What are Partner and Huter chainsaws?

ContentsP350S - Video

  • Presentation of the Huter BS-45 chainsaw - Video

  • The choice of equipment depends on the nature of the work. What tool to use for cutting wood, a hand saw, a chainsaw Partner or Hutter depends on many factors. Whether it will be the procurement of firewood or sanitary care of the garden - the chain saw of necessary power will facilitate the work

    Chainsaw Partner - a worthy choice

    The Swedish manufacturer of garden equipment of the Partner brand has been known in Russia since the end of the last century. The first entrepreneurs to appear in the country took advantage of the lucrative offer and purchased a batch of chainsaws Partner. The weatherproof reliable tool with the reasonable price was simple in service. Using detailed maintenance instructions, minor problems were resolved in the field.

    Regardless of the purpose of the tool for professional or home use, the quality of chainsaws Partner is not satisfactory.

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    Characterizes products: the

    • launch system is facilitated by the pump for the supply of the combustible mixture;
    • piston cylinder with a chrome-plated surface with an increased working life;
    • engine Briggs &Stratton is reliable and durable;
    • provides vibration protection and safety when the circuit breaks;
    • convenient side chain tension without the use of tools.

    The buyer will not be overwhelmed to know that the entire line with the letter S in the marking is made in China under license and under the control of Partner

    . The saw is an increased source of danger even when it is not in working order. At the workplace should not be outsiders, especially children and animals. If the saw is left unattended, it is necessary to put a casing on the chain.

    Scope of the chainsaw Partner P340S

    In the care of green areas, trimming hedges will become an indispensable helper chain saw. But to work on outstretched arms without stopping, you need a light, obedient tool with a short saw so that it does not become entangled in the crown. The tool sawed wood junk, gradually accumulating in the economy. The lightweight Compact Chainsaw Partner P340S fits in the trunk of travelers and makes it easier to collect wood for the night fire.

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    With a power of 1.44 kW, the weight of the saw is 4.5 kg. Tire length 35 cm with a step of 3/8 inches. Used low profile circuit.

    Small dimensions are provided by a small volume of the engine combustion chamber - 35 cm3.Chainsaw equipped with:

    • manual and automatic chain brake;
    • air pre-filter;
    • electronic ignition system.

    The main characteristics of the chain saw Partner P350S

    According to external signs, the saw differs little from the previous model. However, a 40 cm tire makes it possible to cut more bulky softwood trunks. Problematic will be cutting larch. Chainsaw Partner P350S has a little more power - 1, 48 kW.The working volume of the cylinder is more - 40 cm3.Despite the low weight, only 4.7 kg, the saw belongs to the class of semi-professional tools. This means that it can work longer than 40 minutes a day, but within reasonable limits. For the convenience of long-term work, a special vibration protection is installed on the saw.

    Which of the two saws to choose a user? Considering that the cost of tools differs by only one thousand rubles, it is more profitable to take a more powerful tool for work in a private household. If the saw needs a mobile owner or a woman( sometimes), it is better to take the model P340S, equipped with an electronic start system.

    Any instrument requires careful handling. An uncleared saw with clogged gaps can be overloaded at start-up. Dirty engine fins degrade cooling and possible overheating. Chainsaws should be stored in a warm and dry room, from an open flame at least 5 meters away.

    Often it is the Partner’s brand that is chosen due to simple adjustment and the availability of repairs. Another argument in favor of the Swedish saw is its durability and easy start at sub-zero temperatures.

    Get to know Huter chainsaws

    A tool made in Germany is always appreciated for its reliability. The full company name of the manufacturer is Huter Elektrische Technik GmbH.The field of activity is garden equipment and electric generating equipment. The company's policy is compliance with all technical requirements of international standards and countries of products. Chainsaw Hooter comes to Russia since 2004 and it is worth paying attention to.

    ) See alsoall cuts crawls tire length, cm 40 45 50.5 cpu 0, cf _ 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 всех 0 всех всех 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 _ _ D _ 1 D _ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 AS Руч Руч Руч Руч Руч Руч Полный Полный Полный D D D D D 3 3 3 3 Руч Руч Руч Руч Руч запуск запуск запуск Полный Полный D D D D вес, 5 Including attachmentsand refueling Price, rub 7020 6910 7210 Price from manufacturer

    Chainsaw for amateurs from Huter

    The company’s policy is to create an inexpensive tool with options for new products from well-known manufacturers. The functions developed for a long sawing by professionals are applied. The equipment for household and garden work is distinguished by:

    • excellent balancing, allowing you to work without fatigue;
    • handle does not have a rubber sheath, for ease of capture;
    • lower part extended to protect against breaking the chain.

    The use of a Huter BS 40 chainsaw in a household is possible not only for sanitary trimming. The tool is designed for more work, including cutting small logs in cross section.

    An old, pre-prepared combustible mixture loses its properties and may cause the engine to fail. This applies to all two-stroke engines operating with the addition of oil to gasoline. The mixture that was not consumed in the fuel tank after 12 hours is not suitable for feeding into the system.

    Using a chainsaw Hooter BS 45

    In this model, added the convenient opening of a special casing, opens by turning a special lamb. An asterisk is mounted on the front end of the tire for even feeding of the chain. The chain tension is lateral, the key is included in the scope of delivery. Cutting speed is regulated by the "gas" button. There is a lock from accidental launch. For work with a round profile there is a fixing tooth. The upgraded chainsaw Huter BS 45 is equipped with a handle to grip a convenient shape, the impact on the front stop stops the chain.

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    Tool Hooter for construction

    If a buyer plans to build or overhaul a wooden house in the long run, you should purchase a more powerful saw at almost the same price as a lightweight model. The Huter BS 52 chainsaw will become a reliable, trouble-free assistant. A convenient handle helps control the mode without loosening grip.

    For long-term trouble-free operation of the instrument, manufacturers have several conditions that must be observed:

    1. Use only standard fuel with the recommended octane rating.
    2. Additive oil should be used only for two-stroke engines in the exact ratio.
    3. Use the prepared combustible mixture during the working day.
    4. The remainder of the fuel after work is finished, burn it dry.

    For a more complete acquaintance with your favorite model, you can read the technical manual.

    Chainsaw Review Partner P350S - Video

    Huter Chainsaw Presentation Huter BS-45 - Video

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