Any gardener, having decided to plant and grow cucumbers, thinks that the plants grow strong and healthy. And here it is important to note that if the soil on the site is sufficiently nutritious, the cucumber seedlings will still need to be fed. In this case, preference should be given to liquid formulations, combining fertilization with irrigation and performing operations in the morning, while it is not too hot.
You can plant and germinate seeds in sawdust - seedlings will appear quickly, and sowing and germination will not be difficult if properly maintained.
- Need Is seedlings of cucumber dressing
- When the feed - the right timing
- The feed cucumber seedlings
- nutrient substrate
- Feeding organic
- Foliar
- Folk remedies
- What fertilizer should not be used
- How do the filings seedlings
- Rules of cucumbers grown in sawdust
- Care
Whether cucumber seedlings need top dressing
Seedlings are considered the initial life span of the entire plant. The future harvest depends on how well it is provided with heat, light and the necessary nutrition.
Supplemental feeding procedures, like other care activities, should be directed to to create the most comfortable conditions for plant formation.
starter, which was made on the basis of yeast or bread, is very popular.

Root plant dressing plants must be combined with foliar, during which the plant is sprayed with fertilizer solutions. Nitrogen-containing compounds will rejuvenate the culture, prevent the appearance of yellowness on the foliage, improve metabolic processes and photosynthesis.
Honey top dressing can increase the number of ovaries. If you fertilize or water the plant with it, it will attract bees, which will help to increase sprouts and increase yields. If you organize the care correctly, fresh cucumbers will decorate your table throughout the season.
When to feed - the right time
Starting to feed cucumber seedlings from the seeds should be at the moment when it forms the second or third true leaves .At this time, the roots of the plants normally develop, will be plump, which will allow to fertilize the crop. But not superfluous will monitor the external state of the plant itself. If it looks pale, stunted and deplorable, you can water the seedlings with additional feeding earlier than usual.
As a rule, in order for the seedlings to develop normally, it is fed three times with .The exception may be weakly growing plants planted in a greenhouse. They are recommended to maintain nutritional formulations two or three times a month.

How to feed cucumber seedlings
If the plant is deficient in potassium, its yield will decrease, the presentation will deteriorate, the cucumbers will have ugly forms. Lack of nitrogen will be expressed in the thickening near the stem and the fineness of the tip. Calcium deficiency will cause drying of the inflorescences and dying off of the ovary, lower immunity, the formation of various diseases.
Nutritional Substrates
The most convenient solution is to purchase special fertilizer formulations intended for seedlings. With the help of such wonderful mixtures, you will only have to follow the manufacturer's recommendation advice.
Top dressing with organic
Such a fertilizer mixture is already good during the flowering period of the plants and the beginning of their fruiting.

. Outside-root
. Cucumber seedlings are supported by feeding solutions only under roots. As an exception, the foliar procedure can be performed with trace elements that have a rather low concentration during spraying.
Folk remedies
Often gardeners in the form of fertilizer formulations use herbal extracts , consisting of nettle, dandelions and other weeds. Herbs are filled with water, aged in the sun for at least seven days. Watering is performed in the ratio of 1 to 5.
If there is not enough calcium in the soil composition, then it is allowed to add crushed egg shell to it.
What kind of fertilizer should not be used
In the process of fruiting, seedlings are allowed to be treated with a mixture of water and boric acid, at the rate of a quarter of a small spoon per bucket. This will help to increase the intensity of flowering and, as a result, improve yield.
How do sawdust affect

sawdust There is no secret - plants grow as if using yeast. Their root system is formed powerful, because light and loose sawdust create the best conditions for this. During transplantation, the roots do not break off, the plant does not get sick.
Cultivation of cucumbers in
sawdust Consider all the steps in stages:
- to begin with, you should prepare a container intended for the cultivation of cucumber seedlings. For example, you can use wooden boxes, the bottom of which is carpeted with polyethylene to prevent leakage;
- prepare fresh sawdust .Before they fall asleep in the box, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with boiling water, which will wash away the resinous composition. After that, sawdust can be poured into the boxes with a layer of five to six centimeters;
- simple school ruler arranged furrows, the distance between which is equal to five centimeters. They are laid out seeds with an interval of a couple of centimeters;
- seeds sprinkled with wet sawdust on centimeter layer , the box is covered with a film;
- after the appearance of germs the film is removed, the container is exposed closer to the light or to the window, hardening is performed.
Seedlings should be kept in sawdust for ten to fifteen days of , having fed several times during this period mullein, diluted with water one to ten liters. At the same time, it is necessary to pour it in, uniformly wetting sawdust.
After a couple of weeks, seedlings are allowed to transfer to a permanent growth place. Sprouts are perfectly removed from sawdust, the root system is not broken. Before planting, it is necessary to shake well, inspect, discard weak sprouts. In this case, the procedure should be performed not in the sun , so that the roots do not lose branching.
The rest of the seedlings resemble simple seedlings - they need moist and warm soil for planting, high-quality watering. If everything is done correctly, the plants will take root perfectly and will not hurt.
Feeding seedlings is considered necessary, but it is not recommended to get involved in them, observing two-week intervals. And in the process of flowering, it is necessary to exclude from the application not only chemical preparations, but also organic matter, if there is a desire to get organic vegetables.