What can be planted in a greenhouse with cucumbers

When planning the planting of cucumbers in a greenhouse, it sometimes turns out that a rather large area remains free. It is not always rational to grow more greens, as an option to choose an unobtrusive neighbor culture. The article will discuss what plants can be safely cultivated and planted in the same greenhouse with cucumbers.

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  • cucumbers occupy a lot of space on the beds, the length of the lash of some varieties reaches 2.5-3 m. When grown in a greenhouse, because of a stable moist environment, there is a need to tie the stalkon trellises, thus freed up some space.

    The greenhouse way of growing vegetables requires considerable effort, therefore it is reasonable for to fill each empty area with seedlings of other plants .

    With cucumber quite get along:

    • tomatoes;
    • pepper;
    • watermelons;
    • peas;
    • leaf turnips;
    • mustard;
    • Beijing cabbage and others.
    When choosing a neighbor for a cucumber, you should study the need for moisture and feedings of the veiled vegetable. Indicators must be identical.
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    Advantages of

    Growing greens and other crops in a greenhouse at the same time is not only possible, but also beneficial. This method has several advantages at once:

    • rationally uses greenhouse space;
    • shelter protects plants from the abundance of moisture and other vagaries of nature;
    • you can get an early crop of several vegetables at once;
    • the ability to control the level of humidity of the air and soil by opening the vents and using the irrigation system( sprinkling, drip);
    • savings in heating and electricity costs, which is typical when operating several greenhouse structures.

    With proper combination of vegetable crops, you can increase the yield of greenbacks .For example, if you plant sunflower or corn with the subsequent sharing of cucumber seedlings, gardeners do not need to install trellis and garters.

    Planting cucumbers with corn eliminates the need to install

    trellis. Developing whips, releasing antennae, the themselves will cling to their neighbor’s , creating a vertical bed. And asparagus beans planted right between the rows will provide good aeration. This is achieved thanks to a powerful root system that constantly loosens the soil.

    Joint landing is also useful because plants protect each other from pests and diseases ( the so-called symbiosis).This eliminates the use of drugs with toxic substances. It will be easier for crops to survive in drought, the soil with dense planting retains moisture longer.

    Marigold decorative border will not only decorate the beds, but will also deter pests.

    What to plant and grow with cucumbers

    Each plant recommended for a neighborhood affects cucumbers in its own way. Some increase the fruiting period, others - improve taste.

    Cucumber and Calendula

    One of the recommended neighborhood options is to plant a flower Calendula .Both plants contribute to the development of each other.

    is most often planted on peppers near Zeleni. In hothouse conditions, it is necessary to provide arrangement of beds in such a way that all cultures have enough daylight. Vertical lanes can be planted around the perimeter with pepper or eggplant.

    At the same time, it should be remembered that bitter and sweet pepper varieties should not be next to , when pollination, the bitterness can go to the neighbors.

    legumes are ideally combined with cucumbers. This tandem allows you to increase the yield of greenhouse. And the lack of moisture will not be felt in the soil. Among the recommended vegetables: beans, peas, asparagus.

    Not less beneficial for development and fruiting are: Chinese cabbage, spinach, celery .This neighborhood allows you to get green leaves with high taste.

    Cucumbers and Peking Cabbage - useful for fruiting

    In regions with a harsh climate, melons and gourds can only be grown in greenhouse conditions. When organizing vertical beds, it is possible to combine the cultivation of cucumbers with watermelons and melons. It is important only when airing to ensure the absence of drafts so that the dessert fruits do not die.

    Tomatoes - the pros and cons of joint growing

    Concerning the close planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, gardeners' opinions differ. Some believe that the differences in the growing conditions of prevent two cultures from getting along in the same greenhouse .Others are confident that with the proper organization of the beds, this combination of is quite acceptable and they can be placed together.

    Tomatoes love a moderately moist environment, unlike green leaves, which require it in soil and air.

    Solving the problem is quite simple - the beds after the transplanting need to mulch .Mulch prevents overdrying of soil and the formation of evaporation.

    Mulching seedlings after planting

    Most of the water used for irrigation goes deep into the ground or is converted to steam, creating favorable conditions for the development of rot in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or greenhouse. In this case, it is rational to monitor the level of humidity with the help of air vents and doors. Airing refers to preventive measures against fungal infections.

    Another way to prevent the formation of vapors is to use the hydrogel .A handful of soaked polymer is put into each well before planting seedlings. Water can be replaced with a solution of mineral fertilizers, then the procedure will be complex.

    The use of hydrogel reduces the intensity of irrigation, making the irrigation process more productive. When decomposed, the material breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, which will only benefit the soil.

    Benefits from the neighborhood of tomatoes and cucumbers:

    • saving space, water for watering;
    • increase the functionality of the greenhouse;
    • the possibility of using biological methods in the fight against pests and diseases;
    • control of temperature and soil moisture;
    • purchase of the same fertilizer for both plants.
    Planting cucumbers with tomatoes saves space in the greenhouse and water for irrigation.

    Neighborhood of cucumbers and tomatoes:

    • high probability of plant damage by various diseases and pests;
    • the need to prioritize the culture;
    • greenhouse arrangement with curtains or partitions, the use of special means.

    Undesirable Neighbors for Cucumber

    When choosing a neighbor for green men, one should be guided solely by knowledge. It is impossible to plant near the cucumber beds fragrant herbs .Although most of them scare away insects, they can change the taste of a vegetable.

    Onions and garlic pull the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil, this will slow down the development of the cucumber lash and roots, will lower the yield.

    It is not allowed to plant potatoes near cucumbers and .There are several reasons for the negative neighborhood. First, it is actively developing the root system, which can damage the weak cucumber root. Secondly, the plants have different conditions for planting, watering, fertilizers. The Colorado potato beetle in general represents a great danger for green grass.

    it is not recommended to plant cucumbers near the fragrant herbs

    radish can damage the yield of cucumbers. It also prevents the development of the root system, reduces the taste of green fruit.

    In addition to the neighborhood, it is important to remember that the landing site is worth changing annually. Returning to the old bed rationally no earlier than 3 years.

    Following the neighborhood rules in greenhouse beds, favorable conditions are created for the development of both crops. As a result - high yield of vegetables without loss of taste.

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