Difficulty in the developmentto the plant. But even so, the question may arise why the spathiphyllum does not bloom only releases leaves? It is difficult to give an answer, as it is necessary to analyze what mistakes were made in caring for it.
Spatiphyllum does not bloom - what to do?
Spathiphyllium - belongs to the family of Aroids and is evergreen. In common parlance, it has a name - "female happiness."Some people argue that if you put a flower in a house with an unmarried mistress, then she will quickly find her soul mate. But if in this housing quarrels and quarrels, the flower dies.
Handsome can reach a height of about 30 centimeters. Sometimes there are varieties that grow much higher or vice versa can be very small( dwarf).There are more than 40 types of Spathiphyllum.
Amazing plant is a popular indoor decoration. Like it for the beautiful leaves that grow directly from the soil. Usually they have an oval shape, pointed at the top. The leaves are distinguished by a dark green color. Of course, enchants a very beautiful flower spathiphyllum, which captivates with snow-white views. The inflorescence is a bud, framed by one petal, located on the stem. Spathiphyllum will delight its owner with abundant blooms several times a year. The flowering process can begin from mid-spring and last until the beginning of autumn. With the onset of winter, the indoor flower takes its cue from nature and goes into a dormant state.
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It should be borne in mind that the plant is quite heat-loving. The optimal temperature for the growth of spathiphyllum is 22-23 degrees. The temperature is up to 18 degrees, it also tolerates well, but the mark on the thermometer should not fall below.
Spathiphyllum does not like drafts!
But still, a female flower is not capricious and does not cause much trouble to its owner. But when the plant stops blooming or its leaves begin to turn black, the brightness is lost - all these symptoms indicate health problems and improper care. So why spathiphyllum does not bloom, what to do? What could be the reason?
Difficulties that may arise when growing
Let's take a closer look at the care and find the reasons why the handsome Spathiphyllum does not bloom at home. Some of them may be:
- Incorrect lighting.
- Humid air.
- Watering the flower incorrectly.
- Insufficient or excessive feeding.
- Incorrect transfer.
Incorrect lighting
Spathiphyllium is a shade-loving plant. Do not put the pot in direct sunlight, as they are detrimental to it, but the lack of light does not contribute to flowering. Better to put the pot on the east side or on the table near the window. In bright light, the soil usually dries quickly, and the leaves begin to turn yellow, the edges will turn a dark shade. With a lack of sunlight, the petals will change to a more elongated shape. The flowering may be less frequent or the plant will stop blooming altogether.
Read also: Proper care for a spatifillum houseplant and possible difficulties
Humid air
Since this flower is home to a humid climate, you should spray water around the plant and spray the pebbles on which the pot stands. This is enough to have a microclimate near it.
Incorrect watering of the flower
If the spathiphyllum is improperly moistened, then it is not necessary to wait for flowering, it can also cause the death of the plant. Be sure to water before defending water, it should be at room temperature. In the warm season and during the flowering period, the spathiphyllum must be well supplied with liquid. In winter, watering is recommended to reduce, and the pot should not be placed close to the heating devices. If there is a lot of water, the leaves will fall, and with a lack of moisture, they will bow and become sluggish.
Water spathiphyllium as the soil dries. Spray it twice a week with water at room temperature. Without regular irrigation, the leaves of the flower lose their elasticity. Wipe them with a damp sponge.
Try not to fill the plant! But if this happened, then let the water drain, and the next watering spend only after the earth in the pot dries. Large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, respectively, to feed water such ornamental plants more often.
Inadequate or excessive feeding
One of the reasons why spithillum does not flower at home can be insufficient nutrition. It is necessary to give additional substances for it during all periods of its development. In the spring and summer period, feed at least once every 7 days. When it is cold outside the window, this food should be reduced to once a month. It is best to use special mixes that can be purchased in stores. For spathiphyllum fertilizers containing nitrogen and a small amount of potassium will be useful.
Do not overdo it, the presence of a large number of substances may poison the flower.
Incorrect transplantation of
The flower grows rather quickly, and the roots rapidly overflow the pot. Be sure to transplant it in a timely manner. Spathiphyllum breeds so-called "kids".But it does not like forced separation. To be ready, it is better to wait until the “baby” is fully ripe and will become an independent plant. After that, it is advisable to transplant the formed bush into a separate pot.
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When planting or planting a spathiphyllum, the soil should be slightly acidic, this will contribute to good plant development. It is necessary to dwell on this mixture: humus, leaf, peat, woody land. The ratio should be 1: 1: 1: 2.Charcoal is also added to improve. Must be a good drainage . For loosening, it is good to add rotted wood or softwood. If the substrate is dense, the roots will be poorly supplied with air, and because of this, the plant will develop poorly.
Choose a pot for spatefillum so that it is not large for the root. Flowering occurs only when the roots of the flower fully occupy all the space in the pot.
Experienced housewives know how to make spathiphyllum bloom. They argue that if you cut off the old parts that are unnecessary, then this leads to the speedy formation of new inflorescences.
If you follow the recommendations for the care of spatefillum, then in response, he will thank you with magnificent blooms.
nuances of spathiphyllum care -