life, loving housewives try to cook delicious dishes. Chicken with mushrooms is one of the most exquisite combinations of simple ingredients that are widely used by cooks. A nourishing and beautiful looking dish, suitable for all occasions. The guests will like it, children love it, it is pleasant to travel with it. Finally, this wholesome meal brings true satisfaction from eating.
There are many recipes for cooking chicken and mushrooms for the holiday table and just for dinner. It is baked in the oven, stewed in pieces in pots, fried in a frying pan, cooked in a slow cooker. Add to it various types of sauces, cheeses. Stuffed entirely.
In all cases, you get an incomparable taste of excellent dishes.
Mushrooms collected in nature must be boiled, at least 3 times. Only after that they are suitable for the preparation of various culinary masterpieces.
Chicken with mushrooms in aromatic sauces
Who likes to eat dry food? In most cases it is necessary to drink it with liquid. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, cooks have come up with a lot of liquid seasonings. Consider two amazing ways to cook chicken with mushrooms in tender dressings.
In combination with
cream sauce The dish will require ingredients:
- chicken( thigh, fillet or drumstick) approximately 1 kg;
- mushrooms( mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, white) - half a kilogram;
- onions - a few pieces( to taste);
- feathers of green onions - not less than 20 grams;
- 2 or 3 cloves of garlic;
- cream( not less than 150 grams);
- vegetable oil;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.
Cooking chicken with mushrooms in a creamy sauce consists of simple operations:
- Peel the bulbs. Cut them into rings or small cubes.
- Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, removing visible dirt. Put in a wide bowl to dry. Cut in halves, straws or quarters. Small copies are left as is.
- Pour vegetable fat into a deep frying pan and heat it to a temperature of 80 degrees. Chopped garlic is put into it, fried until golden brown appears, and then removed. As a result, the oil gets an amazing flavor.
- Properly washed chicken pieces are dipped in fragrant hot oil. Fry over high heat until golden brown.
- Cover with a lid, reduce the power of fire and extinguish for 20 minutes. At the same time periodically turn the meat so that it is thoroughly fried.
- Bringing the chicken almost to readiness, put mushrooms and onions in a pan. Mix thoroughly. When the vegetables release the juice, seasonings and salt are added to the mixture. Stew until the liquid evaporates.
- The appearance of a beautiful golden brown on products indicates that it is time to fill them with cream. The contents of the pan are brought to a boil. Cover and simmer on low heat for another 15 minutes.
- At the final stage, taste. If necessary, add salt, spices.
- Lovers of greens do not forget to put parsley, green onions, cilantro or dill into the dish. All well mixed. Allow to infuse and serve.
In order to fry the chicken meat well, put small portions into the pan. The fire must be strong. As a result, the meat will be rosy and juicy.
The uniqueness of the taste of chicken and sour cream sauce
Experienced chefs have noticed that the harmonious combination of meat with delicate liquid pouring wins the hearts of many connoisseurs of tasty food. Even an inexperienced hostess can cook chicken with mushrooms in an exquisite sour cream sauce. Enough to follow reasonable recommendations.
Read also: Cooking options for canned eggplants like mushrooms
The first step towards creating a culinary masterpiece is the preparation of ingredients. The second step is the sequential execution of cooking processes. In the end, you can surprise your home with a delicious dish cooked with loving kindness.
Main components for a dish:
- 500 grams of chicken fillet;
- half a kilo of champignons;
- onions( several pieces);
- sour cream( fat content not lower than 15%) - half a liter;
- flour - about 2 tbsp.spoons;
- mixture of ground peppers( black, white, red);
- olive oil, can be vegetable;
- Dill Greens;
- salt, in accordance with the preferences.
To make the meat tender and juicy, it is better to buy it fresh, not frozen.
The process of cooking chicken fillet with mushrooms consists of the following operations:
- Wash the fillets in clean water. Cleared from film if present. Cut into small pieces in the form of straws. Salt, add pepper. Leave for 30 minutes to marinate.
- Peeled onion chopped into half rings. Fry in vegetable oil until light brown.
