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Among the many types of berries the most popular is the wild strawberry of Ali Baba, a description of the variety, the photo of which is presented below. This plant is in great demand among summer residents. Its popularity is not only due to good taste qualities, but also easy growing.
The uniqueness of the strawberry Ali Baba
The berries of the presented variety have a lot of vitamins and trace elements, which are simply necessary for the proper development of the body. The fruit contains a huge percentage of potassium, calcium, vitamin C.
The uniqueness of such a plant is that it has abundant fruit bearing. In order to get a good harvest, you must follow certain rules of cultivation.
Advantages of the variety:
- good tolerability of drought;
- winter hardiness;
- excellent taste qualities;
- resistance to diseases.
Repaired wild strawberry Ali Baba is the best dessert variety at the present time. The bush of this plant is quite powerful, but compact. Its height can reach 20 centimeters. If the seedlings are planted in the right place and properly taken care of, then in the first year of life a large number of flowers will appear on them. The variety is not capable of forming antennae, but despite this, in a short time strong and beautiful bushes are formed.
It is not recommended to plant the plant on the territory where tomatoes previously grew.
Berries of wild strawberry Ali Baba have a rich red color. Their weight is from three to five grams. A distinctive feature of the fruit is their sweet and sour taste. The flesh is white. Of the thirty adult bushes, you can collect up to a liter of berries every two days.
How to grow strawberries correctly?
The choice of a site plays one of the main roles in planting this plant. To strawberries developed well and bring the desired result, it should be planted in well-illuminated areas. It is best to grow it on the hills, but if there is no such possibility, then the procedure is performed on the ridges.
To seed quickly sprouted, you should carefully till the soil before sowing.
The correct cultivation of wild strawberry Ali Baba consists of the following stages:
- Landing. You can plant a plant both with the help of seedlings and seeds. The soil should consist of 5 parts of humus and three parts of sand. Sow grains should be from February to March. Since the seeds are very small, then it does not cost them more than a centimeter. 14 days after emergence, young plants should be dived. The distance between them should be at least 2 centimeters, but not more than 4 centimeters. The next picking is carried out after 4-5 leaves appear on the strawberry. Landing in the open ground occurs with the appearance of 6 deciduous plates.
- Watering. The first irrigation after winter should be carried out at the appearance of flowers. Until this time, watering strawberries is not recommended, since in the soil there is a sufficient amount of moisture.
- Top dressing. Fertilizer is an important part of growing a plant. The first fertilizing is recommended only for the second year of life. For this purpose it is better to use organic fertilizers. For 1 m2, you need to connect 2 to 3 buckets of fertilizer, 40 grams of superphosphate, one tablespoon of saltpeter and the same amount of potassium sulphate. After applying the mixture, the earth is recommended to loosen to the depth of the shovel.
- Preparation of strawberries for wintering. Although the plant is not afraid of frosts, it is recommended to cover the bushes. To do this, use dry branches of raspberries and spruce. The second, no less well known method of preparing plants for the winter, is the installation of arches over the beds with the use of agrotex.
Everyone who wants to get a plentiful harvest should pay special attention to care for strawberries after winter. The first thing to do is remove the old leaves from the bush. It is necessary to conduct such a procedure with the onset of stable heat.
One of the important stages of cultivation of wild strawberry Ali Baba is its mulching. This procedure allows not only to prevent the evaporation of liquid from the soil, but also makes it possible to improve its properties.
Weeding the plant should be done three times before the appearance of berries. In the period of growth and ripening of fruits, loosening the soil is undesirable. At carrying out of such procedure it is necessary to at the same time to delete the damaged old leaflets.
This plant has good resistance to various diseases. But despite this, the bushes often hit the mite. To combat it you can use as a decoction from the peel of onions, and special preparations.
Description of the strawberry variety Ali Baba will give an opportunity to know all the subtleties of the plant and the rules of its departure. The presence of such knowledge will certainly give the desired result in the cultivation of this remarkable berry.