Cultivating and picking cucumbers is an occupation that requires certain knowledge and skills, which has its own nuances. For planting this vegetable use two methods: non-seedling - germinated seeds are planted immediately in a permanent place; sprouts - seeds are first grown in separate containers.
The first method is preferable, it is less traumatic for tender seedlings, but in climatic regions, where frosts are possible in late May - early June, the second option is the only way to get the crop early. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMSSeeds for seedlings are usually sown in small containers. As the root system grows, the seedling becomes thinner and needs a transplant.
Gardeners and gardeners have still not reached a common opinion whether transplantation is beneficial or harmful. Some claim that this procedure severely injures the roots of and inhibits the growth of escape. Others - that kind of shake for Zelentsov. It stimulates the appearance of additional roots and
makes sprouts stronger, stronger, stronger than .
. Despite the dual opinion, transplanting is sometimes necessary.
Why dive cucumbers
Cucumbers are quite delicate plants and any interference with the process of natural growth may affect development. Therefore, it is recommended that be planted directly into the ground or into utensils, from which no transplant will be needed.
Except as follows:
- Incorrect tare size. If the plate in which the seedlings grow does not fit in size, the shoots may feel bad, be ill, fall behind in growth. In too large a capacity, the roots may rot, as it is difficult to calculate the water for irrigation. In a small plant there will not be enough space and it will cease to develop properly, it can stretch, turn yellow. This also includes the case when many seeds are planted in one box. Over time, they become crowded and need to spread them. It is worth choosing the strongest sprouts.
- Lack of sunlight. Sometimes it comes time to plant seedlings in the ground, but in cold and rainy weather this can not be done. She begins to strongly stretch. In this case, it makes sense to make a picking, deepening with the bottom of the escape. The procedure will slow down growth a little, and additional roots will grow on the stem that is underground, which will provide better nutrition in the future.
- Incorrect calculation of the timing of transplanting to the ground. Or inappropriate weather. Seedlings in the ground can be planted 30 days after germination. Soil temperature should not be below 16 degrees. Otherwise, the young shoots will take a long time to take root. As a result, the plants will be stunted, and the crop will appear much later than expected. If the seeds are planted much earlier than expected, you can slow down the growth of shoots by picking.
- Infectious or fungal diseases. When they appear, you need to immediately transplant green leaves, replacing the ground completely. Otherwise, there is completely lose the entire crop.

Advantages and disadvantages
Diving cucumbers has both advantages and disadvantages, so before planting seeds it is worth considering all the nuances of growing seedlings.
- The method makes it possible to choose the strongest and most viable sprouts of the .In the future they will give a good harvest.
- Space Saving .A large number of seeds are planted in one box, and then the best seedlings are selected. The weak are rejected.
- After transplanting a young plant, all the nutrients get to him alone. In conjunction with the packaging, suitable in size, and quality soil it effectively stimulates growth and development.
- Pikivka promotes the growth of a powerful root system, which allows greens to take the maximum nutrients from the earth.

Damage to the pick can bring in two cases:
- Transplant of initially weak seedlings, which will lead to the death of most of the shoots.
- Disruption of technology.
That is why gardeners try to do without this procedure and plant the crop immediately to a permanent place in the ground or grow seedlings in a tank, the volume of which is enough for the normal development of young shoots without transplanting.
peat cups are very good for this purpose. Plants do not need to get out of them, and immediately planted in the ground. Under the action of moisture, they will disintegrate and will serve as additional fertilizer.
When doing an
rassazhivaniya To sprouts received the least damage during a pick, it is important to know when this can be done. Transplantation is carried out in the period of disclosure of cotyledon leaves or in the period of appearance of 1-2 true leaves of .

leaflets. The fact is that the root system of a young plant is not yet developed enough to suffer severe damage. Therefore, seedlings take root better. The seedling in this case is strong and strong, which will ensure a good harvest in the future.
How to dive home at home
To successfully complete the process, you must follow the rules. Seedlings before diving need to prepare, and after transplant properly care for her.
Preparation of
You can buy land at a specialty store or make your own hands:
- turfy land
- peat
- sawdust
- humus
Thoroughly mix .Glasses filled with soil, pour water and leave for a day to the ground settled. Then you can begin to dive.

Rules that
often forget about- Prepare seedlings for the upcoming procedure. The soil in the box is to abundantly moisten the .Removing sprouts from dry, dense soil is difficult and there is a risk of damaging them.
- Do not bend the seedling roots if they are too long. Instead, you need to pinch your excess. This will trigger the growth of new side roots.
- Weak, damaged or sick seedlings should not be subjected to this procedure, they may not settle down and die. If the culture is valuable, and the seed is small, it is worth resorting to such a method of cultivation, which does not require transplanting plants.
- Proper care seedlings after the procedure. They are weak at this time and need special care. Especially in the first 2-3 days.

How to take care of young shoots
- The temperature in the room where the seedlings are located should be within the limits of 18-20 degrees .And the humidity is above average. Such conditions will help the shoots to take root and grow stronger.
- We can not allow the appearance of drafts, because the shoots do not like excessive wind and cold.
- A common problem is the lack of light for young plants in the spring. Shoots begin to turn yellow and stretch. To avoid this, it is necessary to additionally highlight greens, setting the lamp at a distance of 5-10 cm from the shoots. A light day for cucumber seedlings should be at least 7-10 hours. Conventional incandescent bulbs are not suitable for illuminating seedlings at home. They have a small radiation spectrum, because of which their light will not be enough. They also give off too much heat, the plants will just brew.
Fluorescent, LED, phytolamps are well suited for this purpose. They are not heated in the process of work, which allows you to bring them close to the plants.
- It is important to monitor soil moisture. It should not be allowed to bury it or dry out, the ground should be moderately wet. The optimal amount of watering - 1-2 per week .You can use only water at room temperature.
- After a few days, the seedlings can be fed with specialized complex fertilizer .You can prepare the nutritional mix yourself.

. Specialized complex fertilizer - per 10 liters of water:
- ammonium nitrate - 7 g
- superphosphate - 1 g:
- 5-7 days after transplanting
- 2 weeks
- 1-2 days before disembarking to a permanent place
Growing cucumbers is laborious. They can hardly be called unpretentious. But if you take a responsible approach to this activity, you can get a great harvest.