Gorgeous pansies: sowing seeds, transplanting in open ground, care and pests

Responsible Designerpansies, which are known by the elegant name viola or academic - the violet Vitrokka, will help you in your paradise of a multicolored velvet carpet. The traditional colors of this culture are purple and yellow. Over time, breeders brought about 200 varieties with stunning shades. So the garden violet became a lush blooming and beautiful garden decoration.

The violet family has many features in planting, grooming, and growing. To enjoy such beauty in both spring and autumn, you need to know some of the nuances. You should also choose the right grade for planting.

Characteristic of the flower

The shades of the petals are so saturated that even in the photo of pansies look superb. You can see this beauty in early spring when it gets warmer. Some varieties delight the eye throughout the summer, because they easily tolerate hot weather. Others feel great in the velvet season, as they withstand even frost. Among other things, varieties that are resistant to low temperatures were bred. All this diversity is classified as follows.

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Frost tolerance

These plants can bloom even at the end of February. Low temperatures in the morning or light frost will not spoil the delicate flowers. Gardeners carefully select winter-hardy specimens at their summer cottage. These varieties mainly include:

  • Mars( with ultramarine shade);
  • Helios( like gold);
  • Himmelskenigin( color of the blue sky);
  • Universal( more than 10 subsorts);
  • Jupiter( a mixture of white and lilac);
  • Nodrpol( snow-white beauty).

The compact size of a shrub( diameter of a flower reaches 6 cm) is characteristic for all winter-resistant varieties. Some varieties of such a viola produce abundant blooms. It is they who delight the owners with their charm for a long time.

The size and shape of the flower

They are of small caliber: 3-5 cm( Snow Maiden, blue boy and red cap).Buds bloom from small sinuses. Flowers of pansies are solitary, but in a complex they make a chic look. Such giant varieties look especially luxurious:

  • golden yellow;
  • Majestic Janest or Super;
  • white;
  • Magnum;
  • blue.

The pedicle of such titans reaches 10-12 cm in length, and the diameter of the flower is more than 7 cm. They can be monophonic, as well as with exquisite spots or patterns. Among the large-leaved varieties the most popular are:

  • Jupiter;
  • Ultima;
  • Mart's Magic( black);
  • Fancy;
  • Heavenly Queen( blue);
  • Dynamite( the heat makes the color brighter and the cold brighter);
  • Ice King( purple).

The branching stalk length is 10 cm, and the diameter of the flowers does not exceed 5 cm. The delicate petals of the tricolor violet have both smooth and wavy edges( jagged). The corrugated petals of the Flamenco, Chalon Supreme and Rococo varieties have an exotic look, as well as an unusual motley color( shaded coloring in the center).

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The Vitrokka violet color palette is striking in its diversity. On a flower bed tri-color copies in dark shades of blue, violet and red look unusually. Snow-white with a greenish tint viola will be the breathtaking property of the garden. At the same time, blue, lilac, yellow and burgundy( with fancy spots) exhibits will bring a touch of romance in a country site. Varieties with contrasting stripes, borders and matchless eyes look special near the house. Such a colorful description of pansies is endless, because it is difficult to see at once all 250 varieties.

The height of an

shrub is undersized by 15 cm in height, and giants up to 30 cm. In diameter, a viola shrub can grow from 6 to 12 cm. Since this plant tolerates shaded areas, it can be safely grown in the garden between trees.

The flowering period can be artificially extended. To do this, you must constantly remove the withering flowers, not allowing them to turn into boxes of seeds.

Flowering Period

As already noted, pansies can delight with their stunning flowering in the desired season for the owners of the year. So it may:

  • March or April;
  • summer months( withstand heat and drought);
  • autumn period( calmly bear snowfall and lower temperatures).

Therefore, the garden violet can be transplanted into pots( plastic boxes) and decorated with balconies, facades of houses, loggias, as well as windows. To do this, periodically loosen the ground and water the plants.

It is important to ensure that the soil is not wet for a long time, because the roots may start to rot.

Secrets of planting

The first step is to choose a grade and a suitable place on the site. Many hostesses prefer large-caliber varieties. Single-flowered specimens look amazing on a flowerbed surrounded by other flowers. However, as experience shows, it is the viola with small petals that are the most enduring. Such crops survive in the rainy season, and with sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, in the northern regions it is better to plant small-flowered varieties, because in the southern latitudes the inflorescences become smaller. The same applies to the giant varieties, if they grow for a long time in hot and dry climates.

Plant the crop better in an open area. Access of heat and direct rays should be at least 5-7 hours per day. Watering the flower beds is once a week. Depending on the weather, you can twice.

