How to use the inhaler correctly

  • Under what diseases of the respiratory tract is an inhaler recommended?
  • General recommendations for using
  • What steam temperature is best for the
  • procedure Types of inhalers and how to use themThe methods for each of their species are different. But, it would be better if, before going to the store, you already have some idea of ​​how they work. In this case, you will already be looking for only the device that suits you according to the method of operation.

    Under what diseases of the respiratory tract is an inhaler recommended?

    Inhaler is a wonderful invention that helps to quickly cure many diseases of the respiratory tract. Of course, to call it a panacea - you can not, if you have a viral infection. Without antibiotics here, it is unlikely, you will manage. But inhalers greatly alleviate the general condition and relieve symptoms, giving a lot of unpleasant sensations.

    If, however, you do not have a viral infection, but a common cold or a small cough, then the inhaler itself can fight the disease and prevent it from progressing into a more complex form.

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    inhalers. For each type of disease, additives in the inhaler of any drugs are recommended. But, it will be better if you check with your doctor, because the forms of each disease are different and self-treatment may not bring results, or even aggravate the situation.

    General recommendations for using

    • Using an inhaler with high body temperature is strictly forbidden.
    • . You can’t do inhalation after 1.5 hours after taking food.(compressor inhaler) is strictly prohibited to use oil products, as there is a high probability of particles in the lungs, which provokes oil pneumonia. Also, it cannot use herbal infusions, the device is not designed for it, it will clog and fail
    • The general course of treatment with inhalations lasts from 5 to 10 days.
    • Ready, open solutions for inhalation are stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a day. If necessary, warm up to room temperature and use.
    • Do not use it more often than 5-6 times a day. The interval between procedures should be at least 1.5 -2 hours.
    • Inhalation duration - about twenty minutes, no longer recommended.
    • If the doctor has prescribed several different medicines, then it is necessary to observe the correct sequence of inhalations. The first inhalation is with a bronchodilator medication, after 1.5 hours - with a drug that displays sputum, and after another 1.5 hours - an antibiotic or antiseptic.

    What steam temperature is optimal for the

    procedure? Steam at room temperature - it helps very well when the nasal mucosa is swollen and breathing has become completely impossible.

    Warm steam, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation, reduces spasms and removes sputum.

    Types of inhalers and how to use them

    There are three types of them on the market and each is good in its own way. Below we look at each of them in more detail.

    • Steam
    • Compressor
    • Ultrasonic

    The most popular of them is the compressor, the so-called nebulizer. It is good because you can add drugs to it, whereas in the steam room you can add decoctions of herbs. And ultrasound is good, of course, but very few can afford. The best inhaler for children is ultrasound, of course. But the compressor is fine.

    Why ultrasound? Because - completely silent and this is a guarantee that the child will not be afraid of the procedure.

    How to use the steam inhaler

    The steam inhaler delivers air heated to 55 -65 degrees. Breathe in slowly, so as not to burn the mucous. It is highly recommended to add various herbs or oils to the liquid. Drugs to add – no sense, since, from a high temperature, their action is neutralized.

    You should not use a steam inhaler if you have a bad heart, with bronchial asthma, with tuberculosis. Also, the use of an inhaler with warm steam is prohibited at elevated temperatures.

    How to use an ultrasonic inhaler

    This inhaler is designed in such a way that it disperses the medicine, poured into it into the smallest dust and easily carried deep into the respiratory tract.

    Fill it with the recommended medicine( dissolved in saline), mask or mouthpiece tightly to the face or mouth. Inhale until the drug is complete. Usually, it takes about 10 minutes.

    In no case do not add oil or grass, it will fail instantly, since it is not designed for such substances, they have rather large particles when spraying.

    How to use a compressor inhaler( nebulizer)

    There are the same rules as with an ultrasonic inhaler. The difference in them is small: the compressor noise is stronger and has a larger size. And they act exactly the same. It is not very clear why ultrasound is more expensive. .. Especially, considering that absolutely all medicines are suitable for the compressor, and selectively for the ultrasound.

    Folk remedies for inhalation

    The use of an inhaler, of course, steam in this case, is not without the old and time-tested recipes.

    In order to get the sputum back: 4 teaspoons of soda dissolved in a liter of water. Or, replace this solution with mineral water.

    Inflammation of the throat, tonsils: squeeze the juice from onions or garlic, mix it with water and apply the solution for an inhaler.

    Also, inhalations of decoction of potatoes remarkably recommended themselves.

    A decoction of chamomile or pine needles is also a good tool, and you can buy a special collection of herbs for these purposes at the pharmacy.

    Medicines for inhalation

    Best if prescribed by a doctor. Any medicines are suitable for inhalation:

    • Bronchodilators
    • Mucolytics
    • Antiseptics
    • Antibiotics

    It is only in the dosage and the intervals between treatments. For example, if your condition is not serious, then there is no point in using an antibiotic, there will be enough antiseptic and mucolytic. If you do not want to go to the doctor, then though, ask the pharmacist from the pharmacy, he will select the best option for you. Just do not forget to ask them to offer you domestic counterparts of imported drugs - they are cheaper every five.

    In any case, do not forget about the order we wrote above.

    Now you know how to use the inhaler correctly. But we still want you to have to do it less often. Do not be ill!

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