Electric instantaneous water heater for shower - summer comfort

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The problem of installing an electric instantaneous heater on a shower occurs among city dwellers in the summer, when utilities repair networks. Need such a device and gardeners. If possible, it is more economical to install gas equipment. The flowing heater does not require a lot of space, is ready at any time to give the right amount of water.

Installation Requirements for Electric Shower Heater

A wide selection of electric instantaneous shower heaters are on sale. They differ in heating elements, equipment and parameters. Combines all appliances with the requirement of a reliable power grid for connection. From the ability to connect a powerful heating element without overloading the house line depends on what water flow can be counted. The instantaneous water heater for the shower is calculated based on the water consumption per watering can on average 6 l / min. This means that in winter, when the water in the line is about 5 ° C, a heater of at least 13 kW of power is required; this is possible only if there is a three-phase current line.

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You can use non-pressure devices, they are installed on single-phase lines with a power consumption of 3-8 kW.Usually such electric instantaneous water heaters on the shower have their own nozzle and work only with it.

But even low-power devices require a separate power supply line, their own shield and a system of protective blocks for using an electrical device in a damp room.

Before purchasing a device, it is necessary to obtain an opinion from experts about the possibility of connecting the device in an apartment building. Constructed over half a century ago by other standards and under old household appliances, networks may be weak to install a shower water heater.

So, before purchasing the device, it is necessary: ​​

  • to find out the maximum power for which the house network is designed;
  • to clarify whether it is possible to conduct a three-phase line, since the presence of a household electric oven is not a guarantee of this possibility;
  • to clarify whether the pressure in the cold water main and its parameters are stable for the selection of a pressure or non-pressure device.
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It would not be difficult to install a boiler of any capacity in modern high-rise apartment buildings. The standard provides for power equipment to ensure the installation of instruments with a capacity of up to 36 kW.The water heater for the shower in the country can only be pressure-free and connected through a separate line up to 8 kW.But at the dacha, you can use the cumulative boiler, and solar energy daytime heating capacity.

Features of flow-through electric boilers

The electric water heater installed in the shower works on the principle of washing spirals of a heating element with water jets. The smaller the thickness of the heated water layer, the faster it will heat up. By adjusting the flow of water to the shower, you can raise or lower the temperature of the jet. The power and reliability of the heater depend on the power of one or several heating elements, the water supply system and the boiler design.

Consider the following advantages of flow-through heating systems:

  • production of hot water in the right amount within a few seconds after the water flow is turned on;
  • compactness of the device and convenient installation;
  • short timeout after receiving a command.

There are significant drawbacks when using a instantaneous shower water heater:

  • safety requirement when using an electrical appliance in a bathroom requires professional installation of all units in a moisture-proof design, the presence of an RCD, grounding, and additional electrical protection units;
  • installation of a separate line on the device;
  • the ability to use the heater at one point of selection;
  • requires a three-phase network to obtain a normal flow and pressure in the shower mesh with a comfortable temperature.

Special attention should be paid to the wiring of the power line of the three-phase current in the shower cabin. Do not attempt to do the work yourself. Entrust equipment, cable selection and protection systems to specialists. No device is immune from breakdown, and water is a conductor of current, like the human body.

Calculation of the required power to ensure the reception of a shower

. To correctly calculate the required power of the instrument for the shower, we use the formula:

.kW for water heating;
  • Р - water consumption per unit of time;
  • ( Tk - Tn) - how many degrees warmed the water.
  • In order to heat 4 liters of water by 20 degrees, a power of 6 kW is required, but such a heater will suit only in summer, when the water is already warm and the user is happy with a little pressure. For a full shower, a three-phase installation of at least 13 kW is necessary.

    However, manufacturers, applying the laws of physics, have developed systems of free-flow electric water heaters for shower cabins with a special design knot, which increases the pressure at the outlet, not only by increasing the volume of heated water. Special shower nozzles have a wider conditional passage at the junction with the device and a narrow outlet. This increases the pressure in the system, and the small holes in the shower mesh add to the pressure effect. That is why non-pressure systems work with their own set of nozzles. Pressure devices do not need such tricks, they use standard plumbing equipment.

    In the technical parameters of all instantaneous electric water heaters per shower, the water flow rate is based on heating up to 350 ° C, and only Electrolux calculates the flow rate based on temperature 29.

    The device and differences between the pressure and free-flow systems


  • device for connecting a shower or a ready-made connection of a watering can;
  • thermostat with a block for shutting down dry TENA;
  • heating element and eyeliner;
  • case and regulation system.
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    heater to give with it. The easiest until now have been considered to be a non-pressure apparatus, but with the advent of the new Atmor series, you can speak with caution. A novelty that is in demand among users, was the instantaneous water heater Atmor Enjoy 100 on the shower. This non-pressure device, designed for a power of 3500 W, in the series there are more powerful brands. Heating temperature up to 50 degrees, adjustable. Consumption 3 l / min at nominal temperature. So, it can be increased by reducing the heating to a comfortable level, there are 3 stages of regulation. Case size 39 * 22 * ​​9 cm, very small. The body is plastic, ergonomic. The device has a bottom water supply, a hose to a shower watering can with a length of 1.5 meters. It is recommended to use a water heater with inlet water purification filters. The device costs 2670 rubles. Simple installation and energy savings in the process of use make the choice of the Atmor water heater advantageous.

    How to choose a flow water heater electric flow?

    First of all, the parameters that have already been mentioned are selected. It is important that the device belonged to a reliable manufacturer, there are a lot of them. At the hearing, Atmor, Ariston, Termeks, Electrolux and other well-known brands. Prompt reliable model reviews on the Internet.

    It is possible to install a pressure device in an apartment building for the summer period by performing a tie-in to the hot water line. In this case, the device will rest in winter, which will significantly prolong its service life.

    Installing instantaneous electric water heater - video

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