- The washed up and dried large champignons cut in half or in cubes. Small copies can not touch.
- Spread the mushrooms in a pan with onions. Stir. Stew over high heat until complete evaporation of the liquid. When they get a golden hue, add chicken meat.
- Pre-pickled fillets are fried in a separate pan in hot vegetable fat. When a brown peel appears, it is combined with mushrooms. Add 2 tbsp.spoons of flour. Mix thoroughly.
- The mixture is poured with sour cream and stewed for several minutes. As soon as the liquid becomes thick, it is seasoned and removed from the heat.
Read also: Delicious and healthy dessert - persimmon jam
As you can see, cooking chicken with mushrooms in a frying pan is not difficult. It is enough to remember a few secrets and follow the instructions provided.
Delicious appetizer from the oven
There are many popular cooking recipes by baking. Chicken with mushrooms in the oven is no exception. You can simply take such a set of products, make an effort and feel free to work wonders:
- chicken meat;
- champignons;
- onion;
- seasoning;
- salt;
- vegetable fat.
First, cut the chicken meat in small pieces. Marinate in seasonings for at least 20 minutes( use curry, black pepper, coriander, salt).
Mushrooms cut in half, onion cut into half rings in a pan in vegetable fat. When a golden crust appears, the products are laid out on a plate. Chicken meat is sent to the same container. Stew 20 minutes.
Oven baking tray greased.
Spread fried mushrooms with onions. On top of them stack pieces of chicken as the second layer. Top ball - mushrooms. Send the form to the oven for half an hour. The temperature does not exceed 200 degrees.
In the same way they cook in the oven chicken with mushrooms and cheese. The dishes will require the following products:
- chicken fillet;
- mushrooms of any kind;
- flour( 1 tbsp; spoon);
- half a liter of cream;
- hard cheese( about 200 g);
- butter( for form lubrication);
- garlic( 2 cloves);
- salt, spices.
Cut meat into rectangular slices. Stew over high heat to form a shiny brown peel.
Read also: The secrets of cooking delicious cherry pies
Pour the flour, mix, pour the cream, cook on quiet fire. When the mass thickens, the mushroom dressing is ready. The form of the oven smeared with melted butter. Pieces of chicken meat evenly spread on a baking sheet. Pour them with a previously prepared mixture. Top covered with grated hard cheese varieties. Send the form to the oven for 30 minutes.
Extraordinarily easy to bake chicken stuffed with mushrooms, if you take the following ingredients:
- fresh bird carcass;
- champignons;
- onion;
- garlic;
- oil( preferably olive oil);
- salt, seasonings on the fan.
First, experienced chefs prepare the filling. Mushrooms and onions are fried in a classic way, until golden brown. Salt and spices are put in the mixture to enhance the taste of mushrooms.
Chicken meat is rubbed with marinade made from olive oil, garlic, pepper and salt. Then fill it with filling. The hole is fastened with toothpicks or stitched with thread. Placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 50 minutes.
In order for chicken meat to be cooked with high quality, the optimum temperature in the oven must be at least 200 degrees. You can also wrap the carcass in cooking foil or in a special sleeve.
Chicken, Mushrooms and Multicooker
Quickly create an exquisite dish, if you use modern technology. Chicken with mushrooms in a slow cooker is one of the popular dishes. It is prepared as follows:
- Dice the onion. Dip it in a heated multicooker, where there is already vegetable oil. Fried with the mode "Baking" from different sides.
- Champignons and pieces of chicken meat are added to the onions and stewed for another half an hour using the same regimen.
- Add seasoning( pepper, salt) to the mixture, a little flour. Stir for three minutes.
- Pour the contents of the multicooker with cream. Select the mode "Quenching" and leave for 20 minutes. A few minutes before readiness, you can add green peas.
Those who had to taste chicken with mushrooms cooked in a slow cooker remember this taste for a long time. The food is wonderfully absorbed by the body, gives strength and desire to live on. Perhaps you should plunge into the world of heavenly pleasure? The decision will have to take on their own. Enjoy your meal!
Video-recipe for chicken with mushrooms in a multi-cooker