Household infrared lamp as heating equipment - a promising and interesting solution. Agree: very good to get a compact device with high efficiency, while still convenient to operate. But you do not know what should guide the choice of infrared light bulbs?
We will talk about how to choose the best IR lamp for home, garden and farm. In the present article we consider the features of their devices, given the pros and cons, the appropriateness of use. To facilitate the task of choosing the best producers listed, has a reputation in the lighting market.
To help customers information supplemented by photographs of IR lamps, videorekomendatsiyami and helpful tips. Taking into account our recommendations you will easily find the device that is capable of providing high-quality heat, the characteristics comparable to sunlight.
The content of the article:
- What is infrared heating?
- Apparatus infrared lamps
- Properties selecting a suitable option
- Advantages of IR-Heating
- The relevance of the lamp heating
Presentation of the popular manufacturers
- Manufacturer # 1 - Philips
- Manufacturer # 2 - Osram
- Manufacturer # 3 - InterHeat
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
What is infrared heating?
IR lamps emit heat rays. Objects that are in the range of action of such devices, absorb the wave, and then transmitting the resulting heat to the surrounding air. The nature of infrared rays is comparable to the characteristics of the ordinary visible light, so far as they are just as subject to the laws of optics.
Although infrared waves and have transparency, reflection and refraction coefficients, as well as visible light waves, the specific properties have somewhat different characteristics. For example, such radiation is hardly overcomes a layer of water of only a few centimeters thick, but it easily passed silicon wafers.
Aluminum reflects infrared rays is much better than that of visible light, the reflection coefficient can reach 98%. Air such radiation is practically not absorbed, it provides a high level of efficiency in this type of heaters. But here is water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide and other "fillers" can significantly spoil the deal.

Infrared waves pass through virtually without airspace heat losses which is absorbed by the surrounding objects and extends from the bottom upwards
Unlike convection heating, IR-waves is not warm air around the device and the surfaces of objects to which they are directed. The air heats up already from these items. Understanding this principle will help to properly use infrared heaters.
Apparatus infrared lamps
Infrared light is used not only for lighting, but for heating. To ensure heat the room or even a house, set up special heaters of various shapes and sizes. Infrared lamps are more suitable for the thermal effects on specific areas of the room.
The most common models of such devices are a glass flask, inside which there is a tungsten filament.
Mirror coating directs the flow of infrared radiation in the desired direction and raises the efficiency of the heat exposure. Most often, this lamp can be screwed into a standard cartridge type E27 and powered from a conventional network of 220 V.

Infrared lamp consists of a bulb and reflector, inside there is a filament. The device has a standard E27, which allows to use it with suitable fixtures
Lamp power can vary in the range 50-500 watts. Plastic cartridge used with such devices is not recommended, it is better to take a ceramics. Lampshade holder and for IR-lamps must withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees, not everyone is able to plastic.
For the same reason it is not recommended to touch the activation of the IR lamp, you can get severe burns. To protect against accidental contact using a lattice.

Traditionally bulb infrared lamps are painted in red color, but also popular and model with clear glass. There are blue and infrared lamps
Glass, which is made of such a lamp can be standard, or hardened molded. The flask was left to clear, but it is often dyed red or blue.
Contrary to popular belief blue color is not a unique identification UV devices. Filament IR lamps may be not only of tungsten, some products used for these purposes carbon.
The reflector is marked as IKZK, IKZS and ECI, which indicates that red, blue, or the lack of staining. We should also mention the infrared lamps made not as a traditional bulb, and as a narrow tube.