Place of landing

It is important to consider that pansies are perennial and annual plants. This means that they are bred for one year or two or three. The period of growth largely depends on the labor that the gardener is willing to invest in these garden exhibits, and processing technologies. It was observed that if you feed the earth with fertilizers, at least once a week, the stem grows faster and the inflorescences become more luxuriant. Favorable conditions for planting and caring for pansies will be the following parameters:

  1. Type of soil. Dry soil mixed with sand or stones is not suitable for viola. The land must be fertilized in order to saturate the young roots with nutrients. It should contain enough moisture.
  2. The degree of shading .It is important to find a middle ground. Thick shadow will lead to the degeneration of the plant, and the scorching sun - to its destruction.
  3. Good care. Take care of regular watering of sprouts. Around the rhizome( at a distance of 2-3 cm) is to make a mulch of leaves or dried grass. Periodically you need to pick spoiled stems or petals.
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When an amateur gardener decided on a place and chose a suitable variety, you can start the sowing process. There are several ways to do this.

Landing time

The first option is the independent cultivation of pansies from seeds. When planting, depends on the period during which the gardener wants to get a lush flowering culture. These varieties germinate well at a temperature of 16-18 ° C.So, if you sow the seeds in a container in winter( at the end of January), then after 2-3 months, the seedlings can be transplanted into the soil. It is important to correctly calculate in advance the date of the last frost. You can see at what time they were last year, and from that date count 3 months. This will be the date of a dive into the open land, only next year.

Those who plan to see this beauty in their garden in the fall should be sown during July. Then by September, when the heat subsides, the shoots will be ready for transplant into the ground.

Perennial crops can be sown immediately in open ground in the middle of summer. However, the sun is capable of scorching tender sprouts, so they should be covered with greens, but so that there is no greenhouse. By the end of August, seedlings must grow strong in order to successfully survive the winter. To do this, they need to be watered every 7 days and fertilize the soil, alternating mineral and organic fertilizer. At the end of the summer sprouts are transplanted to another place. It is important not to let them bloom, because it will deplete the plant before hibernation. As a result, in spring you can make a lovely photo of flowers of pansies and enjoy their delicate fragrance.

The nuances of planting

Garden viols, although not very fastidious flowers, still require special attention. During the sowing of seeds it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules:

  • loosen and slightly moisten the soil;
  • mix seeds with sand, so as not to sow too thick;
  • is not recommended to bury seeds deep in the ground;
  • watering them needs a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to wash off the seed with water;
  • store tray for the first week in a dark place;
  • then the container is important to put in a more illuminated room;
  • periodically box with seedlings, which are already 25 days old, is carried out to fresh air( at a temperature of + 6 ° C) to temper the shoots.
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When transplanting seedlings in open ground, it is important to adhere to a special system. Dive culture need in early May. And literally in 3-4 weeks inflorescences will appear. It is recommended to transplant tubers in the evening when it is cool and there is no sun. They should be planted at a distance of 25 cm, because they can grow. If weather forecasters promise frosts, the beds should be covered with straw.

A strong wind can damage the plant. Therefore, it is important to make a safety fence for the flowerbed with a viol.

Pest Care and Protection

Pansies will thrive under proper care and favorable conditions. Winter without snow is a destructive factor for plants. Therefore, the beds are advised to cover with mulch and a special tarpaulin. Among other things, it is important to follow the following:

  1. The soil should always be soft and moist. Therefore, the soil must constantly loosen. Moisturize the ground only after it is completely dry.
  2. Feed fertilizer. You can not do this with fresh manure. It is better to use humus in the proportion of 5 kg per square.m or compost.
  3. The place should be well ventilated.
  4. To make a box hut to protect from direct rays.
  5. Shoot off defects should be pinch off immediately.
  6. Dry leaves to clean.

These simple rules contribute to the lush viola bloom. Yet the danger to her are pests. These can be such manifestations:

  1. Rot of stem and roots.
  2. Pincers, Slugs, and Scoops. If there are small holes on the leaves, then this is their job. Such pests can be collected manually or treated with a special bush.
  3. Aphis. The first signs are dry leaves and buds, as well as sticky secretions. Soap solution destroys aphids.
  4. Yellow and brown spot. This is the action of harmful bacteria. Copper oxychloride eliminates pests.
  5. White powder or powdery mildew. Treat the shrub with any fungicide.

This plant is not really capricious. Therefore, pests and diseases almost rarely interfere with the growing season, as well as the lush flowering of the crop. As a result, you can always enjoy the beauty of pansies.

How to grow pansies - video

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