Installing a built-in dishwasher do it yourself

The question of how to integrate a dishwasher concerns almost all owners of such a favorite household appliance, which makes life much easier for any family. The first difficulties appear at the stage of choosing a model of built-in appliances that fit into the dimensions of the facade of the kitchen. In addition, the installation of the machine must be carried out correctly, as it is required to connect it without technical violations that can lead to emergency situations. The invited specialist can also connect the machine, but there is nothing difficult in the process itself - installing a built-in dishwasher is available for everyone. Of course, it’s worthwhile to get acquainted with the instructions and training videos, this will help to do everything technically correctly.

  • Choosing the location
  • Installation process
  • Installing the built-in dishwasher

Choosing the location

Video and photos demonstrate the wide possibilities of the built-in equipment:

instagram viewer
  1. Partially integrated - allowing you to see the control panel of the equipment painted in the color of the facade. From the manufacturer depends on the size of the panel( the usual width of 10 to 20 cm).
  2. Fully-built - invisible due to the facade. Usually used in classic-style kitchens. Such models often flash on the video reports on the assembly of expensive kitchens.

The choice of location for built-in appliances is determined by two parameters:

  1. according to the height and width of kitchen floor cabinets with a machine size of at least 45 cm and at most 60 cm;
  2. proximity to sewer drain - no more than one and a half meters. The latter is a prerequisite of manufacturers.

Most often, dishwasher machines are installed in a floor cabinet located next to the sink, since this is the most ergonomically advantageous and convenient. By the way, this is also evidenced by numerous videos from companies engaged in the development of kitchen furniture.

When choosing a model, you should proceed from the size of the kitchen. Although the standard models are up to 60 cm wide, there are also narrow ones - up to 45 cm. We should also mention the models from Germany, in which 45 cm is not width, but height. This machine can be entered on any, the most miniature kitchen. Accommodation options are shown on the video on the manufacturers website.

. Installation process.

. Begin by preparing the cabinet in which the machine will be installed. Of course, it will be much more convenient when it is possible to connect the appliance at the time of assembling the kitchen, but for the most part such a purchase occurs a little later, and the selected cabinet has to be moved out of the row.

Begin dismantling by unscrewing the screws that hold the worktop. Then remove the ties, fastening the adjacent cabinets. After these actions, the cabinet itself moves forward freely. There is no need to disassemble the side walls with the facades, but the rear wall will have to be abandoned, as it will interfere with the hoses for draining and supplying water.

Additional procedures

On the inside of the table top, a special metallized film protecting the surface from the damaging effects of steam will be properly glued. Such precaution is not required only if the table top is entirely made of artificial stone. Video producers clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the material.

Saw a hole in the side wall( from the sewer side).If there is even a floor of professional equipment, it is easy to do it yourself. There is no need to make the slots round - it will be more convenient and more reliable if they start at the wall itself - this will give the necessary freedom to the hoses and allow you to avoid tearing( for example, during repairs).The correct drink can be seen on the video from the experts.

Installing the built-in dishwasher

Begin by adjusting the feet of the machine with the expectation that the appliance will sink almost to the floor.
After adjusting the legs, the device, with pre-stretched hoses that should be connected to the communications through the prepared holes, is pushed into the resulting niche and placed in a horizontal plane with the help of adjustable supports.

In order to finally connect the communications, you need:

  1. Fasten the hose to discharge the waste water .If the installation is done by hand, you must read the instructions - some models do not have a special check valve that prevents the return of water. In this case, the nozzle should be correctly positioned. Usually the manufacturer specifies the maximum and minimum height( on average it is 45-50 cm).To fix the nozzle it is worth connecting an additional siphon attached to the system of water drainage from the sink.(For beginners in plumbing, who want to do everything right the first time, you can recommend training videos).The installation of the drain is completed by fixing the pipe, which guarantees the absence of creases.
  2. Connect the cold water supply hose. When connecting to the water supply, you need to remember about safety and use ball valves( shut-off valves).This will shut off the water in case of any emergency or scheduled maintenance.
  3. Connect the power supply. Properly planned electricity supply should be still at the stage of repair. The best way to provide separate wiring to the panel of the kitchen, but you can do with regular outlets, located 5-7 cm above the table top or on the side surface of the floor cabinet. For example, refer to the video tutorials from kitchen assemblers. Further it will be necessary only to replace the front panel.
  4. The last stage of the installation of a dishwasher with his own hands - check the operation of all systems. To do this, a test run is performed with the obligatory use of detergent that washes out any factory contamination inside the machine.


For a long and high-quality work, it is worth observing the simple rules of operation:

  • "Rest" between wash cycles with the front door ajar by 1 - 2 cm - at least 45 minutes. This will get rid of excessive moisture.
  • To prevent an emergency, after the end of the dishwashing cycle, it is necessary to shut off the water supply tap.
  • There is nothing difficult in connecting a dishwasher with your own hands, especially if you first get acquainted with the video and photo instructions
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