Proper Growing Butternut Pumpkin

Recently, all new varieties of pumpkin for growing have begun to appear in Russia. And the vegetable itself has become noticeably more popular, of course, thanks to its composition, taste, and even appearance. One of the new pumpkin varieties on the Russian seed market is butternat.


  • Description and characteristics of pumpkin varieties butternut
  • useful properties and contraindications
  • Growth conditions
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reviews

Description and pumpkin varieties characteristics butternut

Bred this variety in America in 1960 by crossing varieties of butternut cultural pumpkin and wild African. In its homeland, this variety is very popular and is one of the best in taste and shelf life.

Butternut is an early ripe variety with an unusual nutty flavor and rather sweet dense pulp. The form is pear-shaped and the seeds are concentrated in its lower part, which, of course, is a great advantage. Pumpkins of this variety are small, from 1 to 2 kg, but on one bush with proper care and favorable climatic conditions can grow up to 20 fruits.

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Pumpkin nutternut nut-nutmeg

Growing nutmeg pumpkin better seedlings, especially in regions of Russia such as Siberia, with a rather cool summer and unpredictable weather in spring.

In the central part of the country, especially in the southern regions, batternat can be grown by planting seeds in open ground, but in the northern regions of the country it will hardly grow - all the same, this variety, bred in warm climatic conditions, does not adapt to the northern ones.

Useful properties and contraindications

Pumpkin batternat, due to its composition, improves the bowels and eliminates toxins. Adding this product to your daily diet helps regulate stools and relieves constipation. It is recommended for people who are prone to excess weight, as well as for hypertensive patients, because it is an excellent dietary product, and its amino acids have a good effect on heart and brain activity. An element such as potassium in a vegetable normalizes the body's water-salt balance, , and eliminates puffiness, removing excess fluid from the body.

Vitamin A in the fetus improves eyesight, skin and hair condition, omega-3 acids lower cholesterol, and phosphorus helps the formation of bone tissue and therefore the use of pumpkin is extremely useful for fractures.

Ready for use

It must be said that, despite the abundance of useful qualities of this product, there are some contraindications to its use.

So pumpkin in no case should not be used by people suffering from diabetes, as well as people with high acidity. The product may be an allergen, so people who have a tendency to such a disease, it is better not to eat it.

Growing Conditions

Pumpkin Seedlings Butternut

Seeds for seedlings, after preheating, careful selection and soaking in early May, can be planted in small containers, given that one pot should be in each seed. In order for planting material not to die, future seedlings must be kept warm, preferably in a greenhouse. Once the soil is fully warmed up, the seedlings can be planted in the ground, avoiding frost.

Butternut is a vegetable crop that requires particularly frequent watering, so if the plant is left without water for a long time, it will most likely die or grow very slowly. Stop watering is only when the future pumpkin reach a size of 15-20 cm in diameter. With regard to fertilizing, before the process of fruit set, agronomists advise to use more natural fertilizers, such as compost, manure or mineral fertilizers. Also, before the plant begins to bloom, you can sprinkle ashes on the bushes.

With proper care, the crop can be removed after 80-90 days from the time of sowing the seeds. If the fruit did not reach the ground, then it is better not to leave them on the bush, since the fruit that has not fully matured will perfectly reach the desired color and acquire the correct orange tint in any dry, moderately cool storage place.

With regard to shelf life, it can be said that pumpkin batternat is a winter variety and therefore is stored for as long as possible, retaining its taste and medicinal properties.
Pumpkin fertilizer in open ground ash

Diseases and pests

Like any other plant, butternut, with improper care, is prone to diseases, including the most popular:

  • bacterial, affecting the leaves and changing the shape of the fruit, which also affects the taste and benefitsproduct;
  • fungal, forming a white coating on the plant and causing rot.

To prevent diseases, the plant needs to be watered in time, eliminated from weeds and loosened. In addition, agrochemists advise even to treat the seeds before planting with a special compound resistant to bacteria.

Among the pests that are extremely dangerous for pumpkins can be identified spider mites and aphids. Prevention from the occurrence of these pests is the timely disposal of the plant from the "sick" leaves and proper watering. But pollinating the plant with chemicals is not recommended.

The period from planting the Butternat variety to the open ground to the harvest stage takes approximately three months.


reviews( housewife, Stavropol Territory).This year, for the first time, my husband and I tried to grow pumpkin butternut on our site; we were quite satisfied with the result. Of course, on the one hand, this variety is very capricious, but on the other hand, its safety and small amount of fruit, which allows to prepare a dish from the whole vegetable at once, are good advantages for us.

Nikolay( pensioner, Novosibirsk region).I spend every summer in the country, so the cultivation of such a demanding care variety did not become a problem for me. My wife and I have been growing pumpkins for a long time, but we have recently met this variety. I recommend it to grow more likely experienced gardeners, since the care of a plant requires experience and knowledge.

Marina( teacher, Perm).I work at school as a biology teacher and therefore this variety interested me first, rather, from the outside — it attracted an unusual form. We tried with the children to grow it on the school grounds, not all succeeded, but the harvest was gathered, although much less than it had been planned.

Galina( retired, Tomsk) I saw the seeds of an unusual pumpkin butternut pumpkin at a spring seed fair and decided to try growing it. She suffered for a long time with taking care of her, but she hoped that I would receive the most delicious fruits. Alas, the taste of this sort of disappointed me. It turned out to be too hard and not at all juicy. I realized that it is better to trust the time-tested varieties.

Sergey( master of yoga, Kemerovo).I am a vegetarian and I am always attracted to various new plant varieties. He grew a pretty decent harvest of batternat in the country. Loved the unusual taste. I use it for food, both raw and cooked, and plan to plant it a little more next year, because it is beautifully stored.

Harvesting Pumptern Butternut

So even if you are not a fan of pumpkin dishes, the Butternat variety will change your perception of this product. In addition, without having your own summer cottage and opportunities for cultivation, you can buy a beautiful pumpkin of this sort in any hypermarket, as some countries that are champions in its cultivation, supply nutmeg for export in Russia at a rather low price.

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