We paint jeans in the washing machine

  • Preliminary Tips Before Dyeing
  • What Effect Do You Expect From Different Original Colors
  • Step-by-Step Painting Technology
  • What Happens to an
  • Paint Machine? How to Make an
  • Paint How to apply a pattern on an

jeans.- in fact, many famous “Varenko” come to mind - a symbol of the 80s era. And it seems that home coloring will give the effect of uneven coverage, and "ragged".

But, we hasten to assure you, you will not get such an effect( unless, of course, you do not want to), since the technology of making boiled whiteness implies whitening. And here we will talk with you about painting, in fact, paints.

Preliminary Tips Before Dyeing

Before embarking on such a responsible business, you need to know about all the possible consequences. And be sure to comply with these recommendations, in order to avoid unexpected effects.

In general, we would advise you not to get excited, but to check the result on some old stuff. It is easy to spoil it, and it will be impossible to wipe off the paint in the event that something did not work out.

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So, what should you understand before dyeing:

  • Only cotton fabric, wool or linen is perfectly colored, and the rest can simply be taken in pieces. Unfortunately, now there are cases when the label states that it is 100% x / b, but in fact it turns out quite differently. Therefore, if you are not sure until the end of the composition, try to pre-paint a small piece of fabric, namely, with this product.
  • It is possible to paint only a well-washed thing, and, in the machine, it is laid in the wet state. Otherwise, the paint will fall unevenly.
  • Paint can not paint over all stains to the end. If you have a spot that is much brighter than the main fabric, then it will be visible, in any case.
  • Paint a black white thing is unlikely to come out. It will turn out dark gray, at best. To achieve a deep black, you will need more than one painting.
  • You must understand that the painted thing will then fade. And washing it in a typewriter, with other things, is not recommended for up to five washes. Only after that it will cease to “get dirty”.
  • Synthetics are almost never painted over so that paint manufacturers do not write. But, there are rare exceptions, of course. Therefore, try on a piece of cloth to avoid the "spotted" result.
  • The exact color shown on the package comes out only when you paint it with a white thing. If you put it on other shades, the result will be slightly different. But, but the declared color scale! In general, almost a tape measure.
  • As a rule, the threads that are used to sew fabric are made of synthetic material, since they are stronger and more durable. And be prepared for the fact that the main fabric will be dyed, and the threads will remain the same color. So, think in advance how they will be combined later.
  • In no case do not add air conditioning during the painting process! Paint will be stained.
  • Rust stains are very difficult to paint.
  • Denim material is painted on both sides.

. What effect to expect from different source colors

Enumerate the entire color spectrum and possible shades, as you understand, is simply unrealistic. They are a great many. And the result depends on the quality of the material itself.

Therefore, the only thing we can recommend to you is to get acquainted with the spectrum of color mixing. So that, though, a little to understand what will come out in the end. As they say, who is warned, he is armed! And then do not cry that you were not warned, when instead of blue, you get purple.

Step-by-Step Painting Technology

Well, let's get down to the most important thing. The thing you already washed, you have it wet. Now you have to dilute the coloring composition, based on the recommendations of the manufacturer. Many manufacturers recommend adding a couple of tablespoons of salt. If so written - add by all means. If not, then this is not necessary, and they did not forget to write.

If you do not want to mix with salt, then just pour the paint into the drum. Start the long wash mode, at 40-60C.And that's it! Then, at the end of the cycle, put on a regular wash, exceptionally cold water, with the addition of powder and conditioner. Such a temperature regime will fix the result of staining.

After this, we remove the item and run the machine again. You can put some old rags, and you can empty. It is necessary to collect the remnants of paint from the drum and completely clean it off. Also, we do not recommend washing white things right after such a procedure, even after cleaning. Be careful - God saves, as they say. ..

As you can see, painting jeans in a washing machine is an elementary thing.

What happens to the paint machine

Absolutely nothing happens. The machine from this does not deteriorate, is not painted and does not fail. Paint for a washing machine is much safer than the same vinegar, for example.

The only thing - rubber parts can change a little color. They will just need to be washed out manually.

How to make varieties

Varyanka are painted not with paint, but with ordinary, cheap bleach. In order to achieve the effect of spotting and dark stripes, the legs of the leg must be carefully twisted in a spiral.

You can use rubber bands, and you get the effect of asterisks and specks. In general, there is a huge scope for fantasy. Try it! Moreover, the fashion is back and these jeans are now quite relevant.

After you have done the twisting of the fabric, put them in a bucket, add bleach, according to the instructions on the packaging and turn on the gas. They should boil for 10 minutes.

Then, of course, they are thoroughly washed with powder.

How to put an ornament on jeans

Ornament can be applied using acrylic paints or ordinary markers! Choose any color and pattern you want. Acrylic should be applied with a sponge, not very thick layer. A marker - just gently, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the template.

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Let the product dry for 24 hours, then wash it in a powder machine. Now you know how to dye jeans in a washing machine, and we hope that the result will please you!

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