How to choose a circulation pump in the heating system of a country house

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for a heating system for a heating system.which circulates water heated at one point. The circuit includes a circulation pump that supports the movement of fluid. Each pipe bend, narrowing, installed on the line devices create hydraulic resistance. The temperature drop is not enough for the movement of the coolant in an extensive scheme and in a two-story house. The use of a pump makes it possible to install a heating boiler not only in the basement.

Design and principle of operation of the

circulation pump. The circulation pump is an electric motor placed in a steel case. Its rotor transmits rotation through the shaft to the impeller. Rotation of the impeller creates a vacuum at the inlet, drawing in the coolant. When turning, the impeller releases liquid under pressure v into the circuit due to centrifugal force. A pressure head is created which is the driving force behind the circulation in the heating circuit.

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A circulating pump for heating systems is useful, water forcibly speeds up movement, cools slightly, reduces the load on the boiler, and the batteries in all rooms heat up equally. Saves up to 30% of fuel for space heating with a correctly drawn circuit.

Heating system design, selection of units, must be entrusted to a specialist.

Circulation pumps are many, but in the thermal circuits apply the design of the "wet" and "dry" type. If the rotor is separated from contact with liquid by a septum of sealing rings, the design is considered to be dry. During operation, a film of water is formed during operation, which, due to surface tension, seals the electrical part. As wear and tear rings tightened regulating spring. Depending on the layout of the structure are:

  • console;
  • vertical;
  • block.
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The pumps are used in systems with high flow rates, are used in boilers that heat several buildings. They have good efficiency - 80%, but require professional service.

In wet-type devices, only the stator is isolated from the aquatic environment. The pump works with low noise, does not require maintenance, is used in small circuits, despite the efficiency of about 50%.The power consumption of the pump is small, the energy consumption per hour with periodic switching on is 50-200 watts. Pumps have a three-stage load control.

Criteria for selecting a circulating pump for heating

It is important to choose the right circulating pump for heating in terms of parameters. The value has:

  • heating area;
  • room temperature;
  • temperature differential between flow and return;
  • functional features of the heater;
  • head in the circulation system,
  • network feature;
  • used coolant.

The result of the correct selection of equipment will be a comfortable temperature in the building.

The choice of pump power depends on the area of ​​the room, the temperature requirements and how many degrees the heating medium in the boiler heats up. There are heat engineering formulas for calculation. We proceed from the averaged parameters, calculating the characteristics of the circulation pump:

  1. The pump performance is set based on the temperature difference - 30-35.The power of the heating boiler is divided by the difference, they get consumption, it is the performance.
  2. At 10 m of pipe length, 0.6 m of head is required. The value for the pump is regulated, indicated in the passport, measured in meters of water column.
  3. The pump circulates in all radiators, based on 5 sections per 10 m2.It is considered the flow rate of the coolant in the system on the performance of the boiler. A 25 kW boiler heats up 25 l / min, a 15 kW radiator needs a flow of 15 l / min.
  4. The diameter of the heating pipes must correspond to the cross section of the pump connections. Accepted, one pump will provide pumping 80 m circuit.
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The longer the circulation loop and the larger the cross section of the pipes, the more powerful the circulating pump is needed to heat the house. If the coolant is not water, more viscous, the pump requires increased power.

. If there is one booster pump in the system, it should be selected with a power reserve. Periodic adjustment of pressure in the system can perform a less powerful apparatus.

The choice of pump brand for heating depends on the buyer's ability. Famous brands are expensive, work silently and over the years do not require a revision. These brands include pumps of European manufacturers. Chinese vehicles are cheaper several times, but their service life is small, there is a backlash, noise and the engine burns. Russian models belong to the middle class, their cost is less than the famous manufacturers by 2 times.

Installation location of the

circulation pump When installing the pump, it is important to provide easy access for its maintenance. It is optimal to install equipment on the return pipe in front of the boiler. This contributes to:

  • uniform feed water to the system;
  • on less hot water the pump will last longer;
  • in the boiler will not create air traffic jams.

The impeller of the pump is mounted horizontally, it works under the bay.

The pump is mounted only on the bypass, which must be a section smaller than the main line with the obligatory switching on of the check valve. This will ensure the circulation of the coolant through the main line in the absence of electricity. The bypass must be cut off to allow repair of the pump.


circulation pump unit. According to the specialists, the Grundfos circulation pump is the best. In world consumption, 50% of all heating systems are equipped with pumps of this brand. A subsidiary of the Danish concern Grundfos was opened in the city of Istra in Russia.

Available in dry and wet rotor machines. Dry systems are equipped with an additional fan for cooling the engine, they are noisy, they are installed in boiler rooms. For a home network, a wet rotor system of the UPS series is available. These devices are available only in Germany and Serbia. There are many signs by which you can detect a fake. This pump from the manufacturer can not be cheaper than 130-150 dollars.

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The device works up to 10 years without repair, subject to the condition of operation. When self-installing the device you need to keep it indoors for at least a day. Mount the circulation pump only on the horizontal section of the pipeline. The connection is three-phase, from a separate line.

In the product line for home furnishing, Magna multifunctional pumps of various capacities and Alpha automatic tuning pumps are offered. The device itself adjusts to a given mode, reduces the parameters at night, and when there are no tenants in the house, it saves energy.

Description of the Wilo

pump The Wilo circulation pumps manufactured in Germany are used for pumping fluid in water mains, heating systems, and in technical processes.

The models of pumps for heating systems are assembled in series and provide any need, are made in dry and wet performance. We list the series offered by the manufacturer:

  • Star, modifications RS, RSD, Z;
  • TOP - Z, D, S;
  • Yonos - Pico, Maxo;
  • Stratos - Pico, Eco-St.

The equipment is not inferior in quality to the Danish one, but it can operate in the temperature range from 120 to -100 C. One unit can circulate a heating circuit of 750 m2.Pumps create a pressure of 2.2 - 12 meters. Depending on the power of the device weighs 2.2 - 8 kg. The device works silently.

Wilo pumps are suitable for heating systems with radiators, for hot water supply. The service life of the equipment without repair is declared 8 years for wet performance.

Quality Heating Pumps - Video

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