How to water cucumbers after planting

Cucumbers are from tropical countries that have gradually spread throughout the world. Such plants require increased attention. For good growth they need a large amount of fluid. Water cucumbers - a very important process.

Also, proper care of seedling seedlings is important, regardless of whether the seeds were planted at home on the windowsill or directly into open ground.

Table of contents

  • How to water cucumbers
    • When planting cucumbers in the headings in the greenhouses of the glasshouse
    • Proper watering in open ground
  • Drop irrigation
  • Watering with plastic bottles
  • Basic rules

How to water cucumbersFor each type of growth requires its own mode of watering - in the morning or in the evening, the same applies to the frequency.

When planting cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse

To get a rich harvest, you need to ensure a good water regime for these plants. While the cucumbers are blooming, they need to be watered with every 2-3 days

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.As soon as the first ovary appears on them and the fruiting period begins, they should be watered every other day.

Each plant should be abundant .Fissures should be dug along ridges. They will serve for watering. Watering under the stem is impossible, so as not to blur the roots. Bare roots can dry out or become infected, which will kill the plant. If the roots are all visible from the ground, they must be covered with earth.

Watering cucumbers with cold water is not allowed.
The optimum water temperature for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse is 20-22 degrees

The optimum temperature should be 20-22 degrees .The plant requires watering it when the soil in the greenhouse is dry. However, weather conditions should be considered. If it is overcast and it is going to rain, it is better to transfer watering in order to prevent overmoistening of the soil. This can lead to rotting of the root system.

In the period of flowering plants need about 4-5 liters per square meter. As soon as cucumbers start to produce fruits, the amount of water needs to be increased to 8-9 liters .

Proper watering in the open ground

For a good harvest in the open ground, certain conditions are also needed. In no case can you water the plants with cold water, this greatly inhibits the root system, which is why cucumbers cannot eat properly.

Watering them is better in the second half to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the water. Frequency depends on the weather .If it is going to rain, then he will water them. Also, the older the plant, the more moisture it needs. It must be remembered that the plant also consumes moisture from the deep soil layers.

In the open field it is better to water cucumbers in the afternoon.

The soil condition with such procedures changes. In the bright sun and frequent watering in the soil, some changes may occur:

  • Salinization of the soil .With frequent irrigations, the mineral substances of the soil rise up and concentrate in the upper layers. If the weather is very hot and a white patina appears on the soil surface. This suggests excess salt content in the ground. Due to them, the soil becomes sharply alkaline, which few of the plants love.
  • The formation of a dense peel .Due to frequent watering the soil is strongly compacted. This prevents the evaporation of moisture from it. This disrupts gas exchange, and soil formation processes are severely slowed down. Also, the water falling from above, also can not be absorbed. To prevent such changes, you need to periodically loosen the soil around the cucumber.
  • Waterlogging of the soil .If you water the plants too often, the moisture may not have time to evaporate from the soil. Because of what oxygen in the soil ceases to fall, and begin to undergo the processes of decay. They affect the root system of all plants in the bogging radius.

Drip irrigation

You can apply this irrigation both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

Drip irrigation delivers moisture directly to the roots of the plant. It is necessary to perform such a procedure 2-3 hours after sunrise .

Drip irrigation is performed 2-3 hours after sunrise.

Irrigation is also not recommended after sunset. Water for irrigation should have time to warm up so as not to damage the roots with cold water.

Drip irrigation is carried out by two methods:

Water .The system operates under pressure, which comes at the expense of the central pipeline. In order to avoid failures you need to install a pressure regulator. In open ground does not apply.

By gravity .This method is ideal for outdoor use. It can be used in the greenhouse. First you need to find a suitable container in which to hold a volume of water sufficient for all the ridges with plants.

A barrel with a built-in crane is ideal.

The barrel should be suspended 1.5 - 2 meters .On one bed one hose with a small opening has to be taken away.

Such an irrigation system can be purchased off-the-shelf with drip tapes already mounted into it for the required number of beds. In order to start watering, it will be enough just to open the tap. It is important that the crane is 10-15 cm above the bottom of the tank, so that debris trapped in water does not get into the hoses and does not clog them.

Watering using plastic bottles

Watering using a hanging bottle
This method can be used in greenhouses and open ground.

There are several ways to manufacture such a system:

  1. In a plastic bottle, measure a couple of centimeters from the bottom, make several holes in a circle with .To do this, you can use a red-hot needle or a thin nail. You need to make several such rows. Bottles are buried bottom down, periodically they are filled with water.
  2. The bottom of the bottle needs to be cut. Holes to do from the side where the cork twists. If the holes do not do, then you need to very tightly close the bottle neck with foam rubber. The cork is twisted and the is dropped in the throat of the .So that the moisture does not evaporate quickly, the cut off bottom must be covered. You can not cut it to the end, and make it easy to just move away.
  3. You can use five-liter bottles, it will give an opportunity to water cucumbers less often. This will be done by the system itself. In this case, it is better to make holes on the side along the entire length. And bury it in the ground with the holes down.
  4. The bottles can also not be buried, but hung. Holes in this case should be small, so that all the liquid does not flow out immediately.
Using five-liter bottles will allow watering less cucumbers

Basic rules

  1. Water should be warm , prepared in advance;
  2. Furrows in the beds should be provided;
  3. Watering is better in the evening, but before sunset.
  4. Young bushes to water every 2-3 days .After landing in the ground and the ovary of the fruit every other day .
  5. Water cucumbers depending on weather conditions, so as not to overflow.
  6. Around the plant it is necessary to loosen the soil periodically and spud the cucumber itself.

Watering cucumbers is the most important procedure. Since it consists of almost 70% of water, the water regime should be sufficient. Thanks to good watering, the plant gives juicy and sweet fruits.

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