Flask ceramic infrared lamp is more resistant to heat, moisture, and low temperature impact than glass analogs
Finally, there is a very special form of this type of lamp, they are equipped with the ceramic body and are intended for heating, where the lighting is not needed.
As the heating element used in such devices or nichrome fehralevaya thread. This is a very strong and durable device, they are not afraid of contact with water spray. Such devices are widely used for heating the night young, as well as for home maintenance of exotic animals: reptiles, snakes, etc.
Properties selecting a suitable option
IR lamp is designed for standard E-27 cartridge more often, but there are other options, this point should be considered before purchase.
In addition to the type of cap, choosing an infrared lamp, should take into account such factors as:
- wavelength IR;
- power a heater;
- voltage power.
Long, medium and short wave infrared radiation They differ in the amount of heat and light. The brighter the light infrared lamp, the shorter wave radiation, and the further the scope of its penetration.
Heat devices that emit long-wave is considered milder impact. With voltage problems usually do not arise as appliances of this type are usually designed for a voltage of 220 V in the conventional network.

In order not to burn the surface of the infrared lamp, and also to protect the device from damage use security grilles
As for power, then it is selected depending on the amount of space that needs to be warm. At 10 square meters it is recommended to take 1 kW of power. It is possible to slightly increase the resulting component depending on heat losses.
This is true for poorly insulated buildings, objects located on the cold floor, if installed in a room with an old window slits in the dried-out frames, etc.
IR lamps vary in shape and diameter, they are labeled according to these characteristics. To understand the code size of the products have to spend a small calculation. The figures, which are listed next to the letter code, you need to divide by 4 to get the diameter size in inches.
The result is easy to translate to centimeters. For example, for a PAR38 lamp calculations are as follows: 38: 4 = 4.75 inches; 4.75 * 2.54 = 12.07 cm. The letters indicate the shape of the bulb, the code value is represented in the table:

Form infrared bulb may be very different, this time reflected alphabetical marking. Short body is better placed under the shade to reduce glare
Digital R indicates a reflector. Such models typically have a very simple structure. The glass portion of the bulb through which the radiation passes, integrally connected to a reflector within a layer of reflective paint. The angle of illumination is greater than 45 degrees.
Models labeled BR represent the lamp with a convex reflector, coated with paint or other reflective material.
Combined with it transparent bulb may be glossy or matte, sometimes occurs embodiment with cells that reduce the level of radiation scattering. Such models are also commonly illumination angle over 45 degrees.

IR lamps are well suited for uniform and gentle drying of various surfaces which have been painted or covered with a varnish layer
PAR model type provided with a parabolic reflector with an aluminum coating. To this tempered glass flask attached with a cellular structure. Precisely calculated form of the two elements provides a complete sealing of the device.
Typically such a model is a little shorter than the analogs described above, they are considered more reliable and suitable for use in difficult conditions.
Advantages of IR-Heating
As already mentioned, infrared lamps used for spot heating of individual zones. Although in crop or livestock multiple fixtures can fully meet the demand for heat greenhouses, coop, etc. A winter garden, a balcony, a stand-alone kiosk, and other such objects advantageous to heat with the help of Infrared lamps.
Here are the main advantages of this type of device:
- compact size;
- easy installation;
- high efficiency;
- distribution of heat without the use of fans, etc.
Air hardly absorbs infrared radiation, which deliver heat directly to the heating object. As a result, it is not necessary to direct the heated air flows, so that they spread around the room, as is done in the convection processes. Even if the lamp is located near the ceiling, heat will achieve the goal.
To operate this heater does not need oxygen, so that there is a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the room.

When growing chickens infrared heating is a must. At night you can use a ceramic lamp that gives light
In the absence of convection dust also moves through the house. IR lamp is not difficult to keep, if they are used only seasonally. To install or dismantle the device, it should just screw the cartridge in or out of it.
The device does not require any special storage conditions, with careful handling, it is more than fulfills inherent resource producer.
These lamps are convenient to use if you want to heat any particular place. For example, if the balcony was too cold in the winter, a pair of small lamps will quickly solve the problem, but in summer they can be easy to remove and hide. It is worth remembering also the beneficial effect of infrared radiation on human health.

If you provide an infrared lamp temperature controller, you can change the intensity of heat, depending on the situation
They are used for medicinal purposes in medical institutions, but also at home healing effect does not disappear. Although treatments exist for medical devices, household lamps are not suitable.
Another advantage of infrared lamps - the ability to easily change the height of the lamp above the floor. This point is especially important when growing plants and young animals.
The relevance of the lamp heating
These lamps are widely used in animal production, both in the industrial sector and in small households. Infrared light is almost indispensable for the cultivation of the newborn offspring. It creates a suitable temperature, carefully litter material dries, produces disinfecting effect.

Heating infrared lamps are widely used in greenhouses. To serve one room is usually used several lamps that hung at some distance from each other
For piglets the first week of life is recommended to use the lamp type IKZK-250, the height of the suspension from the floor - 50 cm. In the next two weeks lamps raise another 25 cm, then brought it up to a distance of one meter. At this altitude, this model allows you to heat approximately one square meter.
For the growth of chickens, use an infrared light bulb, which can heat the cell to 23-32 degrees. During the day the temperature should change, so you will need to install a thermometer in the cage, and the outside - the thermostat, which will change the intensity of the heat.

Scientist Mark O. Nora argues that different color lighting can significantly affect the development and behavior of young birds
Some people believe that in the first 20 days of life the chicks should be used lamp with a red bulb to reduce stress factors for young animals. Wiring must be laid on the outside of the cage. It is recommended to use lamps with a protective grille to protect the chickens from burns, and glass - from damage.
Periodically, after cooling, it is necessary to clean the surface of the appliance with a damp cloth from dirt, otherwise it will work with the increased load and can burn out too quickly. For chickens should not take cheap lamp with thin bulbs which burst through casual contact with water droplets.

Infrared heat is very useful for young pets. Such lamps can adhere to optimum temperature, prevent the development of diseases, strengthen the immune system
In small home greenhouses level of warming depends on the needs of the crops that are grown there. It will take a few lights, usually the distance between them makes about one and a half meters. Lamps are hung in such a way that the height can be changed: they are lifted up as plant growth to avoid overheating.
In addition to these areas of the infrared radiation is also used successfully in the construction and automobile industry for drying of various surfaces. IR light is applicable for drying herbs, spices, food products, etc. Another option - heating plastic for molding operations.
Presentation of the popular manufacturers
IR lamps market is sufficiently wide and varied. According to the feedback of consumers high popular products manufacturers such as Philips, InterHeat and Osram.
Not the lowest price on IR lamp is fully compensated by increased reliability, modern design and long service life.
Manufacturer # 1 - Philips
It is these characteristics are different production models from Philips. They can be safely used where there is a danger of exposure to water splashes in bathrooms, kitchens, livestock buildings.
PAR-type lamp from Philips can reduce the heat consumption by 30% compared to analogues with improved reflector. Approximately 90% of power is converted into infrared radiation. These products are characterized by high strength.

Infrared lamps have a compact size and low weight compared with other types of heaters, they are easy to install and remove
Manufacturer # 2 - Osram
Products Osram SICCATHERM exhibit high efficiency. Lamp power ranges from 150 to 375 watts. They are designed for use with a standard E27 base, the illumination angle is 30 degrees.
The red flasks in this range are marked as RED, matte denoted by the letters FR, and transparent - CL.

Manufacturer Osram lighting technology has proven itself on the market as a conscientious and reliable supplier
Most often, these lamps use in animal husbandry, as well as drying of painted and lacquered surfaces.
Manufacturer # 3 - InterHeat
manufactured by IR lamps InterHeat universal, almost all of them are suitable for a standard cap. Their distinctive feature - increased resistance to the glass bulb to splashing and accidental shocks.

High-InterHeat bulb manufacturer established themselves as stable and durable when used in livestock buildings
These lamps are widely used in the field of animal breeding and young birds. The bulb may be transparent or red, heater power varies over a wide range and may be from 100 to 375 watts.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Overview IR lamps IR150RH E27 from PHILIPS can be seen in the following video:
This video contains useful information on choosing infrared lamp heating for animals:
An interesting comparison of the characteristics of the mirror and ceramic IR lamp:
Of course, such devices can not fully provide a warm house or a large room. But there are situations when the infrared light is simply irreplaceable. If the device is picked up correctly, it will provide a uniform and relatively inexpensive heating exactly where it is needed.
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