The list of tomatoes in our time is huge and in order to choose to your taste you need to familiarize yourself with many of them. From this article you can learn all about planting and caring for the "Mongolian dwarf."
- A table of contents of
- . Description of
- . Shedding of
- .and is quite popular. Its height according to the description reaches up to 25 cm, and the fruits of the are about 200 grams of .
From one bush according to the characteristic, the yield can reach 10 kg .Tomatoes ripen early, acquiring a bright red color. The taste of the flesh is sweet - sour and very juicy. The grade is resistant to cold snakes , does not require staking and is planted in open ground.
Mongolian dwarf in Siberia, the southeastern part and other windy, not too rainy regions will perfectly take root. But the non-black earth and heavy soil is not the best option.
The average weight of the fruit of the variety is 200 grams.
In greenhouses, the Mongolian dwarf grows worse than in the open field, as the air humidity is too high.Advantages and disadvantages
- Early maturation;
- Does not need a pasynkovanii;
- High yield ;
- Low bushes, undemanding garters;
- Variety resistant to droughts and winds;
- Long bears fruit( up to November);
- Low chance of late blight.
Difficult to talk about, as there are practically none. The only thing that can cause difficulties is the purchase of the seeds themselves, so in the stores they do not sell , and buying from hands does not give any guarantee. And of course, the plant does not adapt well to acidic soils.
Sowing seeds
Seeds of a Mongolian dwarf cannot be bought at
. The best time for such manipulation is February and March .This choice of period will allow you to enjoy the first fruits in June. Identical and smooth bushes can be obtained by selecting the same seeds. You should not give preference to the smallest, as a good sapling of them is unlikely to succeed.
For seed treatment from various pathogens, it is advisable to treat them with in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate at an interval of 30 minutes .After the seeds, be sure to rinse and dry.
For planting seedlings, you can buy ready-made soil in a store or fertilize the soil yourself. Nutrient substrates contribute to better crop quality.Sowing procedure:
- The prepared soil must be leveled and moistened;
- Interval between rows about 5 centimeters ;
- Groove Depth 1 centimeter;
- The distance between seeds is more than 1 centimeter;
- The optimum temperature for growing seedlings 25 degrees ;
- Before the appearance of the first shoots, it is best to cover the container with foil;
- If the seedlings have 3 leaves, they should be seated in separate boxes.
Transplanting in the open ground
- The is best located at 0.9 centimeters from each other. , since bushes require a lot of space;
- The wells are fertilized with humus and superphosphate( 10 g per well);
- The following is a mandatory watering of the soil;
- It is best to plant seedlings at an angle, digging in not only the root, but also a small part of the stem;
- Re-watering;
It is recommended to plant seedlings at the same place.Grade care after transplanting
The next moistening of the soil will be needed only after the upper part has dried, for excessive moisture can damage .Be sure to loosen the earth, to prevent the formation of a crust.
Pasting is not carried out by , but fertilizer never hurts. They can be started 3 weeks after planting.
Mongolian dwarf reacts very well to wood ash fertilizer.
Mongolian dwarf will take the ash solution very joyfully. It is prepared in the ratio of 200 grams per 10 liters of water. Garter bushes are also not needed, because the plant itself is low.
The fruits of the Mongolian dwarf are suitable for both simple consumption and for canning .
Diseases and Prevention
As mentioned earlier, this variety is practically not susceptible to late blight( fungus that occurs due to the lack of copper in the soil).But there is still little chance.
“Bordeaux Liquid” is the most effective agent for controlling fungus. Spraying of plants is carried out immediately before flowering and two weeks before harvesting( under the conditions that the solution is 1%).When identifying the first signs immediately take action.
Another well-known method of controlling late blight can be called the method of “copper wire” .It consists in fastening five centimeter pieces of copper wire near the stem of a bush.
Folk remedies:
- Garlic solution .Preparation: Mix 200 grams of minced garlic with 1 liter of water at room temperature. After the 12-hour hold, it is necessary to drain the old water and add a new one along with 40 grams of soapy mush.
- mix 1 liter of kefir with a bucket of water and spray the plant.
For prophylaxis, it is sufficient to periodically fertilize the soil.How to get seeds next year
If you want to grow a variety again, you have to extract the seeds from ripe and healthy fruits yourself
After trying to grow a Mongolian dwarf variety, you will probably want to get the same crop for another season. In order to do this, it is necessary to to extract seeds from the available fruit.
How to do it:
- Wash tomatoes;
- Wet with a napkin to remove excess moisture;
- Cut off the top( where the tail);
- Squeeze the seeds into any convenient container;
- Put the resulting mass( together with the juice) in a small cup and leave for 3 days, after covering it with a bandage. You can make a salad or something else from the rest of the tomato.
- After the prescribed period of time, we uncover the seeds and transfer them to a sieve;
- Flush with water, removing all excess;
- Place on a tray, spreading it evenly over the surface;
- Put to dry in a sunny place.
Mongolian dwarf quite often is called a variety for the lazy , and as you can see, it is not casual. A completely unpretentious and unusually tasty tomato, although it appeared not so long ago, managed to capture the hearts of many.
Do not be afraid to try something new, because often you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to make your life easier. In addition, tomatoes are very useful for the body.
- .and is quite popular. Its height according to the description reaches up to 25 cm, and the fruits of the are about 200 grams of .
- . Shedding of
- . Description of