At any, even the smallest section there is a place for landing horseradish. Both the aboveground and root parts of the plant are widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Useful properties of the culture and a unique chemical composition have also been used in cosmetology, in particular for bleaching the skin of the face and against hair loss. In this article we will talk not only about the therapeutic effect of greenery, but also learn how to plant it in the country, how to grow it properly, successfully propagate it and plant it.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of horseradish
- bloom What to do with the flowers if horseradish blossomed
- Useful properties of leaves and root
- Harm and contraindications for the body
- Use in folk medicine at home
- Avoiding influenza asylum asset graphics
- Use in folk medicine at home
- Avoiding influenza asylum
- freckles
Description and characteristics of horseradish
Perennial family culture toestotsvetnyh has dense foliage and thick fleshy root. The height of an erect stem reaches 60-120 cm. The bottom green is located near the root zone, oblong-oval with a toothed edge. Leaves growing in the middle of the outlet, oblong lanceolate shape. The top is formed by linear foliage with a color 2-3 tones lighter than the lower part of the plant.

Frost resistance is considered a feature of the culture, the root part withstands temperatures down to minus 45 °.Young leaves are also not afraid of spring frosts, so creating shelter for horseradish is not necessary.
How does bloom
The period of blooming horseradish falls in May - June of the second year of plant life. Flowers are bisexual with white delicate petals and a pleasant aroma, which is quite unusual for a brutal bush. Inflorescences are grouped in clusters, resembling remotely a sprig of white lilac.
As you know, horseradish multiplies with cuttings. However, there is a seed method. After the end of flowering bloated pod is formed, in which the seeds develop. Any gardener will confirm that the culture rarely blooms. If there is an intense release of inflorescences, then in those areas where the roots are often dug. Botanists explain this phenomenon by the desire of a plant to change its habitat as a result of a threat to survival. In the absence of multiplication by cuttings, the self-preservation mode is automatically activated.
What to do with flowers if horseradish has blossomed
Flowers in folk medicine are of great value. The products prepared from them help oncology patients maintain their health, strengthening the protective function of the body.

From flowers you can make a tincture that strengthens the immune system, giving strength and energy. To do this, you need to thwart the blooming arrow on the old moon. Grinding inflorescences, fill them with a jar to the shoulders and pour forty-degree vodka. After insisting means for 10 days, you can take it on a teaspoon diluted in a glass of water.
If the flowers are not plucked from the bush, then an airy rounded seed pod will soon appear in their place. They after full maturity can be used for breeding horseradish. If you see that horseradish blooms that is undesirable. You just need to tear off unnecessary flowers and throw away from the site.
Useful properties of leaves and root
The benefits and healing effects of the plant are simply invaluable. The rich vitamin composition of horseradish allows the use of leaves and root in traditional medicine. The most interesting is the root of the plant, which includes:
- ascorbic acid;
- vitamins PP, B;
- carbohydrates( arabinose, sucrose, galactose, etc.);
- galacturonic acid;
- saponins;
- mustard oil and other substances.
Leaves are also valuable in medicine and cosmetology due to the content of the following components:
- vitamins B, C, PP;
- mineral salts of nitrogen, potassium, etc.

Horseradish flowers are of no less interest to traditional medicine. They are collected in the middle of the flowering period. It is at this time that the inflorescences are maximally enriched with useful substances that favorably affect the human body.
Useful properties of culture:
- improves the functioning of brain activity, strengthens memory, restores eyesight;
- improves male reproductive function;
- normalizes the work of the digestive system, improves metabolism;
- eliminates oral diseases( useful for teeth and gums);
- neutralizes the effects of tobacco and alcohol, which makes it possible to supplement the addiction treatment with means of horseradish;
- cleans the intestines from toxins, decomposition products and harmful microorganisms.
Harm and contraindications for the body
And now let's look at whether there is any harm from the plant and why. Horseradish refers to foods that cause irritation of the mucous membrane, so eating different foods with it or medicines should be limited. A positive effect can be achieved only with a brief use of leaves or the root of the plant.
Contraindications for use are the following diseases:
- gastric and duodenal ulcer;
- gastritis, which developed against the background of high acidity;
- edema resulting from renal failure;
- disorders of the kidneys and liver.
Special attention should be paid to allergies to avoid exacerbation of the disease. The plant contains components that are considered causative agents of allergies.

Use in folk medicine at home
Horseradish contains a large number of phytoncides and lysozymes, which allows the plant to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Infusions and decoctions made from roots and leaves have immunomodulatory properties. This is a good addition to the treatment of diseases such as:
- hypovitaminosis;
- angina;
- radiculitis;
- bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma and others.
In diabetes mellitus or cancer, grated horseradish with kefir is useful. In combination with honey, the drug is used to treat tuberculosis, Botkin's disease, and hepatitis. Chopped root pulp is used instead of mustard plaster on muscles and joints.
Avoiding the
flu At home, even this nasty virus can be treated. Peeled root mince, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix the mixture and leave for 12 hours. After that, it will remain to strain the obtained liquid through gauze and take the product in a tablespoon 3 times a day( before meals for 30 minutes).

Therapeutic action for sinus
For 10 days, breathe in pairs of grated root. Juice, diluted with water in equal parts, bury the nose 2 times a day, 1 drop.
Application from freckles
A tablespoon of grated root should be diluted with a glass of water. After stirring, leave the mixture to infuse for 4 hours. Strain the liquid to use for daily rubbing of the face instead of lotion.
How to plant horseradish in a plot in the garden in spring
It’s easy to get and grow and then horseradish in the garden. For this, in spring( mid-April) a fragment of the spine, cut from an annual plant, should be planted in the prepared soil. The landing site is pre-enriched with humus and wood ash. At the petiole before instillation, the buds located in the middle are removed. Make it just a rough cloth, rubbing her kidney.
The handle is stirred in the hole at an angle of 45 ° .Most of the root should be deepened( about 12-15 cm), and the tip( about 5 cm) remains on the ground surface. The interval between the bushes is at least 40-45 cm.
Features of care:
- periodic watering( not frequent);
- loosening the soil( first time 1 time per week);
- cleaning weeds around the cutting.
Horseradish needs good lighting, so the landing place should not be in the shade. Due to lack of light, the plant may die.

How to propagate and properly transplant a plant at the cottage
A representative cruciferous plant reproduces in a reproduction manner. This happens spontaneously and quite intensively, so the growth of new bushes should be kept under control, otherwise horseradish will spread throughout the site.
Procurement of cuttings is carried out in the fall. For this, lateral processes are separated from the main root with a length of 20-25 cm. It is desirable that their diameter be within 0.8-1.2 cm. Until spring, the blanks are stored in the cellar. For reliability they should be sprinkled with sawdust or sand.
Growing horseradish in the garden is not difficult. He is completely unpretentious in the care. It can easily be planted anywhere, if necessary, transplanted. And after it may even have to deal with the growth. However, he does not like excess moisture, so it is better not to overdo it with watering. In the household and the leaves and roots will find useful application.