The correct use of herbicides for corn after germination

All people dealing with the land - gardeners, gardeners, farmers - are well aware of how ordinary weeds can bother. Sometimes it seems that they grow much faster than cultivated plants, competing with them for moisture, nutrients and light, drowning out their growth, significantly affecting their yield. That is why weed must be fought. The most effective and progressive method of control is the treatment of crops with herbicides. But not for every plant it is the same. The subject of our research is corn.


  • How to process seedlings for weed control
  • Classification of soil-based crop herbicides
  • What is a post-emergence herbicide for corn better than
  • A variety of drugs and how to use them
  • The processing of crops

The process of growing crops

any vegetation( coat of arms - grass, cido - kill). These are chemical reagents used to treat the weed control soil. Manual weeding or loosening of the soil in order to eradicate them is too time consuming, not bringing the desired results.
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Soil treatment with herbicides helps to easily get rid of one or many types of weeds.

For this purpose, reagents with one or several active substances are created, which determines their spectrum of action and scope of application. Currently, about 300 types of chemical reagents, differing in composition, method of use or exposure, are widely used on agricultural land.

Soil Herbicide Crops

Classification of Soil Herbicides

Most weeds are annual. They multiply with seeds and live only one season. Perennial grasses have a strong root system that goes far into the soil, so they can grow even from a small piece of the root left after weeding.

The cultivation of cultivated land, gardens and vegetable gardens with different herbicides allows you to effectively get rid of one particular type of weed or a complex of all at once.

Depending on the width of the spectrum of exposure, chemical reagents are divided into:

  1. preparations of continuous action;
  2. preparations of selective( selective) action.

The first of them are designed to destroy all weed vegetation on the cultivated area. It is possible to use for clearing of the earth under lawns, beds. Highly concentrated reagents are suitable for the treatment of industrial, construction areas, on the roads, at airports, as well as for the destruction of especially persistent perennial weeds( for example, hogweed).
Herbicides of selective action destroy harmful vegetation on the planting of specific crops without harming them: on the fields of cereals, corn, sunflower, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. You can handle before and after the emergence of the main crop, but, in any case, you should carefully study the instructions for use of the drug.

Soil Herbicide Crops

Which post-emergence herbicide for corn is better than

Corn is one of the leading cereal crops in agriculture. High yield, a wide range of applications, easy getting used to any environmental conditions contribute to its cultivation in many countries. On the importance and the areas of crops takes the third place after wheat and rice. But the large weed infestation of corn crops( especially during the period of seed germination) has a very negative effect on the crop itself: the growth of the above-ground part of the plant slows down considerably, the root mass increases, and the yield drops sharply. That is why it is necessary to carry out timely "chemical weeding" of crops of grass with herbicides.
The processing of crops, including corn, is carried out with selective preparations and it is expedient in crops of large areas of .Since the range of herbicides is huge, it is important to make the right choice. To do this, you first need to study the composition of the weed mass in the fields and determine which herbicide is best to use.

To the left of the line - treated with herbicides, to the right - no

Varieties of drugs and how to use them

  1. Preparations based on 2,4-D amine salt have an effective effect only with good soil moisture. Otherwise, herbicides can have an effect on corn, burn the seedlings, slow down growth. Weeds have an effect on the weeds for 30 days, gradually slowing down their growth and leading to death. Processing should be carried out strictly during the formation of 3-5 sheets.
  2. Preparations on the basis of klopiralida selective action, used after germination. Sulfonylurea
  3. - very effective drugs of systemic action with increased selective activity against various types of weeds.
Particularly good results can be achieved by using clopyralid preparations with sulfonylureas.

Among the most popular post-harvest preparations for treating corn are:

  • Trimmer - selective against annual cereal weeds, used in crops;
  • Miranda - integrated weed control in corn crops;
  • Turbine - a soil herbicide, effective against annual grasses, used in crops;
  • Saga, Coat of Arms 900 - preparations used before germination;
  • Quasar - selective action, processing after germination;
  • Adengo - systemic action against cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, incl.difficult to eradicate, can be used before and after the emergence of corn.

    Soil Pre-emergence Herbicide Coat of Arms 900

The most popular recently herbicide is Myster Power( made in Germany).It provides total control over weeds of all kinds and at the same time maximum protection for corn. Thanks to the special corn antidod, the processing of fields can be started after the appearance of a 7-8 leaf on the sprouts of a crop. By this time the weeds of all groups are sprouting( one, dicotyledonous, cereal, difficult to eradicate).A single MisterTowerPower treatment is enough to destroy all weeds, minimizing the toxic effect on the crop itself due to the presence of the antidode. All these activities allow to increase the yield of cereal to 70ts per hectare .

Features of processing crops

Since there is a very wide range of different preparations from weeds, you need to carefully choose the means.

Any herbicide must be accompanied by instructions for use, the instructions to be followed.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which weeds are present in crops, which means are most effective for controlling them, and also correctly calculate the dosage of the preparation.
When spraying herbicides before germination( embedding in the soil) it is necessary to ensure that the chemical solution does not penetrate below the seed level. Many of the herbicides applied directly to the soil are active only at a certain level of soil moisture.
If you cultivate fields after sprouting a crop, you need to do this no sooner than 3 to 5 leaves appear on sprouts, strictly following the dosage, so as not to damage them.
To prevent chemicals from affecting crop quality, the last treatment should be carried out 1-1.5 months before the harvest begins.

The benefit of corn for humans is hard to overestimate. In addition to eating, application in various industries, this grass serves as an ideal forage base for animal husbandry. Protecting crops from harmful weeds is of paramount importance to the farmer, the head of the farm. This will allow to clean fertile lands, to harvest high yields, to increase the efficiency of agricultural production, and to positively influence the crop quality.

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