It is possible to replenish the deficiency of this component in the soil with the help of organic fertilizer compounds - manure or compost. But this measure is not always sufficient, for this reason, many gardeners use additives of chemical origin. Potassium preparations help to prepare the plants for the winter season, accelerate the exchange process in the cells, change the soil composition. In this article we will talk about fertilizing the soil with potassium sulfate.
Table of contents
- What is potassium sulphate
- What is potassium sulfate good for?from small crystals. Granules are easily dissolved in water. In addition to potassium, the preparation includes the following components:
- sulfur and iron oxides;
- sodium;
- Calcium.
All elements are capable of increasing plant growth and their level of yield.
Fertilizer for garden and vegetable garden - potassium sulphate
Potassium sulphate is considered the best fertilizer. Apply it to support those plants that do not tolerate chlorine. The composition is introduced both in spring and autumn, it can be used during the vegetative period.
Fertilizer is obtained from natural minerals of shenit and langbeynit. It can be used in greenhouses and open beds, introducing it in a dry form or in a liquid one.
How good potassium sulfate is as an
fertilizer? Using this compound, many issues can be solved:
- increases the sugar and vitamin components in plants, increases their resistance to various diseases, decreases the risk of infection of the fruit with core and gray rot;
- significantly helps the substance to perennial plants, because it gives them the opportunity to remain viable by the end of the winter season. The top dressing structure perfectly influences trees and bushes during the autumn season. Even severe frosts they are not afraid;
- potassium sulphate is excellent for crops that are most sensitive to chlorine. It is recommended to use the cruciferous plant fertilizer, as the chemical preparation is able to raise the yield index. In addition to cabbage and radish, the composition will support potatoes, beans, grape bushes and citrus plants;
- improves circulation of fluid in plants, ensures uniform and rapid distribution of nutrients. The root system develops, the green mass builds up;
- liquid fertilizers perfectly help crops grow, form new shoots.
Fertilization of tomato seedlings with potassium sulfate
Properties and advantages of using
in the garden The main advantage of such a fertilizer composition is that with its help there is a rapid rooting and growth of young seedlings.
But it should be noted that there are disadvantages. In this case we are talking about the compatibility of individual components that make up the fertilizer. It is believed that potassium is prohibited for simultaneous use with chalk and urea .The combination of fertilizing compounds with preparations containing nitrogen, is performed immediately before making the mixture.
For acidic soil, potash fertilizer is best combined with regular lime.Another negative side is noted - the drug is able to absorb magnesium, calcium, manganese and other trace elements useful to crops.
A variety of potassium sulphate fertilizers for every
wallet. Applying potassium sulphate on different soils.
The composition of the soil, the plants grown in garden beds, their general condition contribute to the application of fertilizer to the soil. Potassium sulphate appears to be more useful on peatlands, to a lesser extent it should be applied on loams, because difficulties will arise in the penetration of the component into the soil.
On sandy, floodplain, peaty and krasnozemny sites you can increase the yield, speed up the growth of crops and the forming of their main systems.
If potassium is used on black soil and loamy areas with a good level of humidity, it is possible to have a beneficial effect on plant growth. But at the same time it is necessary to carefully calculate the proportions and draw up a schedule for fertilizer application.
Potassium for solonetz soil, as a rule, does not apply, because there is enough salt in such a soil.
Calcareous areas are most in dire need of such an agrotechnical chemical.
Increased yield of tomatoes fertilized with potassium sulphate
Often, potassium sulphate reserves should be replenished in beds with podzolic and peaty soils, because it is in them that nutritional substances make up a large deficit.
potassium sulphate is added to the black earth on the beds where plants are sown, which consume a large amount of sodium and potassium in the process of growth.
Lime is added to acidic sites along with potassium sulfate.
Compatibility with other fertilizers
Since potassium sulphate does not contain chlorine, it can have a beneficial effect on plants. But it is necessary to apply this drug correctly.
The following features are taken into account:
- potassium is not used in combination with urea and chalk;
- if there is a need to apply a complex fertilizer composition, then it is necessary to mix potassium with nitrogen preparations in advance, before the fertilizer spreads over the soil layer;
- fertilizing acidic soil, it is necessary to combine potassium sulfate with lime.
Potassium sulphate is combined with many other fertilizers, and also often part of the complex fertilizer
The best indicators of using potash are obtained on carbonate lands where grapes are grown.
The last application of the fertilizer should be at least two weeks before the harvest.Another good combination is potassium sulfate and phosphorus. This combination gives you the opportunity to get maximum yields.
Table fertilizer consumption depending on the culture:
Culture Consumption, g / m square. Tomatoes, cucumbers, plants, flowers at the site 15-20 Strawberry 15-20 cultures growing in open ground 30-40 cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets 25-30 Fruit trees 150-200 g per planting hole Storage and precautions
This fertilizer can be used not only in small garden plots, but also in the fields. Transportation of the drug does not cause difficulties, because it is not considered explosive. It should also be noted that the tool does not apply to flammable, even though it contains a certain amount of sulfur.
The storage of the drug must be in a tightly closed container
The main requirement for storage is protection against high levels of humidity, dust, water and other natural factors.
If the powder is dissolved in water, it is best to use it immediately. Long storage is contraindicated, even if the container is closed tightly.In its pure form, the powder can be stored for no more than three years, if the temperature is not higher than twenty degrees.
For small gardens, it is recommended to use packs with fertilizers weighing from five hundred grams to five kilograms. Modern manufacturers offer potassium sulphate both in pure form and with the addition of other mineral components. Such combinations perfectly help to achieve good harvests.