. Tie tall tomato brushes tied to the top of the trellis or hung on hooks , located at the top. In both cases, the fruits continue to grow successfully no matter how they hang.

      Tall Tomatoes Hanging on Hooks

      What can be used as an

      peg? It is convenient to prepare individual pegs or sticks for tying tomato bushes. They will serve for several years.

      You can replace them:

      • trim rebar and metal fixtures;
      • metal bars;
      • thin plastic tubes;
      • wooden slats.
      The choice of a peg and how many of them should be to tie up a tomato depends on the power of the stem of the plant.

      Arranging Tomato Watering from Planting to Harvest

      Watering plays an important role in caring for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.

      Frequency of first irrigation of

      After planting, it is necessary to take a break in soil moistening, which will allow to strengthen root system of young plants. Three days later, under each bush pour in up to two liters of water. Then the number of procedures increase.

      After strengthening the roots, up to 2 liters of water are poured under each bush.

      The best time for watering is morning. And then open the greenhouse for airing. It will be sufficient to conduct irrigation once or twice a week with .

      Peculiarities of irrigation in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

      Tomatoes are often watered in the greenhouse during the flowering phase, often doubling the amount of water. The best option would be a break in the wetting in two days .After the formation of ovaries begin to reduce the frequency of watering. At the same time take into account the weather conditions. With an extremely wet summer, it is enough to water plants once every two weeks.

      Enhanced watering will lead to an increase in the green mass of the plant, a decrease in fruiting tomatoes.

      Than watering tomatoes

      High yields in a greenhouse are obtained if watering is carried out with a temperature of 20-25 degrees in .Many people add a tablespoon of table salt and a glass of wood ash to a bucket of water. Pouring half a liter of solution under each bush, you can harvest a good crop of sweet, meaty tomatoes.

      Water the tomatoes, adding a bit of grass to the water.

      Organization of drip irrigation of plants

      Drop irrigation can be organized independently from

      hose and droppers. The use of home-made droppers for irrigating tomatoes is important for moistening the root plant area. Water in this case is served in small portions.

      The device for this method of irrigation needs hoses with a diameter of 1.5 cm in .Attached to the dropper or drip tape. The hose is attached to the tap or immersed in a container of water. Lay the system along the landings, sprinkled lightly with soil. Through the tape or dropper water will flow directly to the root system of the vegetable crop.

      How to water seedlings

      Since the future harvest depends on the condition of the seedlings, it is necessary to know how to water them properly. From lack of moisture, young shoots can quickly die. When sowing seeds reduce the frequency of watering, making break for two days .

      In case of severe dryness, you can spray the ground with a spray gun.

      As soon as the first leaves appear, they observe the drying of the upper layer of the soil. Only then produce watering or spraying. Two or three days before the picking, the soil is softened by irrigation and the first top dressing. The sprouts are then easier removed from the ground.

      Four days after transplantation, the seedlings begin watering, bringing it to once a week .You can increase the amount of moisture, if the intensity of sunlight increases, which leads to drying of the soil.

      For planting tomatoes to grow them, there are some peculiarities. Knowing all the nuances of how to care for them in ordinary greenhouses and polycarbonate greenhouses is important in order to get high yields of tomatoes.